Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wookie slayer.4259

wookie slayer.4259

So I have put the game on the shelf not due to disliking the game but of running out of things i find meaningful do to in the game. I see quite a few people also feeling done with the game. My question is do you believe GW2 has the content to keep people around after they have leveled up, got the gear skins they like, and grow tired of pvp?

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vzur.7123


Not yet, no… Hopefully they’re working on that, though.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryth.6518


My question to you is: What keeps people there (the other MMO) after they have gotten leveled up, got the gear and skins they like and grow tired of PvP/PvE?

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wookie slayer.4259

wookie slayer.4259

Right now lots of people are still happy with the game but the ones who “rushed” through it feel like there is nothing to do. I’m worried for the games numbers when the majority hit that “what now stage?”

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bel Geode.8129

Bel Geode.8129

Now aren’t you glad there is no subscription model? No feeling “forced” to play because you are paying $15.00 a month?

I believe that is the idea here… ArenaNet expects that people will get bored and wander off, just as they do with other games out there. They also expect that when new content becomes available, those people will come rolling back in. That’s the beauty of it… It is your game. You bought it, you got a lifetime membership so to speak, and can play it whenever the mood strikes you.

Guild Wars 1 went through the same ebb and flow each time they added new content, and especially expansions. I suspect the same will happen here.

Want another example, look at what is going on over in Blizz-land. A few months of pandas and they’ll be back.

I, for one, intend on being here the whole time. I have way too much stuff to accomplish in Tyria… and I am taking my own sweet time to do it. If I need a breather, I will take a breather, but I do not have to worry about my “sub” running out. Neither do you.

Play it whenever you feel like.

Find Bel Geode- THE Purple Norn on twitch tv.
“Doing The Dailies " Weeknights at 8PM EST.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


who knows.
Gw2 Is a casual game.
Depends on how casual a person is I guess.

If I left, id probably come back for the holiday events and stuff

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ixal.7924


No it has not.
And this is mainly a problem of quality not quantity at the moment.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vaerah.4907


I find that people quit GW2 for two reasons:

- Many PvE oriented people come from WoW or similar and find the lack of a “beyond end game” content disappointing. Not a GW2 fault, but still this will cause these guys to leave.

- Many PvP oriented people came from other older games with the “e-sport” idea, with the “balanced PvP” promises in their mind.
What they found are thieves and similar abominations on one side, and necros / elementalists on the other. That is something so far from any kind of decent gameplay that they quit disgusted.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ixal.7924


You forget the people who are simply bored by the content, in PvE for example the bosses who are just incredible HP sacks with unblockable instant kill moves. The only strategy usable there is corps zerging.
Or the whole design of late game zones which 1 mob every 10 feet and ridiculous respawn rate.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vaerah.4907


I don’t find the “late game zones” so impossible and I play an elementalist (on my other classes I just chew through them like butter).

Only thing I find annoying is the utter lack of motivation (some would call reward) for killing group bosses. When all goes well you get a metal scrap or a bad blue for an event lasted 20 minutes and escalated into big boss.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xecil.2798


The community affects lasting power over anything else. SWG wouldn’t have been the same without my guild and friends, same with FFXI. If you don’t have a solid group in the game, you might stay, you might not. It just depends what you look for in your games. I’m not a fan of the way that Anet is handling their issues (much less how the game was released in the state that it’s in,) but the game is beautiful and it’s still fun for me. When FFXIV round 2 comes, then I may make a switch. We’ll just have to see who can seduce me more, Anet or Squeenix.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rick.1378


My question to you is: What keeps people there (the other MMO) after they have gotten leveled up, got the gear and skins they like and grow tired of PvP/PvE?

Community. That sense that you are not doing things alone, but with a group of like minded real people. I think that’s mainly what keeps people playing.

Of course you also have the satisfaction of dopamine receptors, the “ding” that players get addicted to. A new level…ding. A new alternate skill point…ding. A new piece of raid armor…ding. This is the treadmill all MMO’s are based on, even GW2. Except GW2 doesn’t have a great rewards system in place IMO and doesn’t draw you in as strongly at endgame as other MMO’s. I think many players just feel kind of unfulfilled towards the end.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: prenavo.3926


I think the best is yet to come.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


NO, the game has got stale for me. Even though I haven’t even come close to completing the map.

The main problem is all the nerfing, lack of population at DEs, and as others have said lack of the feeling of reward (once you get to 80). I could level up a different class but because of all their nerfing I am leery of putting any time into a class, only to see a skill I liked nerfed to hell and back.

I will play a bit here and there but like many others the rush I had in the beginning has faded.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loxias.2375


The game is way too big with no purpose or progression at 80, which makes it a single player campaign for everyone but pvp’rs, which are a minority. The pvp is not my style so I won’t comment on that. (Come see me in TF2 if you think you’re quick.)

The only reason everyone is ticked off is that they were “sold” a persistent MMO. When people say, “Hey wait a minute…” they’re told it’s not a PVE game, or they played it “wrong” etc.

Also, they physical world is MUCH too big for the populations on the servers. They used a poor engine, and it’s left the world seeming desolate unless people are standing on top of you. Even when LA is packed you only “see” like 10 people max. WvW is just a joke because of those mechanics. I really can’t believe how poorly thought through that design choice was. So poor I find it hard to really care about the future of it. I do feel bad for the artists and designers who built the amazing world. It’s kind of tragic to see the mess the current team has reduced it to, and I’ll keep it in mind the next time NCSoft buys a company.

“Your choices determine how your personal story evolves; with thousands of possible variations, no two players will have the exact same experience.” = Trahearne?

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


yes, the content is very big for a game at launch and the payment model makes it a go-to-game. I expect 10-15 percent of the original buyers to leave (or have left) by now, the superhardcore crowd whose days are really over in gaming industry – they will never again be happy with a new big MMO because the audience has grown a lot, mostly caused by WoWs success. Games are no longer designed for gamers who put all their spare time into their hobby, but average people who like to play. While you had endgame complaints (the issue is there, but this player type will burn through any content at an insane speed) in week ONE from that crowd, I suspect a huge percentage of the players haven´t even reached lvl 80 now. For them, GW2´s success will mainly depend on anet fixing those event bugs at last and adding new content – without the powercreep – at a reasonable pace.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrixTrix.7168


unfortuantly no.

as much as people say they hate ‘’carrots on a stick’’ dangling that infront of the player base really does keep them a reason to keep going, unfortuantly in GW2 its all self motivated, im not saying you need to be pointed to ‘’go there, do this’’ but for example the legtendary’s…stat wise are…underwhelming if you put THIS much effort into crafting something then you really need some what of a reward.

i like arenanet, there one of the few companies left that actually care, or atleast seem too though in my opinion they need to move away from NCsoft.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ren.7539


Got 5 toons … lvl 60 32 31 25 20 , I see myself playing this game for months to come simply to lvl my toons to 80 .. then ill get into WvW with my 80s and also get into PVP.

By the time this happens… i bet expansions will be out and the game will be updated ect.

So by not rushing.. and i still play 2-3 hours a night .. i have pretty much at least another 2-3 months before everything mentioned above is completed.

Also will do every explorable dungeon path as well when i get there

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Melphina.9035


My question to you is: What keeps people there (the other MMO) after they have gotten leveled up, got the gear and skins they like and grow tired of PvP/PvE?

The same thing that keeps people in most games. Community. Though the lack of server forums makes it kind of hard to expand said community.

Melphina Kobe ~ Thief

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


unfortuantly no.

as much as people say they hate ‘’carrots on a stick’’ dangling that infront of the player base really does keep them a reason to keep going, unfortuantly in GW2 its all self motivated, im not saying you need to be pointed to ‘’go there, do this’’ but for example the legtendary’s…stat wise are…underwhelming if you put THIS much effort into crafting something then you really need some what of a reward.

i like arenanet, there one of the few companies left that actually care, or atleast seem too though in my opinion they need to move away from NCsoft.

this is a really big issue imo. We have the grotesque situation with enough carrots in game, but none of them are tasty. Marketing messages aside, of cause there is a lot of grinding in the game allready – which is not necessarily a bad thing if it isn´t overtly mandatory – but the rewards for doing so are ridiculous. Starting with the Karma armor, plain silly: I had made enough money/gotten enough materials for a full customized set of armor and weapons (+enough to bring my alts all to high crafting levels) the time I had enough Karma for two Orr Karma pieces which aren´t even better, but possibly worse without the customization. Then we have legendary items: The elements of research, gambling and the dedication needed to craft at the mystic forge could be a really great incentive if it was really worthwhile. After I have aquired all “normal” gear I wanted, could I see myself bringing stuff to the mystic forge for months in hope to get an item that does not outshine my exotic level gear statwise? Hell. no! Would I do it if the legendary items were only 5 % better (which would seem like a reasonable improvement after putting that much effort into the gear)? You bet! Anet should really step back from the “we have no grind”-illusion, GW2 is not grind heavy now, but certainly there are things to be repeated. Dangling a real carrot will not necessarily change it.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arcaneclarity.5283


I am still waiting for all those minigames that were promised.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


Im still waiting for screen shots from someone of:
Their character select screen with all medals.
Their achievement screen showing all dungeon paths complete, all story paths complete, and all jumping puzzles complete.

Without those demonstrating you have completed all of the content, all criticisms that there is not enough content are invalid.

Time and time again we find out the players that say they are bored, and that there is nothing to do, rushed to 80 and treated the game like a wine tasting party. They tried the dungeons in story mode or ran the first chest of one path of a dungeon, so there’s no need to do the others. They did one jumping puzzle, no reason to do the others. They previewed the dungeon armor sets, so there’s nor reason to get them. Probably played one match of sPvP, concluded their class was under-powered and quit with an empty locker.

Yes there are things to do. And there is a difference between the game not having enough content, and the game not having enough of the type of content that you prefer. Maybe they will add more things later to satisfy different players individual tastes. The only people that will ever really be “up the creek without a paddle- thank you for your $60 – buhbye” are the ones that define their play time by stat based gear progression. Gw has never and will never be their cup of tea.

The Kismet

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Science.6709


Soon! You’ll be able to pay $$ to arena! Content forever.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


“Does GW2 have the replayability to keep a large player base?”

Should be your question.

IMO as far as PvE goes, definately not.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryth.6518



Community did not keep people playing WoW.

It was a large gear grind/treadmill that kept people playing and the new feeling of an MMO for lots of people those first years (and the majority of the Pop came in during BC). That died off in mid WotLK and other spots when people realized it was the way Blizzard kept them paying $15 a month. That community fell apart faster then anything when Cataclysm hit and it was the same grindfest.


If you mean a treadmill, then no GW2 does not have one to keep those players interested. People will have to learn that games end till new content. The only reason WoW had a treadmill was because they had a monthly sub and wanted to lock people into playing.

Just like a new book, if you rush your way through it, you will have a long time to wait till the next book. And yep..maybe that means only reading 1-2 chapters a night.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


Wth is it with you people and treadmills.

You just assume I’m talking about treadmills.

I said replayability, that doesn’t automatically mean treadmills.

Treadmills, treadmills, treadmills.

This game has one btw, it’s a gold treadmill.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryth.6518


Because Loot treadmills is what basically re-playability is in MMOs.

In WoW, PvP, it’s grind the gear every week till max points, then the majority just stop playing till the next week…rinse…repeat. Once they get their gear, then they basically start complaining that they need something to do/grind for again and want more content. Same with PvE. You get the gear, once you get it, the majority stop playing until next content patch.

It’s a vicious cycle that the developers just cannot solve.

Honestly, League of Legends seems to be the game that people enjoy playing that has a grind that is optional that doesn’t affect the game at all. (Skins/Champions). Probably the best example of something that seems to work. Not everyone likes that game in terms of the content/game style but they are going strong.

Another example was early WoW when they introduced the BG’s. Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and AV.

You had to play them over and over and over to get reputation with the faction which lead to gear for your toon. After you got that, most just stopped doing that BG since they got their gear.

(edited by Ryth.6518)

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


It depends on your gaming habits. If you play everyday for long periods of time, then no. If you play in a more controlled matter, yes.

I have been playing since early access, my highest level is 74. Still more than 60% of the world to see and I have only done two of the dungeons. Also I have only “seriously” played with two classes and haven’t even tried sPvP.
The game is keeping me so far O.o

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raf.1078


I don’t think ANet designed this game with the hardcore / end game player in mind.

My highest toon is only 65. The 4 others are mostly under 30. I’ve only barely touched WvW…no Pvp….lots of other stuff I need to try, but just haven’t gotten around to it.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nefar.8135


I would say it depends on your play style rather than the amount of content provided. I personally came for the siege warfare. To me that’s my end game. I’m satisfied. I also enjoy to run the dungeons a couple times with friends. I have a level 80 and have not seen 50% of the map. ( I have a level 37,30,15 as well) Even with all these levels I still have 60% of the lands to discover. So for me I have some time yet until I’m out of content.

However, if you’re the type of player that wants to get to 80 fast and do dungeons/raids until dawn 5 times a week…Yeah, I could see content getting a little stale.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


The game is way too big with no purpose or progression at 80, which makes it a single player campaign for everyone but pvp’rs, which are a minority. The pvp is not my style so I won’t comment on that. (Come see me in TF2 if you think you’re quick.)

The only reason everyone is ticked off is that they were “sold” a persistent MMO. When people say, “Hey wait a minute…” they’re told it’s not a PVE game, or they played it “wrong” etc.

Also, they physical world is MUCH too big for the populations on the servers. They used a poor engine, and it’s left the world seeming desolate unless people are standing on top of you. Even when LA is packed you only “see” like 10 people max. WvW is just a joke because of those mechanics. I really can’t believe how poorly thought through that design choice was. So poor I find it hard to really care about the future of it. I do feel bad for the artists and designers who built the amazing world. It’s kind of tragic to see the mess the current team has reduced it to, and I’ll keep it in mind the next time NCSoft buys a company.

“Your choices determine how your personal story evolves; with thousands of possible variations, no two players will have the exact same experience.” = Trahearne?

“Your choices determine how your personal story evolves; with thousands of possible variations, no two players will have the exact same experience.”_ = Trahearne?

this upset me more than anything else about this game.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


Im still waiting for screen shots from someone of:
Their character select screen with all medals.
Their achievement screen showing all dungeon paths complete, all story paths complete, and all jumping puzzles complete.

Without those demonstrating you have completed all of the content, all criticisms that there is not enough content are invalid.

Time and time again we find out the players that say they are bored, and that there is nothing to do, rushed to 80 and treated the game like a wine tasting party. They tried the dungeons in story mode or ran the first chest of one path of a dungeon, so there’s no need to do the others. They did one jumping puzzle, no reason to do the others. They previewed the dungeon armor sets, so there’s nor reason to get them. Probably played one match of sPvP, concluded their class was under-powered and quit with an empty locker.

Yes there are things to do. And there is a difference between the game not having enough content, and the game not having enough of the type of content that you prefer. Maybe they will add more things later to satisfy different players individual tastes. The only people that will ever really be “up the creek without a paddle- thank you for your $60 – buhbye” are the ones that define their play time by stat based gear progression. Gw has never and will never be their cup of tea.

Ill use your argument for the game below

I play call of duty but I’m bored with it. Well someone told me I didn’t prestige 20 times/earn every title/achievement and get every emblem my argument is invalid.

I’m going to directly insult you by saying you are dumb to even think anyone argument is invalid because they didn’t 100% a game. Why the hell would you play a part of the game you don’t like.

Ex. 100% map completion

‘’In WoW, PvP, it’s grind the gear every week till max points, then the majority just stop playing till the next week…rinse…repeat. Once they get their gear, then they basically start complaining that they need something to do/grind for again and want more content. Same with PvE. You get the gear, once you get it, the majority stop playing until next content patch.’’

This is just absolutely wrong there was enough gear content for regular week grinds.

7 heroics = max for the week
2-3 raids = max for the week

Some people didn’t have the time to do all those things hence if they missed a week there is always next week ect.

Now Gw2 doesn’t have as much content as WoW yet but the dungeons are pointless and almost all the mobs have an insane amount of hp and waste your time. The dungeon rewards waste time. There is a karma grind in the game you heard it here GW2 is a karma treadmill.

1 million karma?
full cultural set 100+ gold.

If I do happen to get all my raid/heroic gear the game challenges you with raid hard modes and if you wasn’t in a good guild you had content and some decent guilds were stuck which means the game was challenging and the rewards were there if they could grab it.

(edited by Detahmaio.2014)

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Icelandica.6320


I honestly don’t understand these threads, I’m rarely on the forums so forgive me for my ignorance, but there is just so much to do in the game that I don’t think I’ll finish even half of what’s available by the time the next expansion comes out (Let’s not even talk about the regular free content upgrades that ANet promised).

I heard of the game just before pre-release and since I had a couple of days off I bought it since I heard good things about it. I have a level 65 thief and a level 35 mesmer (I saw previews and these two looked cool), I WvW with a guild I met online (I don’t think any of my old WoW friends play, haven’t really been in touch with them in awhile, plus I think they are all playing MOP) and I also sPvP with the guild (great bunch, if you’re on Fort Aspenwood and you are a fun person who plays to relax, hit me up)

When I logon, I join mumble instantly and it’s usually just us chatting on mumble while I level for a bit or explore or craft, when someone suggests WvW or sPvP at which point we group up and go do those. We’ve done one dungeon so far (Cadecus Manor) and I hated it, so I don’t want to do those anymore.

At some point we all get tired or need to go to bed and we leave.

This game will keep me engaged or playing on and off for years to come. It’s been amazing and I have very few complaints (Except in sPvP and some bugged skill points). If a skill point is bugged, I move on and when I login the next day it’s usually fixed, if not I skip it and do it later.

WoW always felt like I needed to progress to justify the $15 a month, if I wasn’t getting new gear or leveling fast I felt bad because it was like I was wasting time. Everything about WoW is a grind, even the crafting felt like it was just reading a guide and buying or farming massive amounts of mats to level. With this game I will level my character for a bit and after about 5-10 levels I’ll go to the crafting station and use all my mats to get the crafting up.

I think the problem is people look at it as a stereotypical MMO instead of what it actually is, a game where you group with friends and do what you feel like, the levels and gear actually don’t matter much and once you accept that you’ll forget about WoW and understand why this is such a great game.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bojangles.6912


Want another example, look at what is going on over in Blizz-land. A few months of pandas and they’ll be back.

I doubt that. People went back to WoW because they have actual content and things to do. GW2 is pvp based. The ones who left to go back to WoW likely are pve’ers. I went back to WoW and am loving the expansion and new things they have to offer. The new raid isn’t horrible either. Still not as good as any Vanilla or BC raid or even Ulduar, but better than Cata which is what I was looking for.

PvE’ers won’t be coming back to GW2 any time soon. They may play this still here and there like in time I likely will play a little again. As you put it, the beauty of it being a life time sub.

But the new farming/cooking system is pretty cool Blizz added along with pet battles. A lot of people left during Cata as I did also and will admit I was missing the game but Cata was just sooo bad. So this fresh expansion is bringing people back. Heck there is still a 30+ min que on my server and it is already 2 weeks old.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bojangles.6912


WoW always felt like I needed to progress to justify the $15 a month, if I wasn’t getting new gear or leveling fast I felt bad because it was like I was wasting time. Everything about WoW is a grind, even the crafting felt like it was just reading a guide and buying or farming massive amounts of mats to level. With this game I will level my character for a bit and after about 5-10 levels I’ll go to the crafting station and use all my mats to get the crafting up.

Then WoW simply isn’t for you just like GW2 isn’t for people. All the things you talk about a mostly pvp based. I think a lot of pve’ers were expecting more pve in GW2 because they kept talking about it and then found out the pve isn’t really all that. Which then this game isn’t really for them.

But also it is just your opinion there is all this stuff to do. There have been some hard core pvpers here on the forums who have said the same thing about nothing to do. But you get what you pay for. For just needing to pay for the box, I feel the game has been worth it for me because I can play anytime I want and not pay the monthly fee, but i lost interest after a month and got very bored of the game too.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seras.5702


I didn’t rush to the end. My main is 50 and I have a ton of alts I just goof around with. I have fun. I’m anxious for 80 but don’t need it to feel fulfilled. In GW1, even after I’d done everything 100x, I still came back for holiday events and every expansion. I’d beat the game, level bring all 8 of my characters to the new content, unlock new skills (hint, hint), and just enjoy myself till I got bored. Then I’d wait till the next new content. No pressure with no fee.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slazzy.7309


I honestly don’t understand these threads, I’m rarely on the forums so forgive me for my ignorance, but there is just so much to do in the game that I don’t think I’ll finish even half of what’s available by the time the next expansion comes out (Let’s not even talk about the regular free content upgrades that ANet promised).

Because GW2 is the MMO we deserve, but not the one we need right now.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevoli.8795


I think the problem is people look at it as a stereotypical MMO instead of what it actually is, a game where you group with friends and do what you feel like, the levels and gear actually don’t matter much and once you accept that you’ll forget about WoW and understand why this is such a great game.

I’ve seen in another thread that the age group of people who honestly enjoy this game seems to be 30 and up. Most people who are 25 and younger have already left and went to play MoP. It’s not a huge surprise since the younger generation basically grew up playing WoW and see it as the standard.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: silvermember.8941


Want another example, look at what is going on over in Blizz-land. A few months of pandas and they’ll be back.

I doubt that. People went back to WoW because they have actual content and things to do. GW2 is pvp based. The ones who left to go back to WoW likely are pve’ers. I went back to WoW and am loving the expansion and new things they have to offer. The new raid isn’t horrible either. Still not as good as any Vanilla or BC raid or even Ulduar, but better than Cata which is what I was looking for.

PvE’ers won’t be coming back to GW2 any time soon. They may play this still here and there like in time I likely will play a little again. As you put it, the beauty of it being a life time sub.

But the new farming/cooking system is pretty cool Blizz added along with pet battles. A lot of people left during Cata as I did also and will admit I was missing the game but Cata was just sooo bad. So this fresh expansion is bringing people back. Heck there is still a 30+ min que on my server and it is already 2 weeks old.

Going back to WoW shows the type of MMORPG players they are. There are some players that want carrot on the stick and they are other players that do not, like me. I played guild wars 1 first so i m used to not relying on the carrot on the stick to enjoy the game. WoW does not have more content, it just has more ways to get you to keep paying a sub fee for it. I mean, does it make sense to have a 1 week CD on an instance? To some people apparently it does, even though they are paying 15 bucks a month. A sane person will tell you there is no real reason to have 1 week long CD on any instance but what do I know.

Most of the people that want back to WoW or need an endgame fortunately only represent less than 10% of WoW population that is why Blizzard goes into great lengths trying to convert the other 90% into the raiders because once you get them, they keep paying and they end up making money off them.

Guild wars 2 has no sub fee, it just like buying mass effect, madden, CoD, BF3, assuming mmorpg player play those games do they suddenly turn around and whine how there is no carrot on the stick for them to keep playing? If you are looking at guild wars 2 like it meant to replace WoW then you are looking at the wrong game.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

(edited by silvermember.8941)

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


@Detamaio, now let me use your counter-argument with the same game to demonstrate how you missed the point.

The situation you have here is more like if you grinded out CoD in one mode on one map to unlock weapons for one category to get the first level of prestige. And then complained there wasn’t enough in the game for you to do.

Well, you didn’t play any other modes, you didn’t unlock perks or weapons for any other classes, you didn’t see how modes can change maps and vice versa. You picked one path, burnt yourself out on it, and then complained for lack of entertainment because that one path wasn’t long enough for you.

Now I’m going to show you how your direct insult actually makes you look…not so bright…if you don’t want to 100% the map then don’t. If you don’t like sPvP, then don’t do it. If you don’t care for gear aesthetics, don’t horde karma. But once again it’s not the game lacks those things or plenty of other things to do. It just doesn’t have things you want to do.

Well that’s not the games fault. It’s yours. You spent your money without researching the franchise, or the game, or the development studios design principles.

So once again , unless you can show me you have consumed the content that’s available, which many many people enjoy and think there is an adequate amount of at the time being (even though more would be good), then get out of here with that “not enough content BS”. There is plenty. You just think there isn’t enough catered to your tastes.

And you’re making a WoW comparison? For real? You do each different path of a dungeon twice. Two different days of the week, you have yourself enough tokens to buy a piece of the highest end exotic dungeon armor. In WoW you do the same path of the same dungeon six times and hope you get that magic belt buckle you are looking for.

If the game isn’t for you it isn’t for you. Go play something else. Beauty of no monthly fee is when your tastes change you can come back and pick up where you left off. If your tastes never evolve from farming a raid for the mystic talismen-of-now-I-can-group-for-next-raid , then they don’t. Im not expecting anyone will miss you.

The Kismet

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jzl.8715


It all comes down to the lack of the sense of “Rewards” doesn’t it. I agree with most of what AcidicVision have mentioned. The contents are out there, the problem is, because of the reward structure of GW2, if these contents are not inherently fun for you, it will lose it’s appeal with the lack of substantial rewards after reaching level 80. I hate to use the word “endgame” to be honest, since I personally think it is extremely misleading. I usually like to call it the “drive” to play the game once reaching the so called level cap. What it boils down for most MMO’s is mainly 3 aspects:

  1. Rewards: Gear, Stats, getting your Characters stronger/more exclusive
  2. Completion: Content, collectibles etc
  3. Social: Just playing with/helping other people

For some games, everything mentioned above is tied to rewards. A lot of games are praised for having smart ways to “reward” the players. We can take a look at the case of WoW reward model. I’d say for 80% of the players don’t actually reach the reward cap in each of the WoW expansions, in a sense that most player base don’t actually complete all the raid content. For the case of WoW there are many aspects that prolongs the process of getting to the best reward (tied mostly to character progression).

  1. Rewards tied to dailies
  2. Token caps, dungeon locks
  3. Randomness of loot drops
  4. Gear check fights

These are all mechanics that spread out the reward acquirement process. I’m in no way as seeing this as a bad thing, or saying that it’s gimmicks to make you subscribe to the game every month. I personally think that this is a very good way to pace out the exhaustive nature of gamers on game contents. It’s a good balance of retaining the players while keeping the players entertained for a long period of time.

So MMOs are reward driven for most players , that’s a fact, and I think that’s why a lot of people does not find the so call end game compelling. GW2 throws the best armor at you early on, and leave yourself to ask yourself the question, what do you want to do with the best gear? That’s why I said early on if the content themselves are not inherently compelling for someone to play the game, then sadly truth is that is probably the end where the game is interesting for that person.

The way I see it, the GW2 content is roller-coaster style, but the drive is a lot more of the sandbox style, aka you really have to know yourself what is fun for you, what you really want to do without someone else or the game defining a clear direction for you. and the truth is, if you look at the MMO in general, I wouldn’t say it’s the content that’s keeping the players playing. This is very personal view though of course.

So i guess at the end of the day, different games for different people. I mean honestly, we see this in every single game don’t we? People finding themselves bored sometime down the line of playing a game. I think that’s perfectly reasonable. However I do find it a fuss a lot of times when people complain the lack of drive for them to play a game anymore. Not getting your money’s worth is one thing, but let’s take a step back, something is not fun for you anymore? I think that’s more of a personal problem, maybe better not blame the game for not pointing you to the fun stuff.


(edited by Jzl.8715)

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: draylore.2837


I think it all depends on what ends up being …“The GW2 Player”. The game is still young so there are still alot of different type of players playing the game. The traditional mmo PVE ‘raider’ people used to always having that next ‘gear/item carrot’ at the end of the stick probably will grow tired quickly since that is not how GW2 is designed. The PVE centric anti PVP players will quickly leave since GW2 was never designed to be a PVE focused game at end-game. The folks that enjoy getting every last achievement, disco, yada yada will probably find quite abit to do for some time still.

I fall into the former more PVE focused so am rapidly getting bored since i find little incentive in repeating content more than once or twice….but the beauty of GW2 is there is no subscription lingering that causes me to have some false sense of entitlement to content. I can put the game on the shelf until the next DLC/expansion without regret. So far the leveling,exploring PVE content in GW2 has been the best of any MMO i have played so I definitely got my $$$ worth…..but I knew going in that GW2 was ultimately a PVP game and not a PVE/progression game I prefer….and if I did not wish to take part in that the game would come to a sudden stop at 80.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Honestly, I think trying for (and focusing on) a large play base is one of the largest problems with MMO development today. They end up watered down and directionless as the developers attempt to respond to “the player base”. A company with the balls to say “we are only expecting 200-300k players” has the freedom to make their game, their way (I think CCP may fall into this category).

The second largest problem is attempting to base your game on a well known IP (Star Wars, Star Trek, etc). Those are doomed to fail from the get go.

(edited by Phaedryn.3698)

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ciannait.1945


With a F2P game, I think it’s less of an issue. I’ve certainly gotten my $60 and I’m not even level 20 yet.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bojangles.6912



“Going back to WoW shows the type of MMORPG players they are. There are some players that want carrot on the stick and they are other players that do not, like me. I played guild wars 1 first so i m used to not relying on the carrot on the stick to enjoy the game. WoW does not have more content, it just has more ways to get you to keep paying a sub fee for it. I mean, does it make sense to have a 1 week CD on an instance? To some people apparently it does, even though they are paying 15 bucks a month. A sane person will tell you there is no real reason to have 1 week long CD on any instance but what do I know.”

Actually you are incorrect. How does WoW not have more content then GW2? It actually does. Hate to burst your bubble but just the expansion alone has more content.

End game Raid
6 New 5 man dungeons along with 2 old re-makes
New Farming system
Pet Battles
New World to discover
Tons of quests to where you can max level by doing about 1/2 the new area
New World Boss
New battleground

Big area to explore
A couple of dungeons
PvP (sorry but to say g v g and w v w v w etc are all just bland pvp right now not content)
A medicore storyline

Sorry but MoP has a lot more content and lot more end game. The pvp for GW2 is what the game is focused on and that itself is mediocre to blah right now and this said by pvp’ers on these forums. The pve side of GW2 is horrible. Also MoP will be having their 2nd raid ready before GW2 even releases more content and it is has been out almost 2 months now.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zambino.3061


This whole “different games for different players” thing is getting old. I don’t want to compare GW2 with any other MMO. I don’t care how it compares to any game, I just want GW2 to be a memorable game. Right now, it is not a memorable game. There simply isn’t enough variety, challenge, or endgame. This can easily change and I have confidence in Anet.

So please, fun isn’t that subjective that “different games are for different players.” Not bashing GW2, but what kind of player would think that GW2 is “for them”? An MMO that is lacking in content, especially when compared to its predecessor, is a game that they prefer? That makes no sense.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ciannait.1945


WoW has a subscription model that forces people into continuing to pay in order to be able to access the new content (gated dailies, etc). GW2 doesn’t have that subscription model, so the content argument is like comparing apples to oranges. GW2 is about having fun while you’re playing, WoW is about stringing your subscription along as long as humanly possible.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ixal.7924


GW2 is about having fun while you’re playing

And a lot of players are lacking exactly that.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ciannait.1945


GW2 is about having fun while you’re playing

And a lot of players are lacking exactly that.

And a lot of players aren’t. The game may not be for you, but that doesn’t mean it’s worthless.

Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498



250 Dyanmic events > Scenarios

33 Dungeons > End game Raid && 6 New 5 man dungeons along with 2 old re-makes

Crafing Exotics & Discovery & speedy crafting & Mystic forge > New Farming system

Pet Battles Yes it’s neat WoW implemented Pokemon. To let you in on a secret, GW had polymock years ago. And most players would be surpsied if they didnt bring it back. And…. Polymock > Pokemon.

Tyria > New World to discover

Level via DE / SM / Crafting / WvW > Tons of quests to where you can max level by doing about 1/2 the new area

Behemoth & Shatterer & Claw & Tequatl & Giant & Lupicus > New World Boss

WvWvW > New battleground

This was fun. Try again.

The Kismet