Dual+ Monitor Map Suggestion
Certified Gameaholic
Just open a browser with a realtime WvW map of your matchup on your “non-game” monitor?
The Hatreidis family: Freya / Nina / Demonica / Athena / Faith / Arya / Angie / Sansa
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe
That’s actually an excellent idea I’ve never thought of myself (no sarcasm). Currently, I got no use for my 2nd monitor during gaming (and my FPS would plummet), but just a map should take very little resources and would be rather useful. Maybe expanding and moving several chat panels there could work, too.
20 level 80s and counting.
Just open a browser with a realtime WvW map of your matchup on your “non-game” monitor?
I’m talking about PVE primarily.
Certified Gameaholic
+1 to this idea. I’d love the option to have my mini map expanded to a full map in my second monitor.