Drops, loot, gear stats
The issue is its a hang over from their predecessor (where it worked well because it wasn’t very vertical) here its been reworked and redone nerfed and buffed, now the loot tables and stats are just 99% junk 1% ok..
I miss the GW1 system where you go to a vendor who provides the look you want, then using runes (that tie into your playstyle rather than just giving a flat, vertical bonus) to customize it.
Have people even played other MMO’s? Loot is almost always crap in every game. Unless you were in a raid, epics just did not drop except in like 1 in 10,000 chances. And even in a raid, oh look, 3 epics dropped, and you can’t use 2 of them and half the raid is rolling on the one you can.
Just because other mmos have crappy loot doesnt mean gw2 needs to….
In this game the point is not to kill mobs for loot or fun it seems, but only to get them out of your way on your way to this or that or to kill them to complete events etc.
Is this good or bad? Both imo.
In my last game that I played you basically had to lvl up by “training” (grind for hours killing mobs over and over) and they had mobs located in certain areas for this. Sure we had to kill mobs over and over for long times for exp but it was actually fun somewhat because of their drop tables. You didn’t always get loot that was cash rewarding but you got a lot of variety of stuff that could help you in many ways in the game. Such as crafting materials etc. Also the best thing about that game was you got a drop almost 100% of the time, a no drop was a “rare” thing. Sure the drop was usually a small amount of coins (akin to maybe something like a few copper here) but even all those small cash drops add up over time and give you the feeling like you are actually earning something. There was no DR either.
This type of game style that I mentioned above is how some people like to play the game. Just kill things at their own pace and feel like they are earning something for doing so. It seems anet does not like this. They want us to be always on our toes, on the edge of our seats so to speak and really doing our best to just not die and then you MIGHT get rewarded for doing just that.
I can understand this too. It adds excitement to the game. But when someone comes home from work and they are tired out and just want to relax for say an hour or two they may not really feel up to that pace. I can see where they may feel let down.
I played WoW for 5+ years and was there during launch (day one). The loot system kept me engaged, it made exploration fun. I don’t bother exploring here because the mobs I find along the way are just trash along with the potential loot they hold. I don’t care for the annoying scouring/ jumping puzzles/ uncovering – none of that appeals to me. I want to tear through mob after mob and finally find some sweet shiny gear.
That’s one of the key drivers for most RPG’s, it’s the inevitable gear upgrade – the rare loot that makes you salivate and feel a sense of accomplishment. There are rare items in GW2, ascended I think they’re called – but I don’t give a flip, the boring @$$ hurdles you have to jump through just aren’t worth my time.
Even the dungeon “loot” is boring. For me, this is the one fatal flaw of this game. I would spend so much more time in GW2 if I had a ‘reason’ to keep coming back.
(edited by Ceraphyn.7916)
I noticed from the start that GW2 didn’t have much going for it in terms of appealing weapon skins and you were stuck with the same basic looking crap for 60+ levels. I personally love understated but elegant skins like the Krytan set, the Aureate set, and so on so forth. The problem is that there isn’t much variety that drops out there. Most of the really neat skins are locked up behind a laundry list of item hoarding and the godforsakenly stupid Mystic Forge. This does kill one’s motivation quite a bit and makes for a rather boring quest to get the thing to complete your character’s look.
Example. In Guild Wars: Factions there was this sword called the “Gothic Sword.” It was, like I mentioned, a rather elegant and understated longsword skin in the traditional cruciform style with an extended pommel. It dropped only in the Echovald Forest. To this day, weapons that drop from Tyria and Cantha in GW1 are not inscribable, so what you got is what you were stuck with (moreso back in 2006). So that made the day, the moment, that the +15% damage w/ Health > 50% version with max damage dropped from a Stonetouched Kirin all the more memorable and exciting. Back then then the sword’s value was measured in ectos, yet I gladly bound it to my Warrior and she proudly wields it still. I got it when I was least expecting it, while I was just focused on my task of exploring the world. It was unique among my peers because it was rare that a combat-worthy version of that particular sword could be found. It was fantastic for me because the skin was magnificent without being overworked flash.
That’s the kind of excitement you don’t get out of the Mystic Toilet.
Keirlann Aurion – Ranger – Chieftain of the Ace Guard [AceG]
I noticed from the start that GW2 didn’t have much going for it in terms of appealing weapon skins and you were stuck with the same basic looking crap for 60+ levels. I personally love understated but elegant skins like the Krytan set, the Aureate set, and so on so forth. The problem is that there isn’t much variety that drops out there. Most of the really neat skins are locked up behind a laundry list of item hoarding and the godforsakenly stupid Mystic Forge. This does kill one’s motivation quite a bit and makes for a rather boring quest to get the thing to complete your character’s look.
Example. In Guild Wars: Factions there was this sword called the “Gothic Sword.” It was, like I mentioned, a rather elegant and understated longsword skin in the traditional cruciform style with an extended pommel. It dropped only in the Echovald Forest. To this day, weapons that drop from Tyria and Cantha in GW1 are not inscribable, so what you got is what you were stuck with (moreso back in 2006). So that made the day, the moment, that the +15% damage w/ Health > 50% version with max damage dropped from a Stonetouched Kirin all the more memorable and exciting. Back then then the sword’s value was measured in ectos, yet I gladly bound it to my Warrior and she proudly wields it still. I got it when I was least expecting it, while I was just focused on my task of exploring the world. It was unique among my peers because it was rare that a combat-worthy version of that particular sword could be found. It was fantastic for me because the skin was magnificent without being overworked flash.
That’s the kind of excitement you don’t get out of the Mystic Toilet.
I know that feeling I found a gold req10 15^50 +30 hp Fellblade around the time factions came out I customized it almost instantly (was worth sooo much money back then but its my favorite sword, before NF mind you so it wasn’t inscribable ) we can’t get that feeling in GW2.
Still hate the fact that the Fellblade HoM reward lost its glossy (DYE-ABLE!) effect :/
Yeah, I was disappointed that the Fellblade didn’t have its dark coruscating effect in GW2. It just has this… vaguely misty aura.
Keirlann Aurion – Ranger – Chieftain of the Ace Guard [AceG]
I am glad you posted about this, as I was just about to post something similar. My brother and I are both long time RPG and MMO players, and while we love GW2 I agree that the loot has no appeal. The game is fun, but when you spend 10 minutes killing a champion together only to get a useless blue item it really is frustrating.
Oh and don’t give us “bulging sacks of coins” if they have a few silver in them lol.