Done caring. Just playing until I decide not to.
Okay, bye, thanks for playing.
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.
So, for now, go find something else to do. Come back in a few months if you can remember to. Log in occasionally and chill out in the world. Care? Bad idea.
No! You’re not the boss of me! [/drama]
Instead, I’ll continue to play a game that has been exactly what I feel was promised, and so much more – a game that I am enjoying more with each newly discovered vista and jumping puzzle. I’ll cheer on the developers as they continue to improve on an amazing foundation and I’ll eagerly continue to take part in this living world and its community.
Also, if the fact that other people are botting is having a negative impact on your enjoyment of the game to the point that you can’t play it anymore, then you’re doing it wrong.
I feel ya Derpinator. There are a ton of issues with GW2 irking the crap outta me. Everything from the anti farm scripts, DRs, broken rewards for dungeons, broken DEs, broken skill points, poorly tested Orr zones, cut and paste design of Orr zones, lack of content at lvl 80, bots galore, invisible armies in WvWvW, on up to the lack of armor designs. GW2 started out really strong and now it seems ANET cant make a good decision if their life depended on it. I havent felt compelled to play much in a week now, just been lurking the forums hoping for a hint that things might turn around….. was hoping I could stick with this game for a while but every day it looks more and more like I should start reading up on what games are releasing soon. Maybe another developer will get it right.
If you believe the marketing hype – about ANYTHING, not just this game – then you are setting yourself up for a big disappointment.
Accept things for what they are, or do not, but you can’t change reality by wanting it to be something it’s not.
Just “did what I wanted” and got thrown off a bridge because my #3 skill (whatever the hell it’s called) shoved me off.
“Learn to play!” you’ll say.
Um… no. That’s not learning to play. That’s learning to deal with the failure of the developers to realize it’s a role playing game. No one, ever, EVER would hurl themselves off a bridge unless they intended to.
So it’s not lack of skill. It’s kitteny design. I should be able to hurl myself off a bridge. But unless I choose to, it shouldn’t happen.
This is reason #4,708 why what was promised wasn’t delivered. Was there ever a “you won’t hurl yourself off of bridges” promise?
But if I have to explain why this fundamental and forced game mechanic is kitten broken to you, you deserve the game you got, and I wish you well in it. I just hope you never procreate or vote.
Just “did what I wanted” and got thrown off a bridge because my #3 skill (whatever the hell it’s called) shoved me off.
“Learn to play!” you’ll say.
Um… no. That’s not learning to play. That’s learning to deal with the failure of the developers to realize it’s a role playing game. No one, ever, EVER would hurl themselves off a bridge unless they intended to.
So it’s not lack of skill. It’s kitteny design. I should be able to hurl myself off a bridge. But unless I choose to, it shouldn’t happen.
This is reason #4,708 why what was promised wasn’t delivered. Was there ever a “you won’t hurl yourself off of bridges” promise?
But if I have to explain why this fundamental and forced game mechanic is kitten broken to you, you deserve the game you got, and I wish you well in it. I just hope you never procreate or vote.
For some reason I cant stop laughing. +1
On a related note, It really honks me off when i get killed in a big ring of fire. I mean what idiot wouldn’t move out of a ring of fire. I mean sure learn to play but I shouldnt be able to die standing in a ring of fire, since no one would stay standing in a ring of fire.
Down with playing the game, up with watching the Guild Wars 2 the Movie! I hope they can get Christpher Walken to play me.
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-
It’s what I’m doing. I don’t really play anymore. I may get on for about 30 minutes in LA or WvW to see all of the gold spammers and then log off. I still check the forums from time to time, I probably won’t check the game very often though. I’m not too disappointed with my purchase, knowing that I can always come back and check in a month’s time or so to see if any changes have been made. But honestly since a month in the game, I have not seen any significant changes. Only changes I’ve really noticed are the ones punishing people for rushing dungeons, diminishing returns for dungeons and DE…
This game still has a very long way to go and it is incontrovertible that this game was pushed out before it was ready.
Windows 95 was pushed out before it was ready. By that time most people had internet access so they just started handing out bug fixes after release. So far as I can tell, every single piece of software sold since has followed the same pattern. “Start selling boxes as soon as we can, and fix the bugs later.”
If software companies sold cars, you’d get a box of parts and a website where you can download assembly instructions.
(edited by tolunart.2095)
I feel ya Derpinator. There are a ton of issues with GW2 irking the crap outta me. Everything from the anti farm scripts, DRs, broken rewards for dungeons, broken DEs, broken skill points, poorly tested Orr zones, cut and paste design of Orr zones, lack of content at lvl 80, bots galore, invisible armies in WvWvW, on up to the lack of armor designs. GW2 started out really strong and now it seems ANET cant make a good decision if their life depended on it. I havent felt compelled to play much in a week now, just been lurking the forums hoping for a hint that things might turn around….. was hoping I could stick with this game for a while but every day it looks more and more like I should start reading up on what games are releasing soon. Maybe another developer will get it right.
Hi nice to meet u. Im guessing u dont understand what happens when new mmos comes out do u. They have bugs and glitches when they come out and some are bad and some u can avoid but if u encounter them u report them cuz if anet doesnt know it dont get fixed. Next the anti farm code is not a bad idea and it makes it so ppl dont farm the same area for the same thing and makes u have to move around meaning stopping some bots.
Bots u will see them in every mmo u play and ive only seen two of them and u say u have seen alot of them well if u do do they do anything to stop u from enjoying the game i mean they cant tag mobs cuz u could kill it aswell with them .
Lack of content at lvl 80. what u did speed lvl to 80? If so then u not very smart. New mmos most of the time dont have alot of endgame content when it just releases because they kind of want to lvl maybe two toons but they do have some endgame to do but not alot but this is anets game and its also called guild wars 2 and it is more of a pvp game than a pve game.
I dont want to keep goin cuz i could go on and on and on but u have to think not every mmo is perfect and gw2 plan was to be something different and it did cuz honestly i dont like having to find 10 to 25 ppl for a raid i dont like having a spec or build that i have to use for anything in the game and i dont like games where your gear matters more than your skill, really look at wow u could pass all the lvling content and get to the max lvl and be a noob and do better damage than someone that has more skill than u just cuz the noob has better gear than u. You know all the op cookie cutter builds ppl are using now just wait for ppl to get better with the profession they are playing and watch the cookie cutter builds become nothing but noob builds. Im done this is a wall of text and i hate walls of text.
(edited by Arcalas.9368)
Im gessing u don type gud. so nice to meet u 2.
bots iz in evry mmo, so don break the gam for non botz. nun of uz rushed to 80. we jus played and got ther and was sad cuz it like sucked.
I dont want you to keep goin cuz ur not makin sence.
gw2 promis was 2 be sumthin diffrent but it delivrd same as evrybody els but pretended 2 b diffrent.
good talk
Just “did what I wanted” and got thrown off a bridge because my #3 skill (whatever the hell it’s called) shoved me off.
“Learn to play!” you’ll say.
Um… no. That’s not learning to play. That’s learning to deal with the failure of the developers to realize it’s a role playing game. No one, ever, EVER would hurl themselves off a bridge unless they intended to.
So it’s not lack of skill. It’s kitteny design. I should be able to hurl myself off a bridge. But unless I choose to, it shouldn’t happen.
This is reason #4,708 why what was promised wasn’t delivered. Was there ever a “you won’t hurl yourself off of bridges” promise?
But if I have to explain why this fundamental and forced game mechanic is kitten broken to you, you deserve the game you got, and I wish you well in it. I just hope you never procreate or vote.
I’m sorry but people die from doing dumb and unintentional things everyday. Driving. Working. Even fixing things around the house. You may not have meant to do it, but that’s what happens when people get careless or aren’t really concentrating. Sorry if you were expecting an invisible wall to keep your character from leaping backwards off a bridge.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I just hope you never procreate or vote.
You’re the one who just threw yourself off a bridge. Not sure you should be telling other people not to procreate or vote.
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]
Just “did what I wanted” and got thrown off a bridge because my #3 skill (whatever the hell it’s called) shoved me off.
“Learn to play!” you’ll say.
Um… no. That’s not learning to play. That’s learning to deal with the failure of the developers to realize it’s a role playing game. No one, ever, EVER would hurl themselves off a bridge unless they intended to.
So it’s not lack of skill. It’s kitteny design. I should be able to hurl myself off a bridge. But unless I choose to, it shouldn’t happen.
This is reason #4,708 why what was promised wasn’t delivered. Was there ever a “you won’t hurl yourself off of bridges” promise?
But if I have to explain why this fundamental and forced game mechanic is kitten broken to you, you deserve the game you got, and I wish you well in it. I just hope you never procreate or vote.
I’m sorry but people die from doing dumb and unintentional things everyday. Driving. Working. Even fixing things around the house. You may not have meant to do it, but that’s what happens when people get careless or aren’t really concentrating. Sorry if you were expecting an invisible wall to keep your character from leaping backwards off a bridge.
You mean like the invisible wall to keep me from swimming into water that’s too deep?
Or the invisible wall around mobs that let’s them hit me when they’re facing the wrong direction?
Or the invisible wall that prevents me from finding a way to climb that mountain range in my way?
Or the invisible wall that surrounds thieves when they die?
Or the invisible walls that suddenly crop up when a blade of grass or a 2" high barrier blocks my long bow in wvwvw?
Or the invisible wall the keeps me from climbing over a “fence” in every city in the game?
Or the invisible wall that appears when I use a “combo” that turns my axes into frozen bullets of death?
Or the invisible wall that blocks the camera that magically floats around me while doing jumping puzzles?
Or any of the other 10,000 invisible walls in this game?
Can you be more specific about which invisible walls don’t make sense?
Hi nice to meet u. Im guessing u dont understand what happens when new mmos comes out do u. They have bugs and glitches when they come out and some are bad and some u can avoid but if u encounter them u report them cuz if anet doesnt know it dont get fixed.
This is what you get when an MMO is rushed out the door before it is ready. GW2 wasnt fully tested. Just how many times do you think the bugged skill points and broken dynamic events have been reported……how many are STILL BROKEN? You wouldnt buy a defective toaster for a retail store would you? Why should standards be so low that we buy a “defective” game? Will there be bugs? Yes. To this extent? Unacceptable.
Next the anti farm code is not a bad idea and it makes it so ppl dont farm the same area for the same thing and makes u have to move around meaning stopping some bots.
Bots u will see them in every mmo u play and ive only seen two of them and u say u have seen alot of them well if u do do they do anything to stop u from enjoying the game i mean they cant tag mobs cuz u could kill it aswell with them .
Stopping bots at the expense legitimate players is not acceptable. Anti farm script and DRs need to go, period. Dont know what server you are playing on, but on mine, there are so many bots piling up on the dynamic events that they pretty much insta-kill all the mobs before any legitimate players have a chance to tag them. Thus ruining game play.
Lack of content at lvl 80. what u did speed lvl to 80? If so then u not very smart. New mmos most of the time dont have alot of endgame content when it just releases because they kind of want to lvl maybe two toons but they do have some endgame to do but not alot but this is anets game and its also called guild wars 2 and it is more of a pvp game than a pve game.
I didnt speed to 80. I also have completed explorer on my main and have 2 alts. Straight up, there isnt jack for content at 80. I shouldnt have to wait for an expansion for something to do on my main. For the record……. this isnt more of a pvp game than pve. To say otherwise is idiotic. More than 60% of the current content available is all PVE. This game isnt even HALF pvp.
I dont want to keep goin cuz i could go on and on and on but u have to think not every mmo is perfect and gw2 plan was to be something different and it did cuz honestly i dont like having to find 10 to 25 ppl for a raid i dont like having a spec or build that i have to use for anything in the game and i dont like games where your gear matters more than your skill, really look at wow u could pass all the lvling content and get to the max lvl and be a noob and do better damage than someone that has more skill than u just cuz the noob has better gear than u. You know all the op cookie cutter builds ppl are using now just wait for ppl to get better with the profession they are playing and watch the cookie cutter builds become nothing but noob builds. Im done this is a wall of text and i hate walls of text.
You could keep going on and making yourself look more like ankitten with every word. School is out bud.
I just hope you never procreate or vote.
You’re the one who just threw yourself off a bridge. Not sure you should be telling other people not to procreate or vote.
No. I pressed a button. And on most other “skills” it would be smart enough to realize I didn’t mean, “Hey, let’s leap off a bridge because it looks GREAT! And, that’s the… best looking way to position ourselves for… the next best looking thing!”
So I maintain my argument. If you think this is good, or that skills like “automatically attack everything in range, even that helpless moa that’s just standing there eating… whatever moas eat” is good…
Never mind.
I’m laughing too hard to finish now.
Done caring. Just playing until I decide not to.
One of the better post titles. And true. GW2 isn’t a horrible game. And I don’t even care to read your post, because I feel what it is about.
The dullness of the game will only become more apparent as a short-while looms, so enjoy what you like about it today, because tomorrow, you wont even bother to care to engage in the sameness of this game, but hope to find something that some developer gets right for longevity.
I just hope you never procreate or vote.
You’re the one who just threw yourself off a bridge. Not sure you should be telling other people not to procreate or vote.
No. I pressed a button. And on most other “skills” it would be smart enough to realize I didn’t mean, “Hey, let’s leap off a bridge because it looks GREAT! And, that’s the… best looking way to position ourselves for… the next best looking thing!”
So I maintain my argument. If you think this is good, or that skills like “automatically attack everything in range, even that helpless moa that’s just standing there eating… whatever moas eat” is good…
Never mind.
I’m laughing too hard to finish now.
Maybe you should go play something less stressful.
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]
Just “did what I wanted” and got thrown off a bridge because my #3 skill (whatever the hell it’s called) shoved me off.
“Learn to play!” you’ll say.
Um… no. That’s not learning to play. That’s learning to deal with the failure of the developers to realize it’s a role playing game. No one, ever, EVER would hurl themselves off a bridge unless they intended to.
So it’s not lack of skill. It’s kitteny design. I should be able to hurl myself off a bridge. But unless I choose to, it shouldn’t happen.
This is reason #4,708 why what was promised wasn’t delivered. Was there ever a “you won’t hurl yourself off of bridges” promise?
But if I have to explain why this fundamental and forced game mechanic is kitten broken to you, you deserve the game you got, and I wish you well in it. I just hope you never procreate or vote.
I’m sorry but people die from doing dumb and unintentional things everyday. Driving. Working. Even fixing things around the house. You may not have meant to do it, but that’s what happens when people get careless or aren’t really concentrating. Sorry if you were expecting an invisible wall to keep your character from leaping backwards off a bridge.
You mean like the invisible wall to keep me from swimming into water that’s too deep?
Or the invisible wall around mobs that let’s them hit me when they’re facing the wrong direction?
Or the invisible wall that prevents me from finding a way to climb that mountain range in my way?
Or the invisible wall that surrounds thieves when they die?
Or the invisible walls that suddenly crop up when a blade of grass or a 2" high barrier blocks my long bow in wvwvw?
Or the invisible wall the keeps me from climbing over a “fence” in every city in the game?
Or the invisible wall that appears when I use a “combo” that turns my axes into frozen bullets of death?
Or the invisible wall that blocks the camera that magically floats around me while doing jumping puzzles?
Or any of the other 10,000 invisible walls in this game?
Can you be more specific about which invisible walls don’t make sense?
Sure I can. The invisible wall you want to be there so you magically don’t jump off a bridge when you use your shortbow escape ability because you haven’t learned how to not spam every ability that’s not on cooldown.
That wall.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Bad idea.
Well, as one of the more articulate critics, I hope you don’t give up on the game completely. Do give it some time – take a rest or whatever. I’m sure you’ll think about it at some point in the future and get a hankering to play again. Just relax and have fun pottering about pretending to be a fantasy adventurer, is what I say
Me? I’m having an absolute ball
Just “did what I wanted” and got thrown off a bridge because my #3 skill (whatever the hell it’s called) shoved me off…No one, ever, EVER would hurl themselves off a bridge unless they intended to.
Sure. But if you’re an engineer, say, and you have something you can do with your gun, but you know it’s got a heck of a kick to it, enough to throw you back a few feet – you’d think about whether or not it was a good ideas to activate that on a narrow bridge, right?
Making you think in three dimensions in not a design flaw, it’s a design choice. That doesn’t mean you have to like it, but be fair.
Just “did what I wanted” and got thrown off a bridge because my #3 skill (whatever the hell it’s called) shoved me off…No one, ever, EVER would hurl themselves off a bridge unless they intended to.
Sure. But if you’re an engineer, say, and you have something you can do with your gun, but you know it’s got a heck of a kick to it, enough to throw you back a few feet – you’d think about whether or not it was a good ideas to activate that on a narrow bridge, right?
Making you think in three dimensions in not a design flaw, it’s a design choice. That doesn’t mean you have to like it, but be fair.
Couldn’t have said it better than myself. You know Overcharged Shot has a self-knockback, so whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy would you stand on the edge of a bridge?
Just “did what I wanted” and got thrown off a bridge because my #3 skill (whatever the hell it’s called) shoved me off…No one, ever, EVER would hurl themselves off a bridge unless they intended to.
Sure. But if you’re an engineer, say, and you have something you can do with your gun, but you know it’s got a heck of a kick to it, enough to throw you back a few feet – you’d think about whether or not it was a good ideas to activate that on a narrow bridge, right?
Making you think in three dimensions in not a design flaw, it’s a design choice. That doesn’t mean you have to like it, but be fair.
Couldn’t have said it better than myself. You know Overcharged Shot has a self-knockback, so whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy would you stand on the edge of a bridge?
Because kitten logic. That’s why.
Picture related:
Op’s name,and attitude says enough for me,wont miss ya,later.