yesterday i had some firends over i was showing the game they made caracter and the first thing they asked is how do i duel some one
The devs said in one of the GW2Guru state of the game videos earlier in the year that dueling is on their priority list, but it was below custom arenas and spectating. Who knows when they’re working on it, or if they’re already working on it now.
Also note that it’s not all that unlikely that dueling will only be for sPvP, and not WvW/PvE. (This is just speculation.)
In the mean time, there are numerous custom arenas in sPvP that are specifically for dueling, and when people follow the rules and only duel (count down or /bow to eachother to start), it’s a fun place to hang out and duel peoples.
Probably yes but hopefully not everywhere but only in special arenas.
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
thac stupid it shoud be evrywhere
You could possibly still challenge anyone to a duel at any location, but it would just port you into an instanced arena. Once you’re done, you get teleported back.
If there are any objections to dueling in the open world to begin with, that is.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
Hi everyone,
So far we have no further news about dueling. As soon as we know something we will inform you.
Thanks for your understanding.
This thread is closed.