Dodge useless in Pve

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thunderbird.8036


If you reply do not bother to be nasty because I have an opinion nor tell me it is fine for you so why am I complaining as I so often see when others post. (That is the sort of response that normally stops people like me from ever coming to forums to speak)

1/ Dodge does not dodge anything sent at you by any form of bosses… what good is it. A useless part time skill that should be listed as pvp only since it is useless where it counts in pve. It is fine to dodge common NPC’s but they do not hurt you that much; but the things you practice dodging for (mini bosses and powerful npc’s) you cannot dodge, so waste of time trying or thinking you can. A specific encounter is Spider Queen in Kessels Hills. You cannot dodge the cacoon. I have many times watched as the cacoon changes course to follow my strafing dodge. I have been stopped and am just a green haze to one side of the cacoon, unable to fight it because I am not in it because my dodge attempt bugged it.
Dodging when in the radius of the toxic flowers damage seems to generally if not always totally fail. If you time a dodge well or 2 in a row you should escape unharmed but pretty much never do. Do not bother to tell me I am wrong, I have fought it many times testing it. I enjoy the fight but the dodge mechanic (not evade)which should be able to be effectively used is useless. It is not the only encounter I find this, but a good one for example. Also if it worked some of the time it might just be latency and so on but it is 100% fail. I have even been cacooned when well behind a tree, which blocked me doing damage with my skills but does not always block the cacoon.

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trolaw.7095


Best use i found for dodge is dodge rolling to skip parts of jumping puzzles other than that i kinda agree with you

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zypher.9536


Dodging for me is the only thing that’s keeping me alive in PvE. That is against World bosses, as well as in dungeons and fractals. I even trait extra Vigor access if possible with the profession I’m playing (and if it makes sense in the build ofc) so I can stay alive longer. It’s essential in difficult PvE content to dodge knockdowns, stuns, or skills that will generally one-shot you. Please, don’t go complain on the forum because you managed to find one boss with a skill that cannot be dodged, there are many bosses with skills like that, just like there are bosses with projectile attacks that cannot be reflected.

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


Dodging is a movement technique used to evade incoming attacks by quickly moving out of the way. A dodge consumes 50 endurance and players have a maximum of 100 endurance. You dodge 300 units over .75 seconds and can dodge in any direction. This speed is fixed and doesn’t change in combat like movement speed. If you are not moving, you will dodge backwards. Some mechanics prevent you from dodging, including being immobilized, immediately after being knocked back, or while under the effects of fear. In addition to its utility to avoiding attacks, several traits and some foods offer special benefits to characters after they dodge.

That’s why some skills tend to use “unblockable”

They’re mostly traps (flowers?) and some mark effects. Which are in the end very similar in nature.

Dodging is the primary way how people stay alive in pve and dungeons, not to mention WvW, as each dodge tend to give you a few tenths of a second of complete invulnerability against all “blockable attacks” which make up 95%, if not more, of all possible skills ingame, allowing you to double dodge through an enemy zerg while they spam you and you’ll stay alive, at least for 1.5 seconds…

I’m not going to be mean, but you should try ity out, the red circles are a marker for any affected area, something is going to hit, so you can dodge, or watch the telegraphs on bosses. (play CoF, p1 at the boss you’ll see a huge red circle now and again, if you wait 2 seconds, maybe 3 then dodge you’ll avoid the attack. If not you’ll be burning. )

Certain attacks are unblockable, yes. and it’s good as is.

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xiahou Mao.9701

Xiahou Mao.9701

There’s a difference between “Dodge cannot dodge any attack by any boss” and “Dodge doesn’t work on this attack by this boss”. There are some attacks in the game that can’t be dodged, this is correct. The Shatterer and Subject Alpha’s crystal prison attacks can’t be dodged. The Toxic Spider Queen’s cocoon might be the same, though it’s been a while since I’ve fought it so I can’t say for sure. You can’t dodge Mai Trin’s Shadowshot attack either. You can’t dodge the Claw of Jormag’s dragonfear. But then there’s plenty of attacks you can dodge.

Some attacks that can’t be dodged can be blocked. Mai Trin’s Shadowshot is a good example of that, it can be blocked or reflected. But at the same time, there’s attacks that are unblockable. Mai Trin has a lightning arc attack that she will also use, which is unblockable but can be dodged. It keeps players on their toes. When she makes a sweeping motion with her arm, you need to dodge. When she points her pistol at the farthest player from her, that player needs to block/reflect.

And there’s plenty of attacks that can be both blocked and dodged. While the Claw’s fear can’t be dodged, Tequatl’s can. Every attack by the Jungle Wurm in Caledon Forest can be dodged or blocked, even its own fear. You can dodge raining fire in the Fire Elemental fight, you can dodge the slam attacks of Golem Mark II, you can dodge the blue fire from the Statue of Dwayna, you can dodge the leaping hammer smash of a Champion Icebrood Kodan, and so on and so forth. Attacks like the Toxic Spider Queen’s cocoons or Subject Alpha’s crystal prison are the exceptions that prove the rule, they’re mechanics designed to encourage teamwork (break your allies free!) and provide different experiences in those fights.

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PookieDaWombat.6209


Uhm…i think you think that telling others not to point out how you’re wrong is a thing that makes sense, but in this case to have any proper discourse you have to realize that such a request (and it IS a request) cannot be adhered to.

In essence, you’re wrong about dodge not working. Aside from the MANY videos out there on the web of people solo running dungeons and champions, etc and using dodge to great effect already disproving your stance, there are probably and equal number of posters on these forums that could also attest to the contrary. I usually hate the L2P arguments, but in this instance, that is exactly what this is.

Sure lag and an occasionally buggy mechanic can come into play, but I can say with personal certainty that dodge not only works against big bosses, but it has saved my life numerous times in PvE on all of my toons.

So yeah, at the end of the day, practice learning the big hits and their timing on these bosses.

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Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Dodge useless in Pve

Do not bother to tell me I am wrong


Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elegy.2159


How’s your ping, OP? And your FPS? High ping/low FPS can make dodging very hard to time.

Do you have AOE indicators enabled? I think they are by default, but could you have disabled them by accident? You should see red circles on the ground, followed by damage in the marked area if they’re enabled.

What profession do you play? It’s true that some attacks are unblockable, but they’re often able to be reflected. How you’d reflect something is profession specific, so I’ll be happy to help you figure it out if I know what direction to take.

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dace.8019


1/ Dodge does not dodge anything sent at you by any form of bosses

but the things you practice dodging for (mini bosses and powerful npc’s) you cannot dodge, so waste of time trying or thinking you can.

Do not bother to tell me I am wrong

the dodge mechanic (not evade)which should be able to be effectively used is useless

it is 100% fail

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thunderbird.8036


Thank you Xiahou Mao. Though I knew well of the group thing where others need to help break one out of the cacoon, or to distract or slow the spider while the cacooned person fights for their freedom, your explanation helps make sense of it when reading it. Maybe not telling me what I did not already know but reading what you said helps accept it.
And Zypher that is exactly what forums are for. A complaint or problem laid out for constructive feedback. Give me your e-mail and I will run everything by you first to see if I have a right to post it for replies from others. Maybe you have the answer I need before I post here. I already told you not to put some reply like ( Please, don’t go complain on the forum because you managed to find one boss with a skill that cannot be dodged). The constructive answers help some like me to reason out or accept some things.

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sirius.4510


There are some things that dodge doesn’t help with, but plenty more it does – if you don’t have enough time to clear the red circle of an incoming AoE, dodge can quite frequently buy you that extra time. That’s extremely valuable against most bosses, even.

Just a random PuGgle.
Stormbluff Isle ( )

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thunderbird.8036


Thanks those who gave constructive feedback. Might as well leave it there. I shall just accept how it is.

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RSLongK.8961


this event?

Yeah its kinda hard alone.

Main: Warrior|Character counter: 16

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dlonie.6547


This got deleted because I had a quote that contained an insult from the OP directed at another poster. So I’ll repost without the quote:

Well, you posted a blatantly hyperbolic statement that was an obscene exaggeration of a sliver of truth.

What sort of response did you expect?

If you want intelligent answers so badly, try asking your questions more intelligently.

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

I think it’s a Learn 2 Play issue really. Dodging and evading are necessary in PvE if you don’t want to die. This game is punishing to people who have a Hack & Slash mentality.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: timmyf.1490


Oh Look. Dace can copy and past. Nothing informative or helpful. But good to see even kittens like him can go to forums to pick on anyone who dares open his mouth. Happy Moron day to you too.

Well, you put up a blatantly hyperbolic statement that is an obscene exaggeration of sliver of truth, and say “Don’t tell me I’m wrong”.

What sort of response did you expect? If you want intelligent answers, try asking intelligent questions.

Yeah, the proper way to approach this would be like so:

“Dodge doesn’t seem to work for me. Am I supposed to be able to dodge everything? For example, the Spider Queen in Kessex Hills seems to be able to cocoon me even if I’m dodging.

If dodge doesn’t work on all attacks, what’s the point?"

You’re welcome to have your opinion, but when you start off by saying “don’t tell me I’m wrong” and calling a core game mechanic “useless,” you’re going to get some flak.

tl;dr if you want helpful answers, ask a question.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sorin.4310


Do not bother to tell me I am wrong, I have fought it many times testing it.

You’re wrong.

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elegy.2159


Yeah, the proper way to approach this would be like so:

As far as social mores go, you’re correct. However, English may not be OP’s first language. OP could also be very young, or just tired. It’s impossible to know on the internet. There are countless times I’ve said something that could have been worded better, and I assume that’s the case for everyone. We do our best. c:

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malthurius.6870


It’s a bit silly to say that since dodge doesn’t work against these few boss abilities that it is completely useless. Most un-dodge-able attacks are that way because they’re important mechanics to the fight. Dodge is what separates the good players from the bad, and just being able to get a short burst of speed to move out of AoE is invaluable. You should attempt a fractal with your dodge key unbound.

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NTDK.4897


you’re kidding right?

the thing that makes the zerker meta meta is the dodge.

ign: Larxene Rakushinu
Incoming Quaggans [iQ]

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elegy.2159


Forgot to mention, OP. Do you have your dodge set to the default keybind (double tap a movement key)? The default keybind is terrible. It creates choppy and slow dodges, in my opinion. If you haven’t rebound it to a more convenient single key, try that. I have mine bound to shift, but any key that’s easy to reach for you will work better than the default.

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Another way to look at this situation: If the red circle shows up, and dodging doesn’t work, wouldn’t avoiding the red circles be the next logical option? And if you choose not to avoid the red circles, whose fault is it really?

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Dodge useless in Pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: naiasonod.9265


Do not bother to tell me I am wrong, I have fought it many times testing it.

You’re wrong.

Pretty much this, yeah.

One is only the smartest person in the room if they are alone.