Driving Complaint

Driving Complaint

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bambam.3961


Yes, I’d like to file a complaint. I was in the Ruins of Arah dungeon earlier, and I would like to file a complaint that the Captain of the ship seemed to have no previous driving skills and was allowed to fly an airship erratically.
Are we now hiring people for these high risk, very important jobs without thoroughly looking at one’s resume?

I would like to see this “Captain” suspended from his job until further training has been completed.

Driving Complaint

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


Hey at least you got a captain. I coulda sworn when I was in there the captain had left it on autopilot and abandoned his post. I guess to go to some party with his biographer…

Driving Complaint

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bambam.3961


It seems like all these captain need to be re-evaluated to secure safe conditions for workers and riders aboard these airships.