Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: g e o.2589

g e o.2589

People always ask for nerfs when they lose against certain profession, at least some do. We already had much nerfs and we wont let you nerf our portal AGAIN. Mesmer’s portal is almost no profit for mesmers, especially in jumping puzzles because we port OTHERS, we only benefit when we’re not sure about the jump so we place portal for critical result.

The use of portal is also good in PvP battles, especially when there’s four of you. The most common mistake is that when mesmer opens portal during battle most opponents think that mesmer actually uses the portal. This helps us evade a couple of skills from you. Also people think we’re perma invulnerable. We have 3 invulnerability skills. One is Distortion-shatter skill with a minute cd, other is Blurred frenzy- sword skill with 10 sec. cd and last one is mimic, sort of shield wich only blocks after it absorbs a projectile. You can not counter Distortion or Blurred Frenzy but its pretty easy to counter Mimic. Mimic block works after it absorbs projectile, so all you need to do is dont throw one, it only lasts for 4 secs. Confusion, that can be easily removed if you sacrifice one slot of traits or skills for condition removal. Stealth? easy, AoE and CC. Too many clones, there are only 3 of those, clones are the ones who get near. Phantasms? two shot and they’re dead. Chaos Armor? DONT ATTACK. too many teleports? Immobilize.

See? its not that hard to counter a mesmer, you should just know your enemy.

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Titan.3472


After using a portal that would be legit that all powers and skills are in CD for 5sec :p

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: g e o.2589

g e o.2589

After using a portal that would be legit that all powers and skills are in CD for 5sec :p

That’s same as Stun, why would we get stunned for using our own skill which has 0 damage

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


After using a portal that would be legit that all powers and skills are in CD for 5sec :p

That’s same as Stun, why would we get stunned for using our own skill which has 0 damage

Nah it’s OK, but while we’re at it, let’s stun
Warriors when they place a banner down
Elementalists when they summon a weapon (fiery greatsword, ice bow)
Rangers when their pets die
Thieves when they stealth


wait no, that’s stupid.

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


What’s the purpose of this thread?

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: g e o.2589

g e o.2589

What’s the purpose of this thread?

People complain about mesmer sometimes, as they did with thieves

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Titan.3472


I am agree anything about mesmer have to be nerf again and again :p

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


What’s the purpose of this thread?

I thought it was to discuss guild wars 2 portal and whether we believe it should remain as is.

There is a lengthy suggestions forum post asking for a nerf.

Interestingly enough, this thread serves more purpose and is more game oriented than half the threads that are started every day.

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: g e o.2589

g e o.2589

I am agree anything about mesmer have to be nerf again and again :p

we are agree you should visit English language teacher.

No offense but i kinda dont understand what you say

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Titan.3472


I am agree about nerfing Mesmer all the time :p That’s what I meant lol
After DoT here comes the NoT (Nerf Over Time)

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tengu.4209


You all complained about Thieves…I think I could get a Rabble rousing group together so we could nerf Mesmers so us Thieves atleast have company.

Devona’s Rest – [Tsuk]
Ajini – Thief – Commander

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farzo.8410


Mesmers needs a nerf, yes :p

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


Mesmers have been nerfed in almost every update. Even the first patch of the year nerfed mesmers while it didn’t touch any other class.

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Navi.7142


As they will split pvp/ pve/ wvw skills more and more I really hope they will buff my pve mesmer.
We were nerfed so many times, it is not even funny anymore. ^^

Apart from that they really should fix the bugs they introduced with the last patches (like the issue with Zerkie), before they dare to touch the mesmer again. xD

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mattbnh.9247


Nerf ambient creature – The real menace!

“That’s more than I really needed to know.” – Adventurer in LA

(edited by Moderator)

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


People always ask for nerfs when they lose against certain profession, at least some do. We already had much nerfs and we wont let you nerf our portal AGAIN. Mesmer’s portal is almost no profit for mesmers, especially in jumping puzzles because we port OTHERS, we only benefit when we’re not sure about the jump so we place portal for critical result.

The use of portal is also good in PvP battles, especially when there’s four of you. The most common mistake is that when mesmer opens portal during battle most opponents think that mesmer actually uses the portal. This helps us evade a couple of skills from you. Also people think we’re perma invulnerable. We have 3 invulnerability skills. One is Distortion-shatter skill with a minute cd, other is Blurred frenzy- sword skill with 10 sec. cd and last one is mimic, sort of shield wich only blocks after it absorbs a projectile. You can not counter Distortion or Blurred Frenzy but its pretty easy to counter Mimic. Mimic block works after it absorbs projectile, so all you need to do is dont throw one, it only lasts for 4 secs. Confusion, that can be easily removed if you sacrifice one slot of traits or skills for condition removal. Stealth? easy, AoE and CC. Too many clones, there are only 3 of those, clones are the ones who get near. Phantasms? two shot and they’re dead. Chaos Armor? DONT ATTACK. too many teleports? Immobilize.

See? its not that hard to counter a mesmer, you should just know your enemy.

You’re conveniently forgetting that mesmers class-skill is the best defensive mechanic in the bloody game. And when combined with any of their 3 invulnerability abilities, 4 stealth abilities, and some of the games best escape skills any good mesmer is lost in the crowd for half of any fight, and invulnerable, stealthed, or evading for at least another quarter. Leaving little if any window of opportunity open for their opponent.

If they’re nerfing portal, I don’t think that’s a good idea, and it isn’t going to help much of anything. But claiming that mesmers are perfectly fine and ‘have counters’ is nonsense. There are no counters to an endless cycle of defensive mechanics which punish you for dealing with them. See early bunker guardians and the recent pre-nerf thief.

In short, people like fighting an opponent that actually gives them an opportunity to fight back. No good (or even semi-decent) mesmer is required to ever give any such opportunity.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ensign.2189


I’ll complain about confusion damage being totally dominant in WvW. Other than that I don’t have much to complain about.

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

Also people think we’re perma invulnerable. We have 3 invulnerability skills.

As a lifetime Thief the last thing I wanna do is to scream nerf on a sister class, but I gotta call shenanigans on this one. “Oh no, we only have 3 invulnerability skills!” … you’re bleeding me, right? As a Thief we have … oh, what’s that, none? And just to balance things out they butchered stealth for PvE too? Huh … not feeling a lot of sympathy here.

Seriously, sucks for anyone what gets nerfed every time they turn around – we Thieves know all about that – but maybe you’re focusing on the wrong “weak points” in your class here.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Curo.2483


Also people think we’re perma invulnerable. We have 3 invulnerability skills.

As a lifetime Thief the last thing I wanna do is to scream nerf on a sister class, but I gotta call shenanigans on this one. “Oh no, we only have 3 invulnerability skills!” … you’re bleeding me, right? As a Thief we have … oh, what’s that, none? And just to balance things out they butchered stealth for PvE too? Huh … not feeling a lot of sympathy here.

Seriously, sucks for anyone what gets nerfed every time they turn around – we Thieves know all about that – but maybe you’re focusing on the wrong “weak points” in your class here.

Who needs invulnerability when you have perma stealth?

Curo Lunesque – “Concerned Citizen and Community Builder”

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BadHabitZz.1856


Also people think we’re perma invulnerable. We have 3 invulnerability skills.

As a lifetime Thief the last thing I wanna do is to scream nerf on a sister class, but I gotta call shenanigans on this one. “Oh no, we only have 3 invulnerability skills!” … you’re bleeding me, right? As a Thief we have … oh, what’s that, none? And just to balance things out they butchered stealth for PvE too? Huh … not feeling a lot of sympathy here.

Seriously, sucks for anyone what gets nerfed every time they turn around – we Thieves know all about that – but maybe you’re focusing on the wrong “weak points” in your class here.

Who needs invulnerability when you have perma stealth?

Thieves dont have such a thing and i would trade “perma invis” for that in blink of an eye and if you still getting killed by CnD iam sorry, but you are doing something horribly wrong…

(edited by BadHabitZz.1856)

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: showatt.9413


Well if someone has made a thread asking not to nerf their class, clearly that class needs to be nerfed.

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Mesmer has been nerfed since the game launched, again and again.
Even back in the day when everyone thought Mesmer was a weak class and couldn’t cross the road without dying :P

As a Main mesmer who plays PvE -I say separate PvE and pvP already!
Those mechanics you guys moan about are what keeps me alive- do you have any idea how slowly a Mesmer kills?

I am sick of PvP people shouting nerf Mesmer and paying the price.

Gunnar’s Hold

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kokiman.2364


What’s the purpose of this thread?

People complain about mesmer sometimes, as they did with thieves

Because they have weird mechanics.

Stealth without a hardcounter is pretty stupid imo.

Fighting against an army of clones, too.

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


It’s not stupid just because you don’t understand it. I agree that it’s advantageous when the enemy constantly loses focus though, especially with other enemies around that make hotkey targeting quite hard.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kokiman.2364


It’s not stupid just because you don’t understand it. I agree that it’s advantageous when the enemy constantly loses focus though, especially with other enemies around that make hotkey targeting quite hard.

I do understand it and it doesn’t make it less stupid.

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farzo.8410


This is all going to be subjective.

The reason why I hate Thiefs and Mesmers is because they are not a fun profession to fight against, it’s boring as hell, why?

To start with Thief, it’s boring as hell to fight something that can just turn invisible. It’s not fun, to know that whatever I do, my enemy can just turn invisible whenever he wants to, and there’s nothing I can do to make him come out from it.

I don’t even know if he’s still in the game, I don’t know if he stealthed and ran away, or if he stealthed and logged out from the game. Stealth in Guild Wars 2 is such a broken mechanic it’s not fun.

I really, really disliked Rogues with their Stealth in World of Warcraft, being able to be in Stealth 24/7 (and now even able to Stealth faster than a Druid can use Travel Form, what?)

Now going over to Mesmer. The Mesmer profession have changed so much from original Guild Wars. I really liked the Mesmer profession in original Guild Wars, they were all about interruption, confusion and conditions.

In Guild Wars 2, they are all about spawning as much clones as possible to create a clusterkitten while their enemy have a hard time target them, and ontop of that, they can even turn INVISIBLE.

Spawning clones and phantasms, AND turn Invisible? The only chance you have against Mesmers is in sPvP, where you can ctrl+T them, so you at least know who the real one is, so you can try to aim for that guy while he runs around, spawning clones at you, slowing you down, becoming invulnerable and all that kitten.

But of course, you drop the target when they go invisible.

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snow White.9680

Snow White.9680

If you guys have a hard time killing a Mesmer: roll a Mesmer.
If you think Mesmers are OP: roll a Mesmer.
If you don’t understand how Mesmers work: roll a Mesmer.

That is the only way you are truly going to figure out how to kill one.

Mesmers are not OP, they just have a lot of builds that everyone and their brother seem to think we can all play simultaneously. Hint: We can’t.

Study us! Learn our favorite builds and you’ll be able to recognize them just by looking at which weapons we’re wielding. They all have a counter!

Want to know the Mesmers greatest counter? Conditions!

(edited by Snow White.9680)

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


If you guys have a hard time killing a Mesmer: roll a Mesmer.
If you think Mesmers are OP: roll a Mesmer.
If you don’t understand how Mesmers work: roll a Mesmer.

That is the only way you are truly going to figure out how to kill one.

Mesmers are not OP, they just have a lot of builds that everyone and their brother seem to think we can all play simultaneously. Hint: We can’t.

Study us! Learn our favorite builds and you’ll be able to recognize them just by looking at which weapons we’re wielding. They all have a counter!

Want to know the Mesmers greatest counter? Conditions!

First PvP character was a mesmer, took it in to PvP and completely destroyed back when people thought the mesmer was worthless. Then I deleted it because I realized I was being a complete kittenbag and felt like a horrible person. Haven’t taken a mesmer in to PvP since.

Quit assuming that every player who disagrees with you has no experience.

And no, conditions can pop on clones and waste your builds entire offensive power just like every other ability.

The mesmer class is broken, try being productive and suggesting fixes that will retain what you like about the class instead of insisting that people should be okay with fighting an opponent that removes all counterplay from any fight.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastruq.2463


The problem is that a class cannot be “all about conditions” because that automatically makes them overpowered, since it obviously would be asking to much of a player to use a utility slot for defense and employ condition removers.

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


If you guys have a hard time killing a Mesmer: roll a Mesmer.
If you think Mesmers are OP: roll a Mesmer.
If you don’t understand how Mesmers work: roll a Mesmer.

That is the only way you are truly going to figure out how to kill one.

Mesmers are not OP, they just have a lot of builds that everyone and their brother seem to think we can all play simultaneously. Hint: We can’t.

Study us! Learn our favorite builds and you’ll be able to recognize them just by looking at which weapons we’re wielding. They all have a counter!

Want to know the Mesmers greatest counter? Conditions!

First PvP character was a mesmer, took it in to PvP and completely destroyed back when people thought the mesmer was worthless. Then I deleted it because I realized I was being a complete kittenbag and felt like a horrible person. Haven’t taken a mesmer in to PvP since.

Quit assuming that every player who disagrees with you has no experience.

And no, conditions can pop on clones and waste your builds entire offensive power just like every other ability.

The mesmer class is broken, try being productive and suggesting fixes that will retain what you like about the class instead of insisting that people should be okay with fighting an opponent that removes all counterplay from any fight.

Since the olden days people have learned to counter mesmers. I rarly see a Mesmer in sPvP, I wonder if there is a reason for that? I would assume you have no experience with a Mesmer based on your post.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Since the olden days people have learned to counter mesmers. I rarly see a Mesmer in sPvP, I wonder if there is a reason for that? I would assume you have no experience with a Mesmer based on your post.

I rarely see a match without them, neither my personal perceptions nor yours are empirical evidence. There are people who think they are fine, and people who think they are not, based on their own experience playing or playing against the class.

But isn’t it funny how all those who think mesmers are okay are mesmer players? While we have both mesmer and non-mesmer players who think they are not…?

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


I always thought aoe and knowing which is the right clone was all the counterplay needed against mesmers?

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


If you guys have a hard time killing a Mesmer: roll a Mesmer.
If you think Mesmers are OP: roll a Mesmer.
If you don’t understand how Mesmers work: roll a Mesmer.

That is the only way you are truly going to figure out how to kill one.

Mesmers are not OP, they just have a lot of builds that everyone and their brother seem to think we can all play simultaneously. Hint: We can’t.

Study us! Learn our favorite builds and you’ll be able to recognize them just by looking at which weapons we’re wielding. They all have a counter!

Want to know the Mesmers greatest counter? Conditions!

First PvP character was a mesmer, took it in to PvP and completely destroyed back when people thought the mesmer was worthless. Then I deleted it because I realized I was being a complete kittenbag and felt like a horrible person. Haven’t taken a mesmer in to PvP since.

Quit assuming that every player who disagrees with you has no experience.

And no, conditions can pop on clones and waste your builds entire offensive power just like every other ability.

The mesmer class is broken, try being productive and suggesting fixes that will retain what you like about the class instead of insisting that people should be okay with fighting an opponent that removes all counterplay from any fight.

Since the olden days people have learned to counter mesmers. I rarly see a Mesmer in sPvP, I wonder if there is a reason for that? I would assume you have no experience with a Mesmer based on your post.

I rarely see a match without them, neither my personal perceptions nor yours are empirical evidence. There are people who think they are fine, and people who think they are not.

But isn’t it funny how all those who think mesmers are okay are mesmer players? While we have both mesmer and non-mesmer players who think they’re not?

I think there is an experience/skill disparity then. I never have a problem with a Mesmer, I do have problems with good players. A good Mesmer is good and a bad Mesmer is bad. There is nothing OP about that. Because I play a Mesmer I know exactly what I hate while playing a Mesmer and I do that to other mesmers while I am playing one of my other 5 80’s. I rarely played my Mesmer until recently when I saw all of the QQ about condition mesmers. I played one for a bit and was like meh, what is the big deal, it’s just like every other class (lol except for ranger) I will kill the bad masses with confusion because they cannot handle it. The good players shrug it off and continue on with a good fight. If it was OP I could just run around killing all no matter what. Skills should not be balanced around the lowest common denominator.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


I always thought aoe and knowing which is the right clone was all the counterplay needed against mesmers?

Conditions will wreck a Mesmer as well. They only have one condition removal and it is normally used to apply confusion to an enemy. Therefor it is always on CD.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kasama.8941


The only place I think Mesmers need a nerf, is with phantasms and Mind Wrack. Something as simple as a small cooldown timer in between casting different phantasms would be nice, plus a small nerf to Mind Wrack damage. That is all.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


I think there is an experience/skill disparity then. I never have a problem with a Mesmer, I do have problems with good players. A good Mesmer is good and a bad Mesmer is bad. There is nothing OP about that. Because I play a Mesmer I know exactly what I hate while playing a Mesmer and I do that to other mesmers while I am playing one of my other 5 80’s. I rarely played my Mesmer until recently when I saw all of the QQ about condition mesmers. I played one for a bit and was like meh, what is the big deal, it’s just like every other class (lol except for ranger) I will kill the bad masses with confusion because they cannot handle it. The good players shrug it off and continue on with a good fight. If it was OP I could just run around killing all no matter what. Skills should not be balanced around the lowest common denominator.

But y’see that’s the problem. It’s true, a bad mesmer is still a bad mesmer, and not much of a problem for any good player. But a good (doesn’t even have to be a great) mesmer can literally play any of several builds which cycles through a series of abilities that never ever gives any offensive opportunity to their opponent.

Can they still be beat? Yes, by playing conservatively with a defensive build. That is a HUGE problem in my opinion, a single class should not have the ability to pidgeonhole every opponent in to certain builds. Certain builds doing that is fine, if I build counter-offensively but lose out to defense, that’s an interesting and engaging choice I have been allowed to make. But that should not be the innate state of an entire profession. The mesmer does not have to make any such build choice, every build is counter-offensive, every build punishes you for fighting back, and they sacrifice nothing for it that they actually need.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


The only place I think Mesmers need a nerf, is with phantasms and Mind Wrack. Something as simple as a small cooldown timer in between casting different phantasms would be nice, plus a small nerf to Mind Wrack damage. That is all.

You can already avoid the creation of phantasms, destroy them and finally avoid their damage. If those chances aren’t sufficient, I can’t help you. But probably you’re just mixing up phantasms, clones and illusions…

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


I think there is an experience/skill disparity then. I never have a problem with a Mesmer, I do have problems with good players. A good Mesmer is good and a bad Mesmer is bad. There is nothing OP about that. Because I play a Mesmer I know exactly what I hate while playing a Mesmer and I do that to other mesmers while I am playing one of my other 5 80’s. I rarely played my Mesmer until recently when I saw all of the QQ about condition mesmers. I played one for a bit and was like meh, what is the big deal, it’s just like every other class (lol except for ranger) I will kill the bad masses with confusion because they cannot handle it. The good players shrug it off and continue on with a good fight. If it was OP I could just run around killing all no matter what. Skills should not be balanced around the lowest common denominator.

But y’see that’s the problem. It’s true, a bad mesmer is still a bad mesmer, and not much of a problem for any good player. But a good (doesn’t even have to be a great) mesmer can literally play any of several builds which cycles through a series of abilities that never ever gives any offensive opportunity to their opponent.

Can they still be beat? Yes, by playing conservatively with a defensive build. That is a HUGE problem in my opinion, a single class should not have the ability to pidgeonhole every opponent in to certain builds. Certain builds doing that is fine, if I build counter-offensively but lose out to defense, that’s an interesting and engaging choice I have been allowed to make. But that should not be the innate state of an entire profession. The mesmer does not have to make any such build choice, every build is counter-offensive, every build punishes you for fighting back, and they sacrifice nothing for it that they actually need.

Like I said I don’t have a problem with mesmers nor do I feel like I have to have a certain build to take one down. Stop attacking their illusions, dodge mindwrack, remove conditions, don’t attack while confused.

Tip: The illusions can’t dodge, so kill to one that is dodging and moving.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kasama.8941


The only place I think Mesmers need a nerf, is with phantasms and Mind Wrack. Something as simple as a small cooldown timer in between casting different phantasms would be nice, plus a small nerf to Mind Wrack damage. That is all.

You can already avoid the creation of phantasms, destroy them and finally avoid their damage. If those chances aren’t sufficient, I can’t help you. But probably you’re just mixing up phantasms, clones and illusions…

I play a Mesmer myself, so I’m not mixing up anything. When fighting a Mesmer, people are focused on the Mesmer himself, and phantasms are therefor often a guaranteed hit. You can easily cast one phantasm, and then weapon swap to cast another, with next to no delay in between. It’s the speed of which you can do this, that is too powerful, in my opinion.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Every class can switch weapons (or attunements). Wanna nerf all classes? We have to setup our damage first, others can simply attack, and their attacks cannot by avoided in three ways. Considering they’re that unreliable, some phantasms actually are too weak, slow or on a cooldown that’s too long. iMage for example. So most people rely on shatters.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: g e o.2589

g e o.2589

People always ask for nerfs when they lose against certain profession, at least some do. We already had much nerfs and we wont let you nerf our portal AGAIN. Mesmer’s portal is almost no profit for mesmers, especially in jumping puzzles because we port OTHERS, we only benefit when we’re not sure about the jump so we place portal for critical result.

The use of portal is also good in PvP battles, especially when there’s four of you. The most common mistake is that when mesmer opens portal during battle most opponents think that mesmer actually uses the portal. This helps us evade a couple of skills from you. Also people think we’re perma invulnerable. We have 3 invulnerability skills. One is Distortion-shatter skill with a minute cd, other is Blurred frenzy- sword skill with 10 sec. cd and last one is mimic, sort of shield wich only blocks after it absorbs a projectile. You can not counter Distortion or Blurred Frenzy but its pretty easy to counter Mimic. Mimic block works after it absorbs projectile, so all you need to do is dont throw one, it only lasts for 4 secs. Confusion, that can be easily removed if you sacrifice one slot of traits or skills for condition removal. Stealth? easy, AoE and CC. Too many clones, there are only 3 of those, clones are the ones who get near. Phantasms? two shot and they’re dead. Chaos Armor? DONT ATTACK. too many teleports? Immobilize.

See? its not that hard to counter a mesmer, you should just know your enemy.

You’re conveniently forgetting that mesmers class-skill is the best defensive mechanic in the bloody game. And when combined with any of their 3 invulnerability abilities, 4 stealth abilities, and some of the games best escape skills any good mesmer is lost in the crowd for half of any fight, and invulnerable, stealthed, or evading for at least another quarter. Leaving little if any window of opportunity open for their opponent.

If they’re nerfing portal, I don’t think that’s a good idea, and it isn’t going to help much of anything. But claiming that mesmers are perfectly fine and ‘have counters’ is nonsense. There are no counters to an endless cycle of defensive mechanics which punish you for dealing with them. See early bunker guardians and the recent pre-nerf thief.

In short, people like fighting an opponent that actually gives them an opportunity to fight back. No good (or even semi-decent) mesmer is required to ever give any such opportunity.

The thing you’re saying is nonsense, when i encounter a tanky soldier I deal a little damage, so my best choice is to retreat, in that case if i get immobilized i am doomed. Also thieves can easily kill us if they’re making the first move. They suddenly stone you and kill you in a backstab and a hit because mesmers CANT TANK, that’s the reason why we have so many little duration defenses, and it happens so fast that we dont have time to teleport, maybe a couple of lucky mesmers will survive if they have illusions alive and distorion recharged.

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snow White.9680

Snow White.9680

If you guys have a hard time killing a Mesmer: roll a Mesmer.
If you think Mesmers are OP: roll a Mesmer.
If you don’t understand how Mesmers work: roll a Mesmer.

That is the only way you are truly going to figure out how to kill one.

Mesmers are not OP, they just have a lot of builds that everyone and their brother seem to think we can all play simultaneously. Hint: We can’t.

Study us! Learn our favorite builds and you’ll be able to recognize them just by looking at which weapons we’re wielding. They all have a counter!

Want to know the Mesmers greatest counter? Conditions!

First PvP character was a mesmer, took it in to PvP and completely destroyed back when people thought the mesmer was worthless. Then I deleted it because I realized I was being a complete kittenbag and felt like a horrible person. Haven’t taken a mesmer in to PvP since.

Quit assuming that every player who disagrees with you has no experience.

And no, conditions can pop on clones and waste your builds entire offensive power just like every other ability.

The mesmer class is broken, try being productive and suggesting fixes that will retain what you like about the class instead of insisting that people should be okay with fighting an opponent that removes all counterplay from any fight.

Since the olden days people have learned to counter mesmers. I rarely see a Mesmer in sPvP, I wonder if there is a reason for that? I would assume you have no experience with a Mesmer based on your post.


Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: g e o.2589

g e o.2589

This is all going to be subjective.

The reason why I hate Thiefs and Mesmers is because they are not a fun profession to fight against, it’s boring as hell, why?

To start with Thief, it’s boring as hell to fight something that can just turn invisible. It’s not fun, to know that whatever I do, my enemy can just turn invisible whenever he wants to, and there’s nothing I can do to make him come out from it.

I don’t even know if he’s still in the game, I don’t know if he stealthed and ran away, or if he stealthed and logged out from the game. Stealth in Guild Wars 2 is such a broken mechanic it’s not fun.

I really, really disliked Rogues with their Stealth in World of Warcraft, being able to be in Stealth 24/7 (and now even able to Stealth faster than a Druid can use Travel Form, what?)

Now going over to Mesmer. The Mesmer profession have changed so much from original Guild Wars. I really liked the Mesmer profession in original Guild Wars, they were all about interruption, confusion and conditions.

In Guild Wars 2, they are all about spawning as much clones as possible to create a clusterkitten while their enemy have a hard time target them, and ontop of that, they can even turn INVISIBLE.

Spawning clones and phantasms, AND turn Invisible? The only chance you have against Mesmers is in sPvP, where you can ctrl+T them, so you at least know who the real one is, so you can try to aim for that guy while he runs around, spawning clones at you, slowing you down, becoming invulnerable and all that kitten.

But of course, you drop the target when they go invisible.

The purpose of stealth was really to get target out. Most of you might not know but thief and mesmer have same mechanics in some sort. Both profession focus on not being able to get attacked, neither of them can tank so not receiving damage is the only way of survival. While they have much different skills both use something to run away from being majo target. Thieves have more defense from armor so 15 seconds of stealth is enough while mesmers have less defense from light armor they use clones to hide in the crowd. FYI clone/phantasm limit is 3 at a time. Also mesmers are single taget focused classes, we dont have much of AoE skills only a couple that last 3 secs.

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: g e o.2589

g e o.2589

The only place I think Mesmers need a nerf, is with phantasms and Mind Wrack. Something as simple as a small cooldown timer in between casting different phantasms would be nice, plus a small nerf to Mind Wrack damage. That is all.

Actually mind wrack damage can be traited, without it its not a big deal

Don't nerf us, mesmers reveal secrets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chickenshoes.6250


Let’s stun engineer when he uses knockdown shot or rocket boots.

oh wait