Downloaded Another Patch No Notes

Downloaded Another Patch No Notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chris.7653


It’s kind of getting annoying to download a patch and have no patch notes to go along with it.

ANet is beginning to get a reputation for ninja nerfing/incomplete patch notes, so i would like to know what I am downloading whenever I go into the game.

Just giving feedback that a lot of people would love to see the notes every patch, even if it’s one item.

Downloaded Another Patch No Notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LastDay.3524


It’d be nice to at least get a tweet about it.
Anyway it was probably just maintenance/preparation for the big event.


Downloaded Another Patch No Notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omega Mayhem.7163

Omega Mayhem.7163

They always post it a little bit after the patch. Patience.

Downloaded Another Patch No Notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teulux.6732


Do you REALLY need a post saying “routine maintenance no changes were made” ?

Honestly do you need someone to help you put on your pants in the morning?

If there are no patch notes then there are no changes that you would notice

It is not really that hard to understand. They give us a game with more then 90% up time, the ability to patch on the fly and you still cry about anything you can think of.

Downloaded Another Patch No Notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GabrialDestruir.3915


Well all things considered, the past few patches have made noticeable differences in regards to Halloween events. For example a patch yesterday nerfed the chests in Mad Kings Lab, while buffing the mobs within Mad King’s Lab. However neither of those patches had actual patch notes to go with them.

Downloaded Another Patch No Notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lorana.2468


Teulux you seem to of missed the point, which is they have Stealth-changed things in the past that sooner or later players figure out when they could of just told us in the first place.

Downloaded Another Patch No Notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chris.7653


Do you REALLY need a post saying “routine maintenance no changes were made” ?

Honestly do you need someone to help you put on your pants in the morning?

If there are no patch notes then there are no changes that you would notice

It is not really that hard to understand. They give us a game with more then 90% up time, the ability to patch on the fly and you still cry about anything you can think of.

This is a perfect example of someone who doesn’t think….at all…

If I signed on and things weren’t ninja nerfed i.e. RTL, Drop rates etc…then we probably wouldn’t care…but when that stuff happens all to often YES we want to know…

Next time you post please think before typing.

Downloaded Another Patch No Notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chris.7653


omg you had to figure out something on your own? WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TOO?! /slitwrist (<I was unable to figure out the changes to the game without it being spoon fed to me)

You act like this is the only game to have changes made to it and not be told about them. Log in and figure out the changes on your own. Not very hard simply by playing the game.

Ok, you are obviously trolling or have some very bad anger issues….it’s alright, you made a dumb post and got called on it man, just move along…

The main point (talking to the rest of the people) is that I have seen post after post of people asking for the patch notes especially when they start noticing their skill don’t work like they did 5 min before.

And to tell Teulux one more thing, it’s not our job to log in and test every aspect of the game to see what has changed, it’s ANets job to provide patch notes to their player base.

Downloaded Another Patch No Notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RenRen.5706


Patch notes would be nice yes, even for the smallest details. Don’t mind the troll guys. Nothing better to do, obviously.

Downloaded Another Patch No Notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


lol a lot of folks with anger issues here

Do you REALLY need a post saying “routine maintenance no changes were made” ?

Honestly do you need someone to help you put on your pants in the morning?

If there are no patch notes then there are no changes that you would notice

It is not really that hard to understand. They give us a game with more then 90% up time, the ability to patch on the fly and you still cry about anything you can think of.

This might be the single biggest “ kitten #8221; post I’ve seen all day. The silliness and complete idiocy of this post made my week. Thank you. =D