Dungeon/Instanced content for Guilds

Dungeon/Instanced content for Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grimezy.5679


With a name like Guild Wars, I’m disappointed with how limited the options to do things with my Guild are. I’m part of a very active guild with an average of 20+ people representing at most times of the day. Out of those 20, probably 15 of them are physically active and wanting to do content together but some genius decided to put a party limit of 5 for most regular content.

90% of the time I am online with my girlfriend and a friend from work so already we have 3 party members straight away for most content. Then another one of my close friends does most content with us so usually we only ever have 1 spot to recruit which could be quite easily filled by 10-15 different people but a lot of people don’t want to because they already have their own little groups as well.

Why on earth isn’t there higher capacity for dungeons, etc? Perhaps Guild exclusive ones that can be made up of 2 or 3 parties so that nobody has to be separated and run their own individual paths at different times. We do Guild Missions every week which is great doing challenge, puzzle, rush and bounty all together but those events are far too brief and not rewarding enough to justify doing more frequently.

What I want is Dungeons or Fractals that 10-15 of us can do together and the difficultly can scale up depending on numbers. We can’t even go to WvW together as a lot of us are on different servers at the moment. And as for taking on World bosses together? What’s the point? Quite a few of us Teq together and do the Boss Timer train but it makes no difference whether you’re doing it with friends or not as the sheer numbers make up for any element of skill anyway.

What do you think? Do you agree? Is this something Anet have ever discussed doing? I’ve never actually played WoW but I assume Raids are content made for large groups of players together in an instanced dungeon? It baffles me why a game advertised as being for Guilds is so limited in content for them.

Thanks for reading~

Edit: I forgot to mention. The Guild also puts on regular events like weekly Jump Puzzle groups where a lot of people get together every Friday and do 5 JPs (must have a drink each time you fall), we have Guild PvP nights in our own private arena against each other, we used to have hide and seek and costume brawls, etc. It’s not like we’re not trying to find things to do, it’s just not rewarding enough for everybody to join along. I just want to be able to do things with everyone in the Guild without being restricted by numbers. There’s people I barely run with purely because we’re on parallel paths and never get in the same groups due to lack of space.

(edited by Grimezy.5679)

Dungeon/Instanced content for Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artemis Thuras.8795

Artemis Thuras.8795

Agreed. We need content for medium size groups (roaming/medium size WvW is fine if everyone is into that).

Co-Leader of The Mythical Dragons [MYTH],
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.

Dungeon/Instanced content for Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Navi.7142


Dungeon/Instanced content for Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


By all appearances and the little we know not enough people do the normal dungeon conent to justify a whole new dungeon mode, especially one with baggage