Dreadhaunt Cliffs
Dredgehaunt Dredge is a more fitting name.
I just finished Dredgehaunt Cliffs last night and it was very hard- I love the zone, it is beautiful and very atmospheric but man those dregde! It also has the hardest vista’s I have seen so far.
We spent a good 30 min looking for the entrance to the last skill point.
I solo on my Mesmer a lot but for this area I actually had to ask my husband to come help me.
Still I do love it-
I personally hate it, challenge sure but when u simply cannot solo the content then it just gets frustrating and not worth playing.
Also there is another bugged skill point and i just got stuck where I could not move in any direction or even shadowstep while trying to complete the last vista. Thanks but those type of things in an area like this jsut make me angry and that means im not enjoying myself and whats the point then.
I liked the area a lot, actually, like someone else said, it had a great atmosphere and the conflicts in the area felt real and immediate. BUT the respawn rates here, just like in half a dozen other zones, are broken. You can’t blame DC for that, Lornar Pass and a good handful of other areas have the same problem – respawns really need to be fixed … they are a major issue!
Saying that, if you run through with a buddy or two you shouldn’t have too much trouble – my Thief and a Warrior went through there the other day and had a blast. It would be a pain to solo, though.
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
I actually loved Dredgehaunt cliffs, the difficulty made it a heck of a lot of fun. I have to say some of the Vistas were easily the hardest in the game, gave me a sense of super mario bro’s fun that was very cool. This was with an engineer which at times can be challenging, but I’m leveling up him first because after that every class seems easy.
Just remember to jump up on the cliffside above that vista so you get the chest and achievement. It’s easily missed.
I don’t like fighting dredge, so I wasn’t very fond of this area, but it was still a nice challenge, especially solo.
Good luck with Orr if this is how you feel about Dredgehaunt.
Try to avoid red rings, and be cautious around large packs like in Tribulation Rift.
Couple Vista’s in this zone almost made my flip my desk.
Other than that, didn’t have much trouble. A whole zone immune to blind is cool, though.
Have you done the jumping puzzle in Forlarn’s Pass?
Maybe if you stepped back and rethunk your strategy you might get somewhere instead of crying to hope devs make content laughable easy. You’re obviously doing something wrong if many other players solo’d this zone. I’m just tired of people complaining about something that isn’t difficult and the devs cave in and make stuff easier