DoI have to regrind asc gear to swap classes?

DoI have to regrind asc gear to swap classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fadeaway.2807


I used to have a guardian with two sets of ascended gear (zerker and cleric) but I quit playing ages ago.
I’d kind of like to give gw2 another try with the expansion.. but I do not want to play guardian.

Would I have to regrind all the asc gear again if I wanted to play another class other than warrior/revenant? Is it still pretty hard to do? It feels a big shame if I have to just ditch my asc gear. I probably won’t bother with the expansion if I have to regrind that gear.

Or do people bypass asc gear and go straight for legendary now?

DoI have to regrind asc gear to swap classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alone.1784


Have to remake ascended armor for light or leather classes. If you don’t have leather working or tailoring at 500 I’d assume it’d be about 600g for either set. Legendary armor isn’t in yet I believe it comes with raids in a few weeks.

DoI have to regrind asc gear to swap classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


You’ll need to get new armor for any non-heavy class.
People aren’t going straight to legendary, its not out yet, and once its out will only be obtainable from raids which are balanced around and are “recommended” to have ascended gear.

That said, exotic is fine for most everything else. For now.

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There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon