Don't be one of *those* roleplayers
Wow… that is so weak. I had this VERY same problem with a few Roleplaying servers on WoW. A town would be getting wrecked by Horde (or Alliance), and I’d go to cities I knew were populated. I’d either get responses like, “leave them alone and they’ll get bored,” or ignored completely. I’d investigate and see people just sitting around RPing.
Was sooo infuriating watching the ’PvP’ers kill the Gryphon masters / quest NPC’s. I really hope this does not become a trend, but I also feel Arenanet needs to adjust Dynamic Events.
Really the difficulty should be adjusted to those in combat instead of just people in the area. Too many times now I’ve had events be impossible as if there were 3-4 people around, yet I was soloing the event.
Serious issue that needs to be solved.
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
Dear Op, don’t be that sort of player. Don’t dictate where people should roleplay, or that they should participate in events that they may not want to.
I’ve done that event many times. Regardless if there are people around or not, the level scale there is not that great. They are some of the harder enemies for that level range.
While i find it rude that they called you a troll, I find it just as rude that you’d suggest others RP elsewhere so as to not hamper your play.
Sorry if that sounds harsh, just saying.
As for the other point- I agree that if someone approaches you in an RP manner, either rp back properly, or politely inform them that it’s a private rp. Don’t be ignorant.
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.
Sin – I really don’t want to dictate how and where people should play. But what if it ruins the fun of others? If they don’t want to participate in an event, why sit in a place of which they know beforehand that events keep popping up?
Where is the line between me being allowed to request others to move away, and people deciding to undertake actions which make the game unfun for others?
(edited by Girlysprite.7405)
Don’t DEs only scale according to the amount of people actively participating? If not, this wiki page is incorrect.
I’m a roleplayer. I have been for 16 years.
That said, if a group of RPers are sitting around in an event area, making an already tough event even more difficult and potentially even getting XP from the event for your hard work, then that isn’t cool. That is incredibly, mind-blowingly lame. The game was created to be played, it was not made with RP in mind (not even Tarnished Coast), and I’m sorry to say that roleplayers don’t come first. If you’re being a detriment to other players, you need to have some courtesy and decency, and move yourself somewhere else. It just seems like this would be common sense.
These are the sorts of RPers that give the rest of us such a horrible reputation.
edit for clarification: I’ve had events credit me and reward me when I never participated, only stood nearby, it appears to be a bug.
They are possibly getting karma from those events as well. A lot of events will give you karma (bronze reward) if you just happen to be passing by one as it is ending. If that’s the case, they could possibly be exploiting the system by essentially camping a DE spawn point.
Dear Op, don’t be that sort of player. Don’t dictate where people should roleplay, or that they should participate in events that they may not want to.
I’ve done that event many times. Regardless if there are people around or not, the level scale there is not that great. They are some of the harder enemies for that level range.
While i find it rude that they called you a troll, I find it just as rude that you’d suggest others RP elsewhere so as to not hamper your play.
Sorry if that sounds harsh, just saying.
As for the other point- I agree that if someone approaches you in an RP manner, either rp back properly, or politely inform them that it’s a private rp. Don’t be ignorant.
I think GMs should step in and dictate the kitten out of these kittens where they should kittening go if we can’t. kitten them ruining events because they want to roleplay. It’s not their fault that events work like this but it’s a pretty well known event mechanic. So don’t step up on your high platform and tell us to be considerate of people who are less than considerate.
Well I think it would be common courtesy not to place yourself in an area that’ll result in other people getting pwned because you scale up the event. I mean obviously you could be standing around randomly and cause it by accident, but when you’re completely aware of it.. It’s a bit of a kitten move I think. :o
They are possibly getting karma from those events as well. A lot of events will give you karma (bronze reward) if you just happen to be passing by one as it is ending. If that’s the case, they could possibly be exploiting they system by essentially camping a DE spawn point.
Doubt it. You generally have to kill or do significant damage to at least one mob in the area in order to get credit. I roll up on DEs a little too late all the time and don’t get any credit for simply being in the area.
Sounds like a pretty lame thing to do anyway. Not a roleplayer myself but one would think that roleplay included reacting to what was happening in the world around you.
I think it’s just a thing where they probably had no idea they were impacting the event. I’d probably PM a few of them and point out what they were doing.
Generally RPers are very easy going and would not have minded moving.
Thryck – If you are right, the event is actuaally designed to be hard.
Just to clarify though, I never asked the roleplayers to actually leave. I just roleplayed how my character was saying that if villagers are abducted, ‘we heroes’ should make a stand and fight the villains.
So even if you’d be correct and they had no impact, I did try to roleplay in a normal and constructuve manner (I do have plenty of experience there myself!). To have people turns away an attempt to join the roleplay hurts.
Wow. Speaking as a roleplayer, your story really upset me. I’m sorry you were treated so rudely, and this sort of hive-mind snobbery toward the amorphous Other is a pernicious element of the roleplay community, and one of the reasons I avoid taverns altogether.
Kudos to you for recognizing that good roleplay is about interacting with the world, and creating a greater sense of immersion—not just for you and your circle of friend, but everyone around you.
-Valerie Cross, Tarnished Coast
I just think its weird that some people seem to think that the only real roleplaying is sitting around in a room, using a game as 3d chatroom.
You do get credit for events you never participated in. It is a bug I think.
As for those RPers, they were extremely rude and elitist and in effect are themselves the trolls if they are sitting around in the area of an event, making it harder, and not participating. Especially if you make an attempt to be polite to them and RP to get your thoughts out to them instead of just speaking the normal way. You made an attempt to make them happy and conform to their culture, and they refused and continued to be a nuisance.
On the topic of being rude and/or being a nuisance, we need a choice for that in the report players drop down. I was in Lion’s Arch the other day leveling up my cooking, and an Asura Ele was spamming his Shocking Aura every CD for over an hour (well I was there for an hour, he was there before I got there and after I left). It makes an obnoxious sound and shakes your camera if your nearby. He was right next to the NPC and the crafting table so I had to turn off my sound and zoom my camera in really far to avoid it. Between that jerk and these jerky roleplayers, we need an option to report this type of behavior. Other games have ways of reporting things like that, GW2 needs it if it’s going to try to foster a fun, friendly community.
Does having more people in the vicinity of the event scale the difficulty up? Yes.
Were several of the people present not interested in the event? Yes.
So would leaving the area once the event started been the courteous thing to do? …Yes.
It isn’t “rude” to point this out.
And this isn’t really about roleplaying. The players in question could’ve just as easily been chatting about game mechanics or sports, with no roleplay at all. The players in question were simply inconsiderate and disrespectful. That they happened to be roleplayers doesn’t really have anything to do with it.
“Roleplaying” doesn’t give anyone leave to behave in an inconsiderate fashion towards other players. Also, if you don’t care to deal with the IC consequences of your IC actions, then you should keep your “roleplay” private anyway.
This, from a roleplayer.
(edited by Hydrophidian.4319)
I would like to see the chat logs if possible. It may really depend on how you decided to approach them. Depending on your approach, it really would have been better not to try to roleplay and be blunt about it. They could have been jerks as well, I’m not cutting that possibility out.
And in all honesty, they’re not forced to join you in the event.
(edited by Eochaidh.4106)
So many amazing responses from fellow RP’ers. So happy to see this.
@Leiloni, they should add the option ‘harassing behavior’ in the report menu. We should be able to report any form of bullying behavior, and it should 110% be punishable by banning accounts.
Too often have I noticed a trend in video games of bullying becoming more and more popular.
Add a “opt out of events” button! Meaning you forfeit any possibility of gaining rewards, but the event will disregard you as well ^^ Good for the dedicated resource gatherer or RP type.
They are possibly getting karma from those events as well. A lot of events will give you karma (bronze reward) if you just happen to be passing by one as it is ending. If that’s the case, they could possibly be exploiting the system by essentially camping a DE spawn point.
Sorry, but that’s just ridiculous and absurd. So hanging in an area chatting with your friends is exploiting now?
best rp i have seen yet:
necro LF erotic RP…
was enough to nope me off the internet for the day
Desolation [DESO]
They are possibly getting karma from those events as well. A lot of events will give you karma (bronze reward) if you just happen to be passing by one as it is ending. If that’s the case, they could possibly be exploiting the system by essentially camping a DE spawn point.
Sorry, but that’s just ridiculous and absurd. So hanging in an area chatting with your friends is exploiting now?
Your not supposed to earn rewards from an event you didn’t participate in. You’re only supposed to get rewards for actually killing stuff or whatever else the event requires. So if you’re standing around in the area, gaining rewards, and not actually participating? Then you are taking advantage of an unintended bug and that is the definition of an exploit. Especially when said exploit gives you free Karma, XP, and Gold!!
Add a “opt out of events” button! Meaning you forfeit any possibility of gaining rewards, but the event will disregard you as well ^^ Good for the dedicated resource gatherer or RP type.
This is a much needed feature.
I may take this too far, but once you opted out it would be nice if the monsters became green or unable to attack you / you attack them.
From the RPers’ perspective, I’m gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they didn’ realize they were making your lives harder. But when you came in and tried to talk to them about it, In Character, their response is pretty hard to accept.
Normally, if I’m in an area and something starts up while I’m rping, I do what anyone would probably do if they heard a ruckus outside, I go check it out … then I get involved or leave to save my skin. It’s actually pretty crappy rp for them to have ignored all that going on just feet away from them without a word … especially once it was brought to their attention.
So, as an regular RPer on TC, I’m gonna apologize for the Snobbery of some people … unfortunately this is something the purely online and mmo rp crowd seems to generate a lot of. (I’m not saying they’re all like that, not by a long shot! But it’s easier for them to meet up and build cliques online than in the real world.)
As someone who has been RPing for 20 years and written and edited for published rpg companies, I can tell you this isn’t what I’d consider okay behavior.
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
They are possibly getting karma from those events as well. A lot of events will give you karma (bronze reward) if you just happen to be passing by one as it is ending. If that’s the case, they could possibly be exploiting the system by essentially camping a DE spawn point.
Sorry, but that’s just ridiculous and absurd. So hanging in an area chatting with your friends is exploiting now?
Your not supposed to earn rewards from an event you didn’t participate in. You’re only supposed to get rewards for actually killing stuff or whatever else the event requires. So if you’re standing around in the area, gaining rewards, and not actually participating? Then you are taking advantage of an unintended bug and that is the definition of an exploit. Especially when said exploit gives you free Karma, XP, and Gold!!
Except that you can’t prove that the intent is to abuse the system. Standing there chatting with your friends is not exploiting. Seems like some very ridiculous excuse to crack down on roleplayers who very obviously were not exploiting anything.
They are possibly getting karma from those events as well. A lot of events will give you karma (bronze reward) if you just happen to be passing by one as it is ending. If that’s the case, they could possibly be exploiting the system by essentially camping a DE spawn point.
Sorry, but that’s just ridiculous and absurd. So hanging in an area chatting with your friends is exploiting now?
Your not supposed to earn rewards from an event you didn’t participate in. You’re only supposed to get rewards for actually killing stuff or whatever else the event requires. So if you’re standing around in the area, gaining rewards, and not actually participating? Then you are taking advantage of an unintended bug and that is the definition of an exploit. Especially when said exploit gives you free Karma, XP, and Gold!!
Except that you can’t prove that the intent is to abuse the system. Standing there chatting with your friends is not exploiting. Seems like some very ridiculous excuse to crack down on roleplayers who very obviously were not exploiting anything.
I don’t care if they’re rpers man. Get the chip off your shoulder. If you got rewards from an event you didn’t participate in, don’t you think you’d find it a bit odd and maybe report it instead of just sitting around continuing to get rewards? That is dishonest, whether they intended for it to happen or not, it’s not right. Or if you see an event going on nearby and people are having a hard time, maybe you’d either help out or go somewhere else? It’s about being considerate to your fellow players and that is what the OP is about – players were being rude and inconsiderate to him.
It wouldn’t be an issue in any other game other than this one. Where event population directly affects difficulty. They may well have not taken that into consideration. Did you bring that up to them? If you did and they still acted like that…then no doubt about it….they give RP in general a bad name.
And they’re just plain kittens besides.
Now that you mention it, I seem to remember an RP bunch hanging around on the steps just outside in that same town in Kessex on TC a couple of weeks ago. About 15 of them. I wondered at the time what they were doing as the fight for the seashore town was brutal (but fun).
They just stood there and, until never occurred to me that they were actually affecting the fight. Can’t recall the synonym of the guild???
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
(edited by Raf.1078)
They are possibly getting karma from those events as well. A lot of events will give you karma (bronze reward) if you just happen to be passing by one as it is ending. If that’s the case, they could possibly be exploiting they system by essentially camping a DE spawn point.
Doubt it. You generally have to kill or do significant damage to at least one mob in the area in order to get credit. I roll up on DEs a little too late all the time and don’t get any credit for simply being in the area.
Sounds like a pretty lame thing to do anyway. Not a roleplayer myself but one would think that roleplay included reacting to what was happening in the world around you.
It does happen though. It’s a bug. I’ve run around the map gathering mats and have had a bronze medal pop up and I have no idea where it came from. It’s not that I purposely exploited it, it’s that the bug kicked in and I have no way to prevent it or undo it.
I didn’t mean to make my post sound accusatory. I just wanted to point out that if they were hanging out around the DE spawn point and did end up getting the rewards from it, intended or not, if you hang around long enough, it’s considered an exploit.
I don’t think this is anything to do with roleplaying – but the group has certainly found a way to grief people through the scaling mechanic.
Instead of ganking noobs yourself, show up with 20 friends at a dynamic event, stand there doing nothing, and watch the mobs gank the noobs for you.
They are possibly getting karma from those events as well. A lot of events will give you karma (bronze reward) if you just happen to be passing by one as it is ending. If that’s the case, they could possibly be exploiting the system by essentially camping a DE spawn point.
Sorry, but that’s just ridiculous and absurd. So hanging in an area chatting with your friends is exploiting now?
Your not supposed to earn rewards from an event you didn’t participate in. You’re only supposed to get rewards for actually killing stuff or whatever else the event requires. So if you’re standing around in the area, gaining rewards, and not actually participating? Then you are taking advantage of an unintended bug and that is the definition of an exploit. Especially when said exploit gives you free Karma, XP, and Gold!!
Except that you can’t prove that the intent is to abuse the system. Standing there chatting with your friends is not exploiting. Seems like some very ridiculous excuse to crack down on roleplayers who very obviously were not exploiting anything.
I don’t care if they’re rpers man. Get the chip off your shoulder. If you got rewards from an event you didn’t participate in, don’t you think you’d find it a bit odd and maybe report it instead of just sitting around continuing to get rewards? That is dishonest, whether they intended for it to happen or not, it’s not right. Or if you see an event going on nearby and people are having a hard time, maybe you’d either help out or go somewhere else? It’s about being considerate to your fellow players.
So should we ban everyone who gets a bronze medal for running near an event now? They’re all exploiters according to your logic. The person who brought this up clearly had this happen to them – so he is an exploiter and must be banned. Get some common sense. Maybe we should ban everyone who goes afk in wild areas.
There’s a difference between randomly getting a reward for being close to a dynamic event, and randomly getting rewards and staying near that event so it keeps happening.
There’s a difference between randomly getting a reward for being close to a dynamic event, and randomly getting rewards and staying near that event so it keeps happening.
Unless you can prove the intent of exploiting, you can’t crack down on anyone. Exploiting is, by definition, something that occurs by intent.
People who bought a thousand karma weapons for 20 karma had the obvious intent to abuse the game. People who are simply there chatting with friends are not exploiting anything.
They are possibly getting karma from those events as well. A lot of events will give you karma (bronze reward) if you just happen to be passing by one as it is ending. If that’s the case, they could possibly be exploiting the system by essentially camping a DE spawn point.
Sorry, but that’s just ridiculous and absurd. So hanging in an area chatting with your friends is exploiting now?
Your not supposed to earn rewards from an event you didn’t participate in. You’re only supposed to get rewards for actually killing stuff or whatever else the event requires. So if you’re standing around in the area, gaining rewards, and not actually participating? Then you are taking advantage of an unintended bug and that is the definition of an exploit. Especially when said exploit gives you free Karma, XP, and Gold!!
Except that you can’t prove that the intent is to abuse the system. Standing there chatting with your friends is not exploiting. Seems like some very ridiculous excuse to crack down on roleplayers who very obviously were not exploiting anything.
I don’t care if they’re rpers man. Get the chip off your shoulder. If you got rewards from an event you didn’t participate in, don’t you think you’d find it a bit odd and maybe report it instead of just sitting around continuing to get rewards? That is dishonest, whether they intended for it to happen or not, it’s not right. Or if you see an event going on nearby and people are having a hard time, maybe you’d either help out or go somewhere else? It’s about being considerate to your fellow players.
So should we ban everyone who gets a bronze medal for running near an event now? They’re all exploiters according to your logic. The person who brought this up clearly had this happen to them – so he is an exploiter and must be banned. Get some common sense. Maybe we should ban everyone who goes afk in wild areas.
I don’t know about you, but I might suggest reporting it as a bug so Anet can fix it? why are you so argumentative.
They are possibly getting karma from those events as well. A lot of events will give you karma (bronze reward) if you just happen to be passing by one as it is ending. If that’s the case, they could possibly be exploiting the system by essentially camping a DE spawn point.
Sorry, but that’s just ridiculous and absurd. So hanging in an area chatting with your friends is exploiting now?
Your not supposed to earn rewards from an event you didn’t participate in. You’re only supposed to get rewards for actually killing stuff or whatever else the event requires. So if you’re standing around in the area, gaining rewards, and not actually participating? Then you are taking advantage of an unintended bug and that is the definition of an exploit. Especially when said exploit gives you free Karma, XP, and Gold!!
Except that you can’t prove that the intent is to abuse the system. Standing there chatting with your friends is not exploiting. Seems like some very ridiculous excuse to crack down on roleplayers who very obviously were not exploiting anything.
I don’t care if they’re rpers man. Get the chip off your shoulder. If you got rewards from an event you didn’t participate in, don’t you think you’d find it a bit odd and maybe report it instead of just sitting around continuing to get rewards? That is dishonest, whether they intended for it to happen or not, it’s not right. Or if you see an event going on nearby and people are having a hard time, maybe you’d either help out or go somewhere else? It’s about being considerate to your fellow players.
So should we ban everyone who gets a bronze medal for running near an event now? They’re all exploiters according to your logic. The person who brought this up clearly had this happen to them – so he is an exploiter and must be banned. Get some common sense. Maybe we should ban everyone who goes afk in wild areas.
I don’t know about you, but I might suggest reporting it as a bug so Anet can fix it? why are you so argumentative.
I am argumentative because you are suggesting that people should be banned for nothing.
There’s a difference between randomly getting a reward for being close to a dynamic event, and randomly getting rewards and staying near that event so it keeps happening.
Unless you can prove the intent of exploiting, you can’t crack down on anyone. Exploiting is, by definition, something that occurs by intent.
People who bought a thousand karma weapons for 20 karma had the obvious intent to abuse the game. People who are simply there chatting with friends are not exploiting anything.
So are you saying we should let people continue to do this and earn free rewards? Why do you not want people to report this as a bug that needs fixing?
They are possibly getting karma from those events as well. A lot of events will give you karma (bronze reward) if you just happen to be passing by one as it is ending. If that’s the case, they could possibly be exploiting the system by essentially camping a DE spawn point.
Sorry, but that’s just ridiculous and absurd. So hanging in an area chatting with your friends is exploiting now?
Your not supposed to earn rewards from an event you didn’t participate in. You’re only supposed to get rewards for actually killing stuff or whatever else the event requires. So if you’re standing around in the area, gaining rewards, and not actually participating? Then you are taking advantage of an unintended bug and that is the definition of an exploit. Especially when said exploit gives you free Karma, XP, and Gold!!
Except that you can’t prove that the intent is to abuse the system. Standing there chatting with your friends is not exploiting. Seems like some very ridiculous excuse to crack down on roleplayers who very obviously were not exploiting anything.
I don’t care if they’re rpers man. Get the chip off your shoulder. If you got rewards from an event you didn’t participate in, don’t you think you’d find it a bit odd and maybe report it instead of just sitting around continuing to get rewards? That is dishonest, whether they intended for it to happen or not, it’s not right. Or if you see an event going on nearby and people are having a hard time, maybe you’d either help out or go somewhere else? It’s about being considerate to your fellow players.
So should we ban everyone who gets a bronze medal for running near an event now? They’re all exploiters according to your logic. The person who brought this up clearly had this happen to them – so he is an exploiter and must be banned. Get some common sense. Maybe we should ban everyone who goes afk in wild areas.
I don’t know about you, but I might suggest reporting it as a bug so Anet can fix it? why are you so argumentative.
I am argumentative because you are suggesting that people should be banned for nothing.
Show me where I (or anyone else for that matter) said people should be banned. Nobody said it (except for you, multiple times) and that is not even the topic of the kitten thread. We’re talking about rude people.
I don’t know that they should be forced to leave. Its a free world and game. Maybe out them and their guild in map chat and ask for more peeps to help out in spite of them.
If someone asked for help in mapchat in a situation like that, I’d drop my last silver to get there.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
From the oc whispers I received it was clear that they knew that their presence affected the event. But they figured that since many places are affected by events, they decided not to bother to pick a safe place.
I don’t have an actual log. I did start along the lines of ‘krait are attacking the city and you’re all sitting here, not giving a hand?’ in reaction of a few whispers I got I clarified that I was roleplaying, and comtinued my efforts to do so.
I am a roleplayer too, though I don’t do much of it in guildwars. But I know how to do it.
RP1: My word! Do you hear that? What is that sound?
RP2: Oh, that? Nevermind that. Those would be Krait. Filthy, ill mannered creatures, one and and all. They come in from whatever hole they call home and enslave the villagers.
RP1: Enslave the villagers? Shouldn’t we do something?
RP3: Oh heavens no. Look outside the window. There are plenty battling away as is. More tea?
RP1: Delightful tea by the way, but I believe I have had my fill. But to remain on point – doesn’t our mere presence here increase the number of Krait? Aren’t our sheer numbers making it more difficult for them to fight the Krait off?
RP2: Perhaps. But that isn’t our concern. We here to have civil conversation, not fight slimy brutes in the street like common mercenaries.
RP3: Yes, it isn’t our concern at all. And if you knew the price I paid for dye at the auction house to get these town clothes looking just so, you would not be asking me to switch into that horrible looking armor right now. More cake?
In my personal experience, from both intentionally experimenting with it and accidentally going AFK right where an event pops up I’m pretty sure you don’t get any rewards unless you participate.
In practice it’s often difficult to know whethet you’ve participated or not because apart from the bosses event enemies aren’t labled any differently and some of them can spawn a long way from the main focus of the event and get mixed in with regular enemies. Also even if you’re AFK if you’ve got any type of ‘pet’ (like the necro minions or the ranger pets) and they get hit with any damage they’ll attack and that counts as you participating.
There’s been times when I’ve been aware of an event somewhere nearby but didn’t think I’d joined in at all, then I get a bronze or even silver medal and realise some of the seemingly random enemies I was killing were part of the event. But at other times I’ve stood right in the middle of an event and done nothing and got no reward at all.
Although I have to admit I don’t know if inactive/non-participating players affect the event scaling. That would be harder to test because you’d need a group of people and a quiet area with a frequently occuring event to test it.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
A) I can imagine that if they were there for any length of time, they’d tune out the events like that simply due to frequency. Otherwise they’d have to pretend they stepped into a Groundhog Day loop or something.
2) Events aren’t supposed to scale unless people are actively participating. This keeps people from griefing them and lets them remain at the appropriate difficulty level. If it is counting them simply due to proximity, then that’s a bug and should be reported as such.
A shame fun things could not simply be fun.
So are you saying we should let people continue to do this and earn free rewards? Why do you not want people to report this as a bug that needs fixing?
Don’t take words out of my mouth. I never said that this should happen. I am saying that people should not be banned for standing there chatting or roleplaying. Can you even prove that this is an issue and that someone is actually abusing this? It makes no sense. A stupid excuse to demonize a group of roleplayers for just standing there is what this is about. They should be abhored for their poor behavior, not for roleplaying there.
You don’t need to prove intent if the OP specifically mentioned to them the effect they were having on the event and they flat out refused to either help or leave. Clearly they were aware there was a problem and had no interest in doing anything about it.
Whether or not they had any impact on the event is irrelevant to this exploit talk. It doesn’t mean that they’re getting bronze medals nor does it prove that they are just standing there for bronze with a roleplaying façade (which would be idiotic and more energy-consuming than tagging a couple monsters to earn a gold reward in the first place). And OP never really made it clear if he mentioned that. You are assuming too many things there, making abstractions over abstractions, this is nothing concrete.
Heres a thought for those arguing they should be able to RP near events with impunity. Why the hell are your characters sitting in a tavern/building while the town is being invaded by krait? What world are your characters living in where the townsfolk being kidnapped is a cause for more ale.
You can’t make the excuse that you are RPing and thus shouldn’t be required to do the event. You, as the character, should feel the need to defend the townspeople. You are the kitten heroes, and even if you weren’t then you at least would need to defend yourself. So ya, that argument falls apart for me.
But then I’ve seen people spout some pretty stupid stuff in the name of RP, which is annoying as good RP is a lot of fun but I avoid most RP stuff like the plague due to the prevelance of those sorts.
best rp i have seen yet:
necro LF erotic RP…
was enough to nope me off the internet for the day
That’s actually hilarious. I would have asked the guy if he prefers to make sweet Necro love to women with or without a head still attached to their neck.
Should have asked if sparkles are needed.
Although I have to admit I don’t know if inactive/non-participating players affect the event scaling. That would be harder to test because you’d need a group of people and a quiet area with a frequently occuring event to test it.
When an event starts, the size is determined by the amount of people already in the area.
Maybe they are role playing Marie Antoinette? Let them eat cake!
Although I have to admit I don’t know if inactive/non-participating players affect the event scaling. That would be harder to test because you’d need a group of people and a quiet area with a frequently occuring event to test it.
When an event starts, the size is determined by the amount of people already in the area.
Also it adjusts the event on a regular basis if more players enter the area during the middle of it.
Nevermind the fact that they were making the event harder. They’re terrible roleplayers. Something is happening in the world! To arms! To arms! Why play in a world if you’re going to pretend the world isn’t there?
I bet they’re the same types that fill in extensive bios describing their characters’ appearances that completely conflict with their in game appearance, and perform every action through custom emotes, including basic functions like walking around a room. (Player walks around you in a circle.)
They’re in the group of players that insist on roleplaying characters than can’t exist in the setting (“I know my character looks like a norn, but I’m actually a half-orc.”), or that describe themselves as having accomplished extraordinary feats in spite of the fact that they’re still level 1.
If you’re going to roleplay in a virtual world, roleplay in that virtual world, not in one you made up yourself.
because those who mind don’t matter
and those who matter don’t mind.” -Dr. Seuss
They are possibly getting karma from those events as well. A lot of events will give you karma (bronze reward) if you just happen to be passing by one as it is ending. If that’s the case, they could possibly be exploiting the system by essentially camping a DE spawn point.
Sorry, but that’s just ridiculous and absurd. So hanging in an area chatting with your friends is exploiting now?
Your not supposed to earn rewards from an event you didn’t participate in. You’re only supposed to get rewards for actually killing stuff or whatever else the event requires. So if you’re standing around in the area, gaining rewards, and not actually participating? Then you are taking advantage of an unintended bug and that is the definition of an exploit. Especially when said exploit gives you free Karma, XP, and Gold!!
Except that you can’t prove that the intent is to abuse the system. Standing there chatting with your friends is not exploiting. Seems like some very ridiculous excuse to crack down on roleplayers who very obviously were not exploiting anything.
I don’t care if they’re rpers man. Get the chip off your shoulder. If you got rewards from an event you didn’t participate in, don’t you think you’d find it a bit odd and maybe report it instead of just sitting around continuing to get rewards? That is dishonest, whether they intended for it to happen or not, it’s not right. Or if you see an event going on nearby and people are having a hard time, maybe you’d either help out or go somewhere else? It’s about being considerate to your fellow players.
So should we ban everyone who gets a bronze medal for running near an event now? They’re all exploiters according to your logic. The person who brought this up clearly had this happen to them – so he is an exploiter and must be banned. Get some common sense. Maybe we should ban everyone who goes afk in wild areas.
I don’t know about you, but I might suggest reporting it as a bug so Anet can fix it? why are you so argumentative.
I am argumentative because you are suggesting that people should be banned for nothing.
Show me where I (or anyone else for that matter) said people should be banned. Nobody said it (except for you, multiple times) and that is not even the topic of the kitten thread. We’re talking about rude people.
From the moment you call them ‘exploiters’, you acknowledge it as a bannable offense, because that’s how Arenanet views it.
So are you saying we should let people continue to do this and earn free rewards? Why do you not want people to report this as a bug that needs fixing?
Don’t take words out of my mouth. I never said that this should happen. I am saying that people should not be banned for standing there chatting or roleplaying. Can you even prove that this is an issue and that someone is actually abusing this? It makes no sense. A stupid excuse to demonize a group of roleplayers
1. Don’t take words out of your mouth? Don’t take words out of MY MOUTH. I never once said anything about banning people. Chill the kitten out man.
2. I don’t give a kitten if they are roleplayers. I have nothing against roleplayers. Why do you care so much that they are roleplayers?
You are the only person in this thread who cares about either of those two points. Understand?