Don't make hasty decisions ANet
On how many characters have you unlocked more than half of your elite spec?
The majority of the players complaining either have a fair number of alts or primarily only play WvW.
The conversion rate for WvW means they have to rank up (the equivalent of leveling up) 200 times per character. And those levels don’t get any easier or quicker the more you do them. It’s currently making players in WvW not play that mode as intended. They’re letting players on the other sides take things and then later taking it back when they come around full circle for the WXP. WvW isn’t supposed to happen like that.
If you’ve only done it on one character, how long do you think it will remain not a grind for you? 2 more characters? 3? Now imagine you’ve got 9 characters you want to equip elite specs on. Or more because you’re wanting to have multiple builds. Or you have a WvW version of each class you enjoy playing.
And those complaining aren’t saying to give it to them yesterday. Just to tweak the numbers slightly so they don’t have to fully explore all 4 maps and/or unlock all of the masteries before fully unlocking their elite. Or so they don’t have to sit in a WXP train in WvW. They want to experience new content with their elite spec. Not have all of the new content done before fully unlocking their elite spec.
Weird you don’t get your the minority op.
Weird you don’t get your the minority op.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. Just because you say something doesn’t make it true.
Tarnished Coast.
If you make the game easier
To do the same boring grinding stuff for multiple alts isnt a matter about easy or hard content…
Weird you don’t get your the minority op.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. Just because you say something doesn’t make it true.
Hypocrisy obviously eludes you.
On how many characters have you unlocked more than half of your elite spec?
The majority of the players complaining either have a fair number of alts or primarily only play WvW.
One day, no, scratch that, 6 hours, that’s how long it took me to unlock half my elite spec and that’s not knowing the map at all and figuring out how to get to each hero point which took forever.
Once you know the map, it’ll probably take you a few hours to unlock all the hero points needed, itzel and gliding masteries included.
And.. people want it even easier..
Who knows which side is the minority or the majority. None of us can poll every player who is aware of this situation and the forum will always be biased towards those that do not agree with whatever is done due to human nature (our threshold to complain vocally about something is a lot lower than our threshold to praise vocally about something for many people). And any claims of such are invalid. You can say “the majority/minority of the people I’ve talked to”, but you can’t claim of the entire game’s active population.
While I think the elite spec unlock is a bit too much, I’d much rather ANet take time to come up with a good solution, even if that takes time, than implement the first solution they think will work just to appease fans. I’d rather the system only chance once and not multiple times. And even if that is too late for my first character to benefit. This will set the precedent for future elite spec unlocks.
On how many characters have you unlocked more than half of your elite spec?
The majority of the players complaining either have a fair number of alts or primarily only play WvW.
One day, no, scratch that, 6 hours, that’s how long it took me to unlock half my elite spec and that’s not knowing the map at all and figuring out how to get to each hero point which took forever.
Once you know the map, it’ll probably take you a few hours to unlock all the hero points needed, itzel and gliding masteries included.
And.. people want it even easier..
I didn’t ask how long. I asked how many characters. Then asked you how many times you think you could do it and not find it a grind.
I am however on your side that ANet shouldn’t rush to a decision on the matter as this will set precedent for future elite spec unlocks.
On how many characters have you unlocked more than half of your elite spec?
The majority of the players complaining either have a fair number of alts or primarily only play WvW.
One day, no, scratch that, 6 hours, that’s how long it took me to unlock half my elite spec and that’s not knowing the map at all and figuring out how to get to each hero point which took forever.
When even those who support the system describe it in terms such as, it made, “6 hours,” of playing feel like it was taking, “forever,” its not a good sign.
I’m 100% happy with the expansion. Please do not change it.
I’m not sure really why anyone expected to have all of this stuff done after playing for one day. Heart of Thorns is an expansion, it’s not supposed to be over with quickly. Consider that you may have gotten half of an elite specialization done yesterday. So now you need to work on some masteries, it might take you a week to get done with one class. That seems like a long time, but keep in mind that now since you’ve done masteries you can just fly to the hero points, channel them, and move on. This might take you a day per character. I have 11 level 80 characters, so this might take me a little over two weeks? Now you’ve got elite specs done on all your characters, and you have a bunch more content to go work on for months afterwards. I think this is pretty fair, two weeks of working towards something after we waited 270 days for an expansion since its announcement.
Oh and how long did it take you to originally make those level 80 characters of yours? Probably a lot longer than it will to unlock an elite specialization.
Co-Leader of the Get Fresh Crew
ANET’s decision will be based purely on how much the fiasco affects their bank account. No doubt they won’t be rushing to a decision now but will give it a few days to see how it plays out. But say… if at the end of the week a much lower number of players than they anticipated will have fully unlocked at least one elite spec… changes will be made, and there isn’t a thing you’re going to be able to a do about it.
Oh and one other thing, if you think the casual players who may not be able to play the game more than a few hours a week are the “minority” of the player base, you’re out of your mind.
(edited by Hexalot.8194)
I’m not sure really why anyone expected to have all of this stuff done after playing for one day. Heart of Thorns is an expansion, it’s not supposed to be over with quickly. Consider that you may have gotten half of an elite specialization done yesterday. So now you need to work on some masteries, it might take you a week to get done with one class. That seems like a long time, but keep in mind that now since you’ve done masteries you can just fly to the hero points, channel them, and move on. .
Have you been following the expansion at all ???
I am specifically talking about the complaints of hero challenges being turned into Champion bosses where you need a party to beat.
(edited by Hexalot.8194)
The largest complaints are about the time it takes for Masteries, especially redoing old content for the Pact ones. My biggest complaint is actually on the economic changes. Our wealth generating capacity, outside of trading, has been dealt a serious blow. At the same time they introduce new items, new gear, and content that “requires” Ascened gear which just went up in the price to craft too.
Also completely salty over the Trick or Treat loot tables. I turned the game right off not even an hour after launch and didn’t come back in until late last night.
oh and as someone with many alts, these specialization unlocks should have been account wide. Some of us actually have more than one character per profession.
ANET’s decision will be based purely on how much the fiasco affects their bank account.
They already have our money so they won’t give a heck. Someone posted on another thread that they can’t (more likely won’t) uncouple HoT from our base account to issue a refund. They’d deactivate our core account that we’ve been using for 3 years to give us a refund. So, I don’t believe any of us are going to give up our accounts we’ve invested thousands of hours into for the refund.
Lessons learned, never be generous and never pre-order.
ANET’s decision will be based purely on how much the fiasco affects their bank account.
They already have our money so they won’t give a heck. Someone posted on another thread that they can’t (more likely won’t) uncouple HoT from our base account to issue a refund. They’d deactivate our core account that we’ve been using for 3 years to give us a refund. So, I don’t believe any of us are going to give up our accounts we’ve invested thousands of hours into for the refund.
well played anet
ANET’s decision will be based purely on how much the fiasco affects their bank account.
They already have our money so they won’t give a heck. Someone posted on another thread that they can’t (more likely won’t) uncouple HoT from our base account to issue a refund. They’d deactivate our core account that we’ve been using for 3 years to give us a refund. So, I don’t believe any of us are going to give up our accounts we’ve invested thousands of hours into for the refund.
Yes they have our HOT $50 but you’re forgetting about the cash shop which probably makes them 10 times the money over the life of the game than just selling downloads. And if they (ANET) sense a lot of casual players are going to quit out of frustration, they’ll speedily move to make changes as needed as less players mean less spending in the boutique.
Yes they have our HOT $50 but you’re forgetting about the cash shop which probably makes them 10 times the money over the life of the game than just selling downloads. And if they (ANET) sense a lot of casual players are going to quit out of frustration, they’ll speedily move to make changes as needed as less players mean less spending in the boutique.
Good. After this farce of an expansion, they deserve to make less money.
I told you.
Yes they have our HOT $50 but you’re forgetting about the cash shop which probably makes them 10 times the money over the life of the game than just selling downloads. And if they (ANET) sense a lot of casual players are going to quit out of frustration, they’ll speedily move to make changes as needed as less players mean less spending in the boutique.
Good. After this farce of an expansion, they deserve to make less money.
Dude, be respectful to devs.
They already made complete disaster with the WvW. I can’t believe this happened….
On how many characters have you unlocked more than half of your elite spec?
Content shouldn’t be balanced based off of alts.
Since HoT release anet already fixed two wrong decisions:
- ridculous itzel story requirement
- crazy Eltern spec requirements
What still needs to be fixed and hopefullay won’t take too long:
- the unbelievable crazy amount the final story enemy has (if you do it solo)
- XP needed for HoT mastery’s (to max them! Tyria mastery are fine, thanks to cof p2)
- the whole stupid dragons map (increase timer to 4h or more and nerf the dann HP and dmg needed for the these champs!)
- generallythe final HoT map metas! increase the timers or decrease the dmg needed for to success!
After anet changes these four points, HoT is gonna be the best Expansion possible!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
What I came into this thread expecting:
People who had been complaining for years on end that the game has no challenge (I am one of them, admittedly) rejoicing at finally having a challenge.
What I found instead:
Please remove challenge from my casual game! I want to be able to max everything and have all rewards and blow through expansion content in one week, so I can complain about there being no content again!
I’m pretty much done with this game, because everything is extremely easy, and I just get tired of having nothing to do except roll over my enemies.
Plus, Anet has seemed.. passive aggressive with the whole thing?
2013: We’re going to give you everything for free.
2014: You guys don’t like our free stuff, so we’re going to make an expansion.
2015: Have fun paying for everything, hahaha. Take that.
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/
(edited by Hannelore.8153)
I have a 3 year old account, and was issued a refund for HoT no problem, and it did NOT affect my base account, everything returned to normal.
If you bought HoT from GW2 directly within 30-45 days, you can apply and get a refund for HoT only.
I applied for the refund because I don’t have any time for PVE anymore and PVP isn’t affected much. Eventually I’ll rebuy when it’s discounted, but was disappointed at the lack of info on zone exploration gating.)