Do you think Anet's Policy of Deleting/Closing bot posts productive

Do you think Anet's Policy of Deleting/Closing bot posts productive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: acemanelite.3987


Like the post says…do you feel Anet’s position on deleting/closing bot posts is productive?

Do they really not wanting us to freely talk about the obvious and rampant bot issue in this game? Even their “official” bot post is closed.

It seems Anet just doesn’t want ANY conversation on the bot issues from the community…do you feel this is right?

Do you think Anet's Policy of Deleting/Closing bot posts productive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bojangles.6912


I think they are closing them because they are aware of it and it adds clutter. I agree for the most part the time to close them down is now or at least merge them all into 1 active thread. But the continuous posting about it and new topics about it, is getting a bit much so I can see why they do that now and agree for the most part.

Do you think Anet's Policy of Deleting/Closing bot posts productive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: acemanelite.3987


If they would actually leave an active thread I would be ok with that…but they close every one and there is no reason for it. All it does is adds to the communities frustration on the subject

Do you think Anet's Policy of Deleting/Closing bot posts productive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelot.8276


They close the threads because anyone who may want to buy GW2 might come into the forums before hand to see how things are shaping up…

Had i known about ANETs history of botting issue in their previous titles i would not have bought GW2 at all…. my bad i guess

25 years of online gaming i learned time and time again to do my research, i overlooked the botting issue but never again!

ANET will come to a realization when they release the 1st expansion pack… million+ players will not buy it because of the botting problem, and i wont get suckered in either, youl see they do a big bunch of ban waves when that date comes, but unless the problem is 90% fixed theres zero chance ill ever spend a penny on this game.

Do you think Anet's Policy of Deleting/Closing bot posts productive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


Do you think constantly complaining about bots is productive?

ANet realise that they are a problem. No amount of threads complaining about them will be in any way productive.

SoE have finally been knocked off the top spot
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!

Do you think Anet's Policy of Deleting/Closing bot posts productive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mimir.4690


I don’t see bots that often, to be quite honest, but if I do just hit report and go on my way. I don’t complain about them, I just do my part.

However, I think more people would be less likely to report them if ANet more frequently let us know what was going on. When tons of threads on the same topic spawn, it’s because we have no idea if ANet is actually reading what we’re telling them. Now that is frustrating. Luckily, I did see a Dev update us on the bots… But I don’t recall if that was recent or not.

Do you think Anet's Policy of Deleting/Closing bot posts productive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hello everyone.

For the latest official answer about the botting issue, please check here. As we have repeatedly said, we are very committed to fighting botters and currently working on a big solution while at the same time asking for patience and reminding the community that the best way of helping us is to keep on using the in-game reporting tools. Using the forums as a denounce tool will not unfortunately offer us any help.

Thanks for your understanding.