Does playing a Prof. change item drop rates?
I get more Hammers than Pistols or Rifles on my Engineer.
It’s incredibly frustrating.
But no, I don’t think it does anything like that.
I get dire greatsword/scale armor of <something> slaying on my thief. EVERY. kittenING. TIME.
the only thing about your character that affects the composition of drops is your magic find, nothing else has any impact.
Some rewards try to stick to eq your profession can use, but for drops it doesn’t matter.
Northern Shiverpeaks
i actually want to believe that the choices you make about your character’s background (say human nobility) might make your drop rates crappy
but on the contrary, if you choose slums as a start, maybe zommoros will pity you and give you lots of precursors.
this might explain why RNG favours some and not the others.
It’s all placebo effect & perception. I swear I get the opposite gear that I need more than anything else; but that’s just because there’s more you can’t use than that you can.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
i actually want to believe that the choices you make about your character’s background (say human nobility) might make your drop rates crappy
but on the contrary, if you choose slums as a start, maybe zommoros will pity you and give you lots of precursors.
this might explain why RNG favours some and not the others.
My thief is a street rat.
RNG hates me.
I believe there has been more threads stating just the opposite, so if it works in your favor, consider yourself lucky. =)
I’ve heard a theory that people have gone thru and created multiple toons before getting one that has a hidden drop rate luck increase before playing the game (creating about 25 toons before hitting that one that has the luck rating) and on these toons they were one of the few that received multiple precursors so it might actually hold some water.
but class I don’t think matters.
i actually want to believe that the choices you make about your character’s background (say human nobility) might make your drop rates crappy
One of my alts took that path and his drop rates are the same as my other alts.