Does ANET just not care about healthbar UI?
I would like for this feature added as well. There are now play styles in the game that this would be very useful to have as a toggle on/off option. Please add the ability to see friendly player health bars.
Well if you are on a party or squad you can see their health but yeah this feature could be really usefull too
There was a good meme about that a while back a dps metter creator make a feature that allowed you to ahve big healthbars on your allies while they move. Anet didnt like that and asked him to remove it.
A while back they did add a checkbox in the game options that displays a percentage on the health bar when targeting players/NPCs. But it would be nice to have an option to show actual health point numbers. There have been times when fighting a boss or champion and its health bar shows it has 1% left and it still takes like 5 more minutes to finally defeat it (like in fractals and other group content).
An option that shows both a percentage and hit points on a health bar would be nice, but I’d settle for only displaying 1 or the other.
(edited by Charrbeque.8729)
If they want to avoid numbers/bars they can probably put rings around party members (Like whenever you target someone) that change colour depending on their health. The graphics are already there so it wouldn’t feel out of place.
With the way healers in this game work floating bars would wake SO much sense and it would make the healer’s job that much more enjoyable.
I’ve been searching around for if there was a way to see your allies health over their heads and I’ve seen threads from years ago talking about how it’s not possible and suggesting this feature.
It’s incredibly disheartening as someone who likes to play support roles that this is pretty much never going to be addressed.
My own theory is this: anet actually do care a great deal about this, but what they care is that it remains the way it is, quite deliberately to avoid the classic “healer” click-the-low-bar model in the game.
So, it’s not that they don’t care, it’s that they don’t agree that this is good for the game they want to build.