Do you find JP's (Jumping puzzle) rewarding ?
I find the JPs rewarding that I have characters parked at. =) They get crafting materials every day, and the occasional Exotic or, in one character’s case, a few Silver Doubloons per month. Yes, rewarding. =)
I find JP’s fun in and of themselves. The rewards from the chest at the end are just the icing on the cake, really.
I enjoy doing them too. However, the problem with increasing the rewards is that people can just park alts at the end of them.
I think the thing that bugs me most about the JP rewards, it that there isn’t a “big” reward for completing all of them (like a title). Unless I got it and totally forgot about it…
Just something to keep me occupied for awhile, and earn AP. It was amusing till after I finished ’em all. And I do wish there was a title for putting forth the time to do them.
The rewards are not worth the time.
Some are fun, and most are tedious. Some people love this sort of thing. I have enjoyed a few and tolerated the rest.
Yes, please put dragonite in them. I don’t WvW, and most world bosses are boring, afk auto-attack things. Just make it so you have to cross a few checkpoints to get the chest, so people can’t keep alts at the end or use portals to skip it.
I enjoy doing them too. However, the problem with increasing the rewards is that people can just park alts at the end of them.
This would be my main concern as well. We’d see an increased number of either bots, AFKers and the like just sitting at the ends just waiting to get that daily reward. On the other hand, though, you can only have so many alts per the average player, but those who spend large amounts of gems on upgrades would have a leg up over the average player.
I propose that, along with the main chest at the end, there are more smaller chests along the way with smaller rewards, sort of like, “Hey, you got this far, have a tiny reward!” to help nudge the player to further complete the JP. It would also (possibly?) encourage more players to do the JPs as well, because more stuff = happy GW2 player.
| Proud roleplayer! |
| Biyx’s All-For-Nothing Challenge |
I wouldn’t mind having more “consolation prizes” along the way. They already exist in some JP’s (Demongrub Pits, Griffonrook Run), after all. Really short ones like Under New Management or King Jalis’ Refuge probably don’t need them though.
I wouldn’t mind having more “consolation prizes” along the way.
They already exist in some JP’s (Demongrub Pits, Griffonrook Run), after all. Really short ones like Under New Management or King Jalis’ Refuge probably don’t need them though.
Agreed. Maybe there’s a sort of “checkpoint” system, for longer puzzles (Morgan’s Spiral + Dark Menagerie, etc.). Say, based on the length, the JP can have anywhere from 1-3 “checkpoint” chests that give small rewards along the way, with shorter/easier ones having one (as you mentioned, Under New Management or Urmaug’s Secret in LA), the medium sized ones/normal difficulty ones would have 2 (such as Spekk’s Laboratory) and the larger and more difficult ones would have 3 (like Scavenger’s Chasm and Not so Secret).
| Proud roleplayer! |
| Biyx’s All-For-Nothing Challenge |
Funny you should mention Not So Secret. It DOES already have 3 smaller chests along the way to the big one. (One at the “console” room, another in the bottom of the water pipe, and another in the airship’s hold.)
Funny you should mention Not So Secret. It DOES already have 3 smaller chests along the way to the big one.
(One at the “console” room, another in the bottom of the water pipe, and another in the airship’s hold.)
Really? I only ever got to the second small chest, I’ve never actually completed it! >.< But either way, same deal!
| Proud roleplayer! |
| Biyx’s All-For-Nothing Challenge |
The first time I complete them, after that not really.
JPs are not rewarding if your farming them, sure, but they on first completion and if you set challenges for yourself, then they are rewarding on a PERSONAL level.
Not EVERYTHING needs to be a monetary rewards in game. Simply achieving something that may have been a bit difficult should be enough in some cases.
The chest is just a bonus.
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU
The rewards for me include the satisfaction of knowing that I can do the existing JPs a gazillion times faster now than I used to, that I can handle any new JPs (as they show up) with similar mechanics (something that wasn’t true at launch), and that I can help others do so as well.
If they upped the tangible rewards, then they’d have to find ways to limit the total amount of loot each account could acquire from them. Good bye to JP parking (probably).
tl;dr I’m happy with the existing loot in general.
That said, I do think the relative amount/rarity of loot should be rebalanced, so the longest, most challenging puzzles are more rewarding (especially the ones that can’t easily be bypassed by portals).
For two greens and a blue, no they are not rewarding at all.
They are fun to do, but only once or twice but not constantly.
I enjoy doing them too. However, the problem with increasing the rewards is that people can just park alts at the end of them.
This would actually be pretty easy to fix. Just make some sort of consumable key or buff at the start of the puzzle that goes away once you open the chest at the end.
I got a few exotics out of them, so I’m not going to complain over that. They could be more rewarding, but players would complain about how unfair it is to have alts sitting there.
But like it was said, they should have spent a little more time with the loot tables and actually making harder JP more rewarding. But again, parking an alt there completely defeats this idea.
In response to the title question:
Not really. I dont particularly care for jumping puzzles. In order for them to feel rewarding despite not enjoying them they would need much more impressive rewards.
I do enjoy JP’s but I agree that the rewards need to be improved relative to the difficulty of the JP itself. They are most rewarding when completed the first time, when you get that easy 10ap, but after that, not so much.
As for parking alts at the end problem, that could be solved relatively easily. Just make it that the chest only appears at the end of the JP if the player first starts at the starting point. Or have an interactive object at the start of the JP that “activates” it and makes the reward chest generate.
I enjoy doing them too. However, the problem with increasing the rewards is that people can just park alts at the end of them.
This would actually be pretty easy to fix. Just make some sort of consumable key or buff at the start of the puzzle that goes away once you open the chest at the end.
Yeah do something kinda like the JP’s in the borderlands where you have to get 1 or more parts of a key, to even be able to open the chest at the end
Rewarding as far as loot? No.
Fun and challenging? Yes! JPs are amongst my favorite parts of the game. I have good jump days and bad jump days, the good days progressively outnumbering the bad. If I find that I am having a good jump day, I will probably just start running through the JPs.
I started out as a crap jumper, taking forever to manage one. Regardless, I have been JP obsessed since Beta so I kept at it. Now I am probably a good to very good jumper… I find this rewarding.
80s: Necro x2, Ranger, Warr, Guardian x2, Ele x2, Mes, Thief
(edited by Gregori.5807)