Don't Care for Catmander Tag

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reincarnated.1754


Not all like flee ridden Vermin.
So why do we have to follow a Tag that looks like one.

Sorry I had to say it.
I just hate them so much.

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AncientYs.8613


Not all like flee ridden Vermin.
So why do we have to follow a Tag that looks like one.

Sorry I had to say it.
I just hate them so much.

you are reffering to the Catmanders?

i don’t see any problem with them tbh.

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashantara.8731


i don’t see any problem with them tbh.

They are extremely childish, to be honest, and it looks on the map like we were in a Hello Kitty game.

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oenanthe.6549


Because they are just so kitten

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Greyhawk.9107

The Greyhawk.9107

Its a fad, the Doritos will return once more.

Nothing can stop the Doritos….

Hate is Fuel.

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zombyturtle.5980


I love catmander. Having an option to hide tags would be great though.

Also throwing out insults like calling cats flea ridden vermin doesn’t add anything and just makes your post lose credibility.

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

I think they should add Ratmander and Fleamander tags.

And, OP – you don’t have to follow one. It’s not compulsory.

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


i think they look stupid, i’d rather anet give us something like guild tags instead that display your guild’s emblem.

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashantara.8731


i think they look stupid, i’d rather anet give us something like guild tags instead that display your guild’s emblem.

Great idea, but I’m afraid the emblem would be barely recognizable at that size.

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kako.1930


A pin was added that resembles a cat instead of a dorito? Some people just want to watch the world burn, don’t they?

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: warbignime.4610


Someone, not some one. It’s one word.

Some must fight so that all may be free.

(edited by warbignime.4610)

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reincarnated.1754


Thanks for your feedback.

I always found Guild Wars 2 gave choice, this doesn’t if your in guild that you are in insist you join the squad, and the commander wants to be a ***commander.

It’s not Cat Wars, next we will have batman and robin commander tags.

What would have been better, would be to have Profession Commander Tags.
That would have made more sense.

As it is, my min-map just keeps shoving it in my face.

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

It’s just an icon.

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DirtyDan.4759


I agree with op. I thought we had enough with cat ear headgear (nice rhyme) and cat ear golems. Now we have to see cat icons on the map. It’s just too childish imo. Someone shouldn’t have brought his wife to work.

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShadowGryphon.6257


Not all like flee ridden Vermin.
So why do we have to follow a Tag that looks like one.

Sorry I had to say it.
I just hate them so much.

“Flea ridden”
Sorry for the correction, couldn’t resist.
heh heh

If someone is talking behind your back… Fart.
North Alabama Guild Wars Players

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haishao.6851


I agree with op. I thought we had enough with cat ear headgear (nice rhyme) and cat ear golems. Now we have to see cat icons on the map. It’s just too childish imo. Someone shouldn’t have brought his wife to work.

Then go play something more serious for serious people like you.

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MetalGirl.2370


Do you really stress over simple com tag?….
You’re overreacting….
I envy your worry-free life if you have time to stress and write about tiny tag.
And cat-tags are smaller than normal tags so no, it’s not being shoved in your face.


Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xarallei.4279


Thanks for your feedback.

I always found Guild Wars 2 gave choice, this doesn’t if your in guild that you are in insist you join the squad, and the commander wants to be a ***commander.

It’s not Cat Wars, next we will have batman and robin commander tags.

What would have been better, would be to have Profession Commander Tags.
That would have made more sense.

As it is, my min-map just keeps shoving it in my face.

Seriously? People are complaining about tags now? What will be next?

Also, don’t understand hating an animal, but that’s another story.

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: killermanjaro.5670


I admit when I first heard of them I thought the idea sounded stupid and was worried my mini map would be full of people trolling it with cat icons. But the reality is the tag is actually quite subtle in its design, and really isn’t a bother at all, certainly not worth complaining about.

Sure a few more people seem to be tagging up than normal in PvE, but not enough to clutter maps up, and in part it’s probably also due to the sudden surge of people doing the side stories events that came at the same time. Plus as others mentioned it’s a fad that will go back to normal soon.

I do hope that’s it for extra designs though, if we start having 50 different icon designs for comm tags then it’s going to get messy.

*edit – though for those who really can’t stand them, it wouldn’t harm to have a tickbox option to allow users to see cat tags as default comm tags on their end. But it’s probably a lot more work than it’s actually worth.

(edited by killermanjaro.5670)

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


Alot better then the apple scourge we have sometimes at Teq

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Endless Soul.5178

Endless Soul.5178

Someone shouldn’t have brought his wife to work.

I didn’t know cavemen were still around in this day and age.

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Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xarallei.4279


I agree with op. I thought we had enough with cat ear headgear (nice rhyme) and cat ear golems. Now we have to see cat icons on the map. It’s just too childish imo. Someone shouldn’t have brought his wife to work.

Well, for one it could have been a guy who designed this. Guys like cats too. Two, women do work at Anet. Shocking I know, women working and all.

The tags are fun and cute. I don’t see how they are anymore distracting than regular commander tags or the mentor apples. A tag is a tag.

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Greyhawk.9107

The Greyhawk.9107

I like how this is starting to turn into a (vaguely) feminist issue (with the last two posts). But like I already said, let the normies have their fun, the Doritos will always return.

Hate is Fuel.