Doing something wrong?

Doing something wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chopsdes.8974


Hello all, I was just doing this quest called stand by your krewe on my asura elementalist. The recommended level was 8 and I was level 7 but I tried anyway. I fail miserably. So I got myself up to the recommended level and tried again, it was still extremely difficult but I managed to beat it after several deaths. At the end of the quest there are some mobs, one being level 10 who kept killing me, then when i revived I had some DoT on me that killed me straight away again. Overall I felt the quest was just too difficult for my level, so I ask what could I be doing wrong? Anyone find themselves in a similar situation? Thanks in advance people.

Doing something wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deith.7596


If it’s your personal story that I got some bad news. As an elementalist you’ll have a hard time in some quests from your personal story. Soloing it will require a lot of running back from checkpoint, sometimes reseting instance and frustration. You can try to get someone from your guild or your friends to help you with it, there difference in difficulty will be insane – in term: you’ll see how much easier is it when someone helps you

None of good stories starts with “I was drinking my milk when suddenly…”

Doing something wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


There is a forum for personal story quest-lines.

The Asura line you’re talking about is the one that led me to bring a friend. I was on a mesmer.

Regardless, in a MMO if something seems too hard for you to do alone, bring a friend or two.

Doing something wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FarFarAway.6579


Bring a friend or wait a few levels and go back and do it.

Doing something wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Utena.8052


its "working as intended " nothing to see here, move along

Axis Of Twlight [Dark]
Henge Of Denravi

Doing something wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Campana.9216


It’s not just elementalist. I’ve even had difficulty with personal story missions on my warrior – for some of them it feels like the level lists are completely screwed up.

I can’t count the number of times my NPC allies decide at the beginning of an instance tha the best way to progress is to stand around and try to tank the enemy AoE. In a great many of my personal story missions I ended up having to kill all the enemy mobs solo while surrounded by a sea of sad little ‘revive’ tags.

Since the mobs there hit like a truck, and there is usually a whole gang of them to defeat, this involved me running back and forth and kiting desperately with about 10% health the entire time while the NPCs I was trying to pull and kill one by one yo-yo-ed back and forth in varying states of invulnerability.

This happened a lot.

Doing something wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chopsdes.8974


So i need to bring a friend or im screwed, now to get one of my friends to buy the game

Doing something wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deith.7596


Bring a friend or wait a few levels and go back and do it.

Downscalling rings a bell?

None of good stories starts with “I was drinking my milk when suddenly…”