Dragon Lag
Old gamers experienced this lag during most one-timed events or when something new came up in the zones, and both the dynamic event system and guesting system didnt exist yet. so they’re not to blame (although Guesting can be a problem, its already solved by Overflow)
i’m more thinking about something unchangeable like, every projectile blast leap whirl combos activating every hundred of zones on the ground and things like that.
Already posted a thread about this. Unreasonable delay in skill activation if at all possible. Also experienced it in wvw the same night. There were not more players than usual. Major drops in fps noted too.
I never had this lag issue before feb patch came up. So “old gamers” probably got issues by their side.
It would lag but never as badly as it has been since the patch landed. Overflow is not the answer as players that end up on it may as well not even bother because the event won’t happen there at the same time.
Guesting has exacerbated the issue due to many more players doing the events because of greater rewards. I think the lag would be horrendous just with home server players but now that we have server hopping dragon chasers it is just that much worse.
Anet needs to look in to putting a system in place to curb the abuse of the freely being able to server hop. Whether it is cooldown of a few hours (for the whole account) or not being able to obtain chest loot when guesting, just to alleviate the strain that the servers are being hammered with. I know I sound like a party pooper but being unable to do an event properly (I still get gold somehow so loot isn’t an issue) is just frustrating and it’s even worse when I am forced on to overflow from my own server because of the population of another server squatting on Dragon maps. Hell, Anet has access to the exact numbers so I could be talking absolute tosh here or they know what’s really up and they are hoping that people will calm down with the server hopping. My bets would be on more people doing it as knowledge of it becomes more and more widespread.
Yup, usually I experience some lag during peak times, meaning that seldomly I skip a second, but since the last patch I need not even show up for dragon events at the weekend due to frequent disconnects and minute-long lag. Just now I got outright cheated out of two of those, because I was there, but as soon as the action started I was utterly unable to even get back into the zone without getting kicked.
I never had this lag issue before feb patch came up. So “old gamers” probably got issues by their side.
I can confirm.
Lag issues come out since last patch (26th Feb)
please fix it… it is unplayable
Same here. Can’t even join the dragon fights on my home server since I am stuck in bugged overflows or the loading screen… -.-
Never seen Claw of Jorlag so darn laggy.
Now it’s so bad, that the guests actually manage to keep homeserver players from their own bloody maps because they just camp the spawn when the window for it opens. Please Anet, stop this madness of guesting!
Suggestions once again: If guesting, chests are not available for loot. Or make a 4 hour cooldown between server guesting changes for the entire account.
Stop blaming guesting, guesting is most likely a small fraction of the problem, the fact that loot was made on par with what it should be only brought the problem to a head. Both of those are also based on unsubstantiated evidence and popular bias.
If you want my unsubstantiated opinion, the problem is it’s far too easy to check a site that has a TIMER so everyone jumps on, autoattacks, and gets loot. It needs to be more of an investment to get the loot, so make the bosses scale better, make them harder, and randomize spawn timers so those websites are invalided.
That ^ is just my opinion though.
This is bug forum, present the problem (lag around world meta events), and let Anet do it’s job with their developers and designers, and find a solution. You aren’t Anet, you don’t have the numbers and facts, stop positing solutions you deem as factual when you have no facts to base them on.
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
Lets work with what we know.
There is an increased amount of people doing the events due to better loot. Anet countered this by making the chest available once per character (people with alts score).
This is the sole reason for lag as we are maxing people out at the events.
This is around the time guesting became popular as players can exploit it to get 3 chests PER EVENT with the same character in less time than it takes for the event to reset on a home server. And then do it all again with another alt and another etc. I have no problem with grinding, even before the patch I was hitting up the dragons on a farming basis. I didn’t feel the need to jump servers to do so. What I do have a problem with is that “guests” get priority over home server players who are just wanting to do their group event for a chest. It is an inconvenience to port to an area to wait out a spawn timer and be stuck on overflow because of people from other servers.
They should keep the rule going – 1 chest per character, per day, no matter what server. Whether or not they will punish players for exploiting the system (guesting was not intended as a farming tool but more of a convenience) is another matter. And I am talking about the hardcores here, who max out the limits of the system.