Dragon's Heart impossible this year ?
Hard to say… I haven’t really noticed a change in the spawn time of the HP power-ups…
Conversely, players seem to have a better idea of when and where they spawn too… You have to remember, their are up to 9 other players that are also picking these things up…
But I do feel you. It’s frustrating. I have resigned myself to not getting a lot of these achievement points this year.
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’
Spawn time has not changed to my feeling. But more people are aware of the achievement, spawn locations etc, because of the repeting nature of the event. And as such they are used up a lot faster by players.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Timer is about the same and I haven’t had any issues getting them.
The health nodes are respawning at the same rate and I haven’t noticed people going for them more than usual. Of course people are always going to them, as they always do, because you only have a little HP to begin with.
Keep in mind too, health nodes in different spots give different amounts of health. But it’s no easier or difficult to finish the achievement this year than any other.
Yak’s Bend – Expletus
It’s because people are grabbing them. And also you can’t grab them at full health either, nor will you aim for them without taking damage as a result.
The only thing you can really do is get hurt more.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
I’m sorry for the confused post, but I did a google search for combinations of “gw2 dragon’s heart” and “gw2 blue blogs regen hp” and came up with nothing. The only relevant result I can find redirects back to this thread. I can’t seem to glean what you folks are talking about through post context, either. For clarification, what achievement/zone/etc is this in reference to?
If it’s a raid thing, that might explain my confusion. I have yet to even begin attempting raids.
For clarification, what achievement/zone/etc is this in reference to?
Well I finished the dragon’s heart achievement in 1day of farming dragon ball.
Took me a few hours of dragon ball but not hard, only boring…