Elesh of Norn
It makes me so sad to see the amount of people complaining that there is no end game but farming, what mmo is there that does not have anything but grinding/ farming in their end game? People rush to level 80 in less than a month that the game has been out and say they are going to quit because of issues like this. I think people should spend more time enjoying and seeing the game rather than rushing and saying there is nothing left to do. MMOs are going to keep dying if this continues, SWOTR and Tera, people reached level cap in a week and the games completely died in less than a few months. The only thing that will keep this game stronger is that it is not pay to play, but why the rush everyone? I saw friends at level 80 in 5 days, I play everyday 2-5 hours and am barely level 21, and I have had it since the pre release and it’s nothing but loads of fun for me
This mindset was created by other mmos. And it is this crowd that ANET shouldn’t base their game around. There is no earthly way any gaming company could ever create enough content to satisfy this type of player.
So playing the game the way it is supposed to be played without being casual = rushing? What am i supposed to do exactly? I have been waiting for this game for 3 years and i reached the max level in 3 days because i wanted to keep playing since i enjoyed the game. I didn’t get to 80 as soon as i could , i did every zone i went through 100% , i did sPvP and WvWvW in between , Crafting etc… What am i supposed to do exactly? I don’t video games to go on some sort of digital vacation trip , if i want to just walk around and look at environments i would go outside.
Content at max level is severely lacking and there is no casual spouting you can do to prove me otherwise.
I think much of it could be the mentality from the first game, where you spent basically 99% of your time in the game at max level.
I’ve had the game since its official release, only playing when I can and I’m loving it, and I’m only level 20.
There will always be those who rush and rush through it then complain of nothing to do. Like someone said, you can write a dictionarys worth of content in a game and those people still won’t be satisfied.
So playing the game the way it is supposed to be played without being casual = rushing? What am i supposed to do exactly? I have been waiting for this game for 3 years and i reached the max level in 3 days because i wanted to keep playing since i enjoyed the game. I didn’t get to 80 as soon as i could , i did every zone i went through 100% , i did sPvP and WvWvW in between , Crafting etc… What am i supposed to do exactly? I don’t video games to go on some sort of digital vacation trip , if i want to just walk around and look at environments i would go outside.
Content at max level is severely lacking and there is no casual spouting you can do to prove me otherwise.
We have exactly the same feel in this game. I feel like the endgame content is really lacking. I want to grind those dungeon gears, but I just don’t see the point of it because you can’t even examine other player’s gear. I lvled though WvW halfway through the game also, I did sPvp, and I’m pretty much almost done with the PvE map. I would love to probably do more WvW if there are an actual rankings of servers and rewards for being the “top server” in WvW, but no they don’t have that. I wish they enables duels, add GvGs, and open PK maps so that at least your hardwork of grinding your gear in PvE area actually pays off.
Different people have different playstyles. The comments from 80s about how bored they are are no more annoying than the comments from casuals about how stupid the 80s are for being 80 already. It’s just a case of different playstyles. Some players like to play the hell out of a game (any game, not just MMOs) when it is released — it’s what they like doing, it’s what they find enjoyable about gaming. Other gamers like to play a bit here and there and mix it in with other things gradually. Both styles are legitimate, and GW2 really does accommodate both styles (although the more time-intensive gamer is either going to sink or swim in terms of the PvP game because the PvE side will be over relatively quickly), it’s really just a question of how someone wants to play.
I’m kind of in the middle here, which is why I see both perspectives. On weekdays I only play 2-3 hours at a time because it’s all the time I can allot given sleep hours, meals, and so on, after a long day at work. On weekends I can and do invest more time, as I also do if I have time off, which I happened to do when GW2 was released (not planned for that purpose). So right now I am sitting at 106 hours total, and 64 on my main, which is a LOT for someone like me, generally, 18 days into a video game release, and more than it otherwise would have been without the week off during the release week. But since then I have also played only 2-3 hours a day, sometimes less, during the week, because that’s my normal style. My main would be 80 now if I didn’t have alts, so being 80 is quite possible without rushing if you have some spare time (as many people do), while it’s also quite possible to be quite low level if you have a regular person 2-3 hour a day play schedule. Different strokes for different folks and all that.
I won’t be complaining about content when I am 80, because I will level my alts and also work slowly on upgrading my main’s gear — and I’ve never been much into heavy progression endgame MMOs where “the game begins at level cap” type of deal because it generally doesn’t work with my typical play schedule.
So playing the game the way it is supposed to be played without being casual = rushing? What am i supposed to do exactly? I have been waiting for this game for 3 years and i reached the max level in 3 days because i wanted to keep playing since i enjoyed the game. I didn’t get to 80 as soon as i could , i did every zone i went through 100% , i did sPvP and WvWvW in between , Crafting etc… What am i supposed to do exactly? I don’t video games to go on some sort of digital vacation trip , if i want to just walk around and look at environments i would go outside.
Content at max level is severely lacking and there is no casual spouting you can do to prove me otherwise.
We have exactly the same feel in this game. I feel like the endgame content is really lacking. I want to grind those dungeon gears, but I just don’t see the point of it because you can’t even examine other player’s gear. I lvled though WvW halfway through the game also, I did sPvp, and I’m pretty much almost done with the PvE map. I would love to probably do more WvW if there are an actual rankings of servers and rewards for being the “top server” in WvW, but no they don’t have that. I wish they enables duels, add GvGs, and open PK maps so that at least your hardwork of grinding your gear in PvE area actually pays off.
If the game itself is no fun for you, better spend that time at work and get some guido car to show off with.
So playing the game the way it is supposed to be played without being casual = rushing? What am i supposed to do exactly? I have been waiting for this game for 3 years and i reached the max level in 3 days because i wanted to keep playing since i enjoyed the game. I didn’t get to 80 as soon as i could , i did every zone i went through 100% , i did sPvP and WvWvW in between , Crafting etc… What am i supposed to do exactly? I don’t video games to go on some sort of digital vacation trip , if i want to just walk around and look at environments i would go outside.
Content at max level is severely lacking and there is no casual spouting you can do to prove me otherwise.
We have exactly the same feel in this game. I feel like the endgame content is really lacking. I want to grind those dungeon gears, but I just don’t see the point of it because you can’t even examine other player’s gear. I lvled though WvW halfway through the game also, I did sPvp, and I’m pretty much almost done with the PvE map. I would love to probably do more WvW if there are an actual rankings of servers and rewards for being the “top server” in WvW, but no they don’t have that. I wish they enables duels, add GvGs, and open PK maps so that at least your hardwork of grinding your gear in PvE area actually pays off.
Which is the core mechanic that they are against, by and large — although I do expect we will see GvG at some stage, because that was in GW1. The idea of the PvE side of the game is open player cooperation, which is destroyed by a PK environment (how do you do open group DEs, which are the core of the gameplay, in a PK environment?). And the idea of the PvP side of the game is equal gear levels rather than a gear-based caste system. Wv3 is also like PvE in that the differential between the highest stat gear and the next lowest one is about 12% so nothing much. It’s designed this way on purpose to avoid a massive power caste system based on gear acquisition — that has always been the GW philosophy, also from the first game. It’s true that achievement/progression players will be off-put by this because one of the main motivations for their style of play is precisely what this game avoids — gear-based superiority over other players being rewarded.
Different people have different playstyles. The comments from 80s about how bored they are are no more annoying than the comments from casuals about how stupid the 80s are for being 80 already. It’s just a case of different playstyles.
So playing the game the way it is supposed to be played without being casual = rushing? What am i supposed to do exactly? I have been waiting for this game for 3 years and i reached the max level in 3 days because i wanted to keep playing since i enjoyed the game. I didn’t get to 80 as soon as i could , i did every zone i went through 100% , i did sPvP and WvWvW in between , Crafting etc… What am i supposed to do exactly? I don’t video games to go on some sort of digital vacation trip , if i want to just walk around and look at environments i would go outside.
Content at max level is severely lacking and there is no casual spouting you can do to prove me otherwise.
We have exactly the same feel in this game. I feel like the endgame content is really lacking. I want to grind those dungeon gears, but I just don’t see the point of it because you can’t even examine other player’s gear. I lvled though WvW halfway through the game also, I did sPvp, and I’m pretty much almost done with the PvE map. I would love to probably do more WvW if there are an actual rankings of servers and rewards for being the “top server” in WvW, but no they don’t have that. I wish they enables duels, add GvGs, and open PK maps so that at least your hardwork of grinding your gear in PvE area actually pays off.
Really sounds like this game is not for you. You want to grind, there are a ton of games out there that are built around a mindless grind.
You find it all pointless because you can’t inspect other people? Really? You basicly are saying you can’t “feed your ego”. And keep yourself separate from others who may not have gear that YOU feel is not what they should be wearing. Basicly creating an environment of I’m better than you…your gear sucks/you suck…Next you’d be wanting gearscore or some dumb crap.
Honestly, it has been said time and time again, that this supposed end game starts at level 1. It is a game about a journey, not just a destination. I am sorry if you can’t wrap you mind around that or find yourself unable to break away from that old mindset you have.
People aren’t rushing, you’re going at a snails pace.
I explored Orr (apparently that’s rushing). The maps got no more hearts so you do them rather fast (except for the parts you run circles around bugged skillpoints :P). While I was exploring Orr I joined in on DEs whenever I came along one (doing DEs = rushing, I should just ignore them and stand on a cliff for 2 hours or something). While exploring Orr I was farming all the mithril/elder wood I could find (this gives exp, so it has to be rushing).
Now at 77 I got a bit bored of the DEs and had the first map complete (bugged skillpoint aside) and was halfway through the second map. I went to LA and turned my mithril ore into ingots (crafting = exp = rushing) and I got enough exp for MORE than 3 levels just from that. Now I could turn all those ingots into jewelry which would give me another 2 levels, then I could turn the logs into planks (since my second profession is Artificer) for again 3 levels and turn the planks into weapons for more experience. Sorry, but exp rates in GW2 are simply insane, it has nothing to do with rushing.
If you want to get one profession to 400 to craft 80 gear and farm most of the materials yourself that already gets you to 80. In other words to not turn 80 you have to AVOID a major bit of content in GW2. Irony isn’t it? People claiming you should not rush and enjoy the content by IGNORING the content.
I’m purposefully taking my time. I don’t want all those unexplored lands to open up too quickly. So, I’m currently leveling 5 toons and 3 tradeskills all at once. Slow going..especially having to harvest for the crafting. A bit in the evenings after work. More on the weekends.
But to echo Knight…thats just how I play.
i am sooooo supporting this viewpoint. although when i first log in this game i really want to achieve the high level and get better items, i recognize that only chasing the level in the game would not make sense. you will miss lots of fun in the game. hanging out with friends around the whole map, chatting with ur guild friends , lots of fun there. guys, don’t rush it so much, enjoy every single part in the game~~~~~ hope every one good
People aren’t rushing, you’re going at a snails pace.
I explored Orr (apparently that’s rushing). The maps got no more hearts so you do them rather fast (except for the parts you run circles around bugged skillpoints :P). While I was exploring Orr I joined in on DEs whenever I came along one (doing DEs = rushing, I should just ignore them and stand on a cliff for 2 hours or something). While exploring Orr I was farming all the mithril/elder wood I could find (this gives exp, so it has to be rushing).
Now at 77 I got a bit bored of the DEs and had the first map complete (bugged skillpoint aside) and was halfway through the second map. I went to LA and turned my mithril ore into ingots (crafting = exp = rushing) and I got enough exp for MORE than 3 levels just from that. Now I could turn all those ingots into jewelry which would give me another 2 levels, then I could turn the logs into planks (since my second profession is Artificer) for again 3 levels and turn the planks into weapons for more experience. Sorry, but exp rates in GW2 are simply insane, it has nothing to do with rushing.
If you want to get one profession to 400 to craft 80 gear and farm most of the materials yourself that already gets you to 80. In other words to not turn 80 you have to AVOID a major bit of content in GW2. Irony isn’t it? People claiming you should not rush and enjoy the content by IGNORING the content.
I do agree with most of this, but crafting is % based like all other XP in the game. 1-400 is exactly 10 levels no matter what level you are. So 2 professions could take you from 1-20, or 61-80 depending on when you craft. To get to 80 just from crafting, you need to max all crafting professions on a single character (this is by design).
I went from 60-80 in a mere hour by using the materials I farmed while getting to 60. It does seem like a bit much if you ask me, but this is how they purposely designed it.
I wasn’t too worried about hitting 80 because I still had 50% of the map to explore, but that also went much faster than expected. Too many level 40-60 zones with very small amounts of dynamic events.
Looks like half the people missed one of the main points about my post lol Kudos to you if you are 80 and are fine with it, I’m just stating that to the people that are 80 already, and don’t like it and are complaining about the game lacking, shouldn’t be rushing in the first place if they are going to be bored and complain about it in the end.
I believe there is really no end game though, because any time something new is released people are going to get it as fast as they can and if they can’t get it super fast, they complain about it being way too hard to get and quit anyways. So I’m just telling people, enjoy the game, don’t rush. The game is not going anywhere and the game just came out so don’t expect some huge expansion to come out soon.
How i am sick and tired of whining about lack of content from so called “hardcore players”. Just imagine how fast the devs would have to release new content to please every one of them x_X
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