Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coregrin.6150


I was thinking about this the other day at work and wanted to see if anyone else experienced this urge. I heard my boss coming down the hall towards my office and wondered what my chances were of dodge rolling to the adjacent kitchen without being noticed.

I’m sure this could applied to more heroic situations than just wanting to avoid an awkward conversation with upper management. Maybe dodge rolling away from the wife when she notices a “gentlemen’s club” on the credit card statement?

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Salamol.7963


Like across train tracks because you need to be on the other platform…

Disclaimer: This is not advice.

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Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grizm.4560


You can’t dodge roll away from the wife, you’ll run out of endurance long before she does and she has CC.

Dodge Roll when the person you are talking to starts telling you about this foolproof way to make some money but they need an initial investment.

Dodge Roll when that Starbucks barista with the long blonde hair and nice figure turns out to be a dude.

Dodge Roll when you get caught eating cookies that were baked for someone else.

Tarnished Coast
My characters think I’m crazy.

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coregrin.6150


Wish I had thought of this earlier in the month when my daughter approached me for Bieber tickets. I would’ve dodge rolled into traffic to avoid that concert.

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: callidus.7085


wow.. just wow.. lol i can’t contribute but I have to say, very clever guys :-D

Slow down and smell the pixels.

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Matthew Kline.8420

Matthew Kline.8420

I wanted to dodge roll out of my office when my boss caught me typing on guild wars 2 forums.

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


This screams out for a youtube video contest. Just be careful not to get injured, people. =D

I think my dodge rolling days are probably over. I’d pull a hammy on my first attempt and be cc’d in place for a week.

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coregrin.6150


Dodge Roll out of a prostate exam. Right when you hear the rubber gloves snap.

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MassRelay.9327


I just drank an Elixir U, so I’m out of luck.

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyric.7485


I wish I could dodge roll to my car to avoid post one night stand awkward morning encounters.

Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minda.9270


I saw a spider approach me on my desk, instant dodge roll backwards out of my chair to void the venomous bite.

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MLieBennett.9031


I wanted Dodge Roll forwards to get past the crowded aisle and into the speedy cashier’s line ahead of the old lady with a fully loaded-down cart on my lunch break.

I wanted to Dodge Roll away from a boring talk with a customer, and hoped Deceptive Evasion created a clone to be my stand in.

I would definitely Dodge Roll w/ Deceptive Evasion in my car while speeding, so the cop would go after the Clone instead.

I would also offensively Dodge Roll w/ Deceptive Evasion in my car to send a suicidal clone car on a Revenge Mission against the idiot driver that cut me off/did something stupid/nearly caused me to crash.

Dodge Roll away from my station at work and leave behind a clone? Sheer utter genius way to get a break/drink without anyone complaining.

Also wanted Blink and Portal from the Mesmer as well. Need a drink, make a Portal Entre, Blink myself and my chair to the fridge, grab one, then make a Portal Exit and skip back to my PC.

- (Death, Terry Pratchett, Hogfather)

(edited by MLieBennett.9031)

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arsenal.2601


“Wait. Who ate the last piece of pizza I was saving?”
Dodge roll.

“Let me show you these pictures of my vacation I took on my phone.”
Dodge roll.

“Vanessa needs a ride home from the airport.”
Dodge roll.

“Introducing, Windows Vista!”
Dodge roll.

“Normally I wouldn’t ask, but I’ve seemed to have misplaced my wallet …”
Dodge roll.

“Something something endgame something something bored …”
Dodge roll.

“I know this vegan restaurant, great tofu …”
Dodge roll.

“I’m always achieving greatness!”

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Selo.1250


Wish I had thought of this earlier in the month when my daughter approached me for Bieber tickets. I would’ve dodge rolled into traffic to avoid that concert.

Ouch, now that is something i wouldnt even wish upon my worst enemy
Dodge rolling that shouldnt cost any endurance

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: coglin.1496


Dodge Roll when that Starbucks barista with the long blonde hair and nice figure turns out to be a dude.

Would never bee a reason for me to dodge roll.

I have a policy about being anywhere in which fools will stand in line complaining about gas prices while waiting to buy coffee that is $56 a gallon

But I do like to dodge roll into my pool.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

“Hey honey I’ve seen a site on your PC the other day, let me see web history to see if I can fin-”
Double dodge + double infiltrator arrow + withdraw + roll for initiative + shadowstep.

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyric.7485


“Hey honey I’ve seen a site on your PC the other day, let me see web history to see if I can fin-”
Double dodge + double infiltrator arrow + withdraw + roll for initiative + shadowstep.

This made me LOL IRL! xD

Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kietay.2345


Mmm! Does your car run on coffee too? I thought I had the only one!

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RavenDaughter.1857


“Hey honey I’ve seen a site on your PC the other day, let me see web history to see if I can fin-”
Double dodge + double infiltrator arrow + withdraw + roll for initiative + shadowstep.
Nope. Not enough. The only thing that can save you there is logging out and claiming linkdeath later on . . .

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aelelan.1639


“Today to prepare you for the AP exam, we’ll be taking a practice MCAT!”
Wish I could’ve dodge rolled out of that one.

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azerack.7285


I’ve had a few staff meetings where if I could have just Dodge-rolled under the projection screen I could have made it out the door opposite where I was sitting…

Personally, I might just go for a cinnamon roll, instead, though… yummy cream cheese frosting melting on top?…. = )P

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


Mosquito lands on arm…

…dodge roll

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sekin.7803


I want the mesmer ability… so I can take a nap under my office desk and let my clone do the work…

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Seeing as how this is an online game, I have a hard time believing many of our fellow players can even touch their toes much less dodge roll.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shokai.9854


Because of this darn thread I had to try it. Luckily there was a pool to my right. It works!!

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


Seeing as how this is an online game, I have a hard time believing many of our fellow players can even touch their toes much less dodge roll.

What are you talking about? Rolling is a heck of a lot easier when you’re round.

It’s the crushed Cheetos and Mt. Dew cans on the carpet that really make it difficult…

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zogrim.6925


I wonder if this counts as “real life situation”

“Glyph of Renewal: This skill will now revive downed allies only, not dead ones.” – GW2 Patch – October 11, 2012

Dodge roll! Yaay I can still res people. ^^

(If only :P)

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: theerrantventure.9185


I work in a call center. Answering a call and hear this right after I say hello: “GET ME YOUR KITTENING SUPERVISOR”

Dodge roll.

Trolls are like stray cats.
Feed them and they multiply.
Please do not feed them.

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


I work in a call center. Answering a call and hear this right after I say hello: “GET ME YOUR KITTENING SUPERVISOR”

I think all call center jobs should come with a free supply of endurance regeneration boosters.

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tanith.5264


Hmm, I work in retail.

I don’t know who would laugh harder…the customers seeing a salesperson dodge rolling to avoid an awkward situation, or my chiropractor when I explain to him how I sprained my back.


Tanith Fencewalker, Tanni Mindbender, Thyra Wrathbringer, Lovecraft Thrall
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coregrin.6150


“Put the f—king lotion in the basket!” – Dodge roll

Dodge Rolling applied to real life situations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CoffeeBean.8690


Mother-in-law asking me for the nth time, “When are you having kids?” – dodge roll.