So because I got off work late tonight, I wasn’t able to give feedback on the thread that was offered in the sticky.
I’m already irritated by the patch, but it makes me more irritated that they don’t consider other peoples work schedules for the feedback timer on the threads that are promoted to the top, but that is another thread itself.
Here I’m going to talk about the Guardian/Dragonhunter update and what I consider an idiotic change and what I actually agree with. I’m going to let this go with no holds barred because they’ve had over a year to change certain things and they’ve decided not to until now.
Im going to tackle each point and give me honest opinion.
• Virtue of Resolve: This skill has been unsplit from PvP and will now use a 30-second cooldown.
I think this is solid. It allows Guardians to play more of a support role, which I’ve always thought they were destined for in the beginning. Well done on this.
• Virtue of Courage: This skill has been unsplit from PvP and will now use a 45-second baseline cooldown.
It’s an okay change. I think it was fine at 40 personally, but it is a good ‘best of both worlds’ improvement. I’m not mad at it in any way. Very fair.
• Signet of Courage: This skill has been unsplit from PvP and will now use a 120-second cooldown.
This is a good change. Before this, I would never consider running this skill outside of the Stronghold game mode. Now that it’s actually not as punishing to use aside from the cast time. I may consider it for dungeon runs or perhaps testing in Bastion Raid runs.
• Spear of Justice: The casting time of this skill has been increased from 0.25 seconds to slightly under 0.75 seconds.
Serious problem. This was not needed and makes me question why this was even in these patch notes.
This one I’m VERY disappointed in and I will give my honest opinion on.
First off, the cast time has been the same for over a year. You changing it is going to affect MANY rotations/combos.
Secondly, this makes using this skill much more unfun than before. This removes the ‘fun’ factor for the game for this skill. It doesn’t seem like much on paper, but trust me. It’s bad and much slower. Do not do this. Especially after a years time.
Thirdly, there are MANY bosses in this game ranging from high level Fractals, to raids, to some that appear to be bosses not working as intended in some cases. But literally leaves very minimal time to damage their breakbars to make them vulnerable. For some Guardians/Dragonhunters, they rely on this skill as THEIR ONLY SOURCE TO DEAL BREAKBAR DAMAGE. Coupled with that comes that the factor that not everyone plays at 60+ FPS. This is a major problem for people who rely on this to throw and pull quickly for some small breakbar damage.
I implore you guys to PLEASE and I stress this. PLEASE reconsider this change!
I would honestly prefer a small damage reduction in some way or cut some numbers off the burn damage instead of changing the cast time. This really REALLY hurts.
On the flipside, the only way I can see this being a 100% viable and unchangeable thing is if people would pop F1 twice for a cheap pull. Sure, it’s cheap, but my counter argument for that is that Thiefs exist. They can disappear within’ a seconds notice and have far superior mobility than DHs. So the F1 is all we had to stand a strategic chance outside of just dropping traps and sitting on them. Which doesn’t help us in the fleeing enemy scenario.
This is not right and I humbly request that this be looked over again.
Decrease damage, do whatever you will. But some other classes interrupts on F1-F5 skills are much more of an issue than this. I assure you.
• Deflecting Shot: The missile hitbox has been improved.
I’m down for this. Nice improvement.
• Whirling Wrath: Reduced recharge from 10 seconds to 8 seconds. Increased damage by 20%. Projectile damage is now listed separately from melee damage.
Not gonna complain. Guards don’t use GS as much as they used to now-a-days so this may bring them back?
• Purification: The trap heal on this skill has been reduced by approximately 16% in PvP only.
Nice addition. I don’t use this skill personally, but I may now. We’ll see.
• Litany of Wrath: The recharge of this skill has been reduced from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.
Meh. It’s alright. No complaints really.
• “Receive the Light!”: The recharge of this skill has been reduced from 40 seconds to 30 seconds.
Good QoL improvement to this skill. I feel like it will benefit PvE and WvW more so than it will PvP. But that’s just me.
• “Feel My Wrath!”: The quickness duration granted by this skill has been increased from 5 seconds to 8 seconds in PvP only.
Very nice addition to a Support and/or team-based Guardian’s weaponry when it comes down to BOTH PvE and PvP. I really appreciate this one.
(edited by Sky.8035)