Dungeon Specific Infinite Tools [Suggestion]
No. Convenience items like infinite harvesting tools should be exclusive to the gem store. I do agree there should be more to spend tokens on, but it should not infringe on the territory of the gem store.
Infinite, no, limited maybe larger stacks, another drain on dungeon tokens that looks cool? that seems reasonable.
Mystic Salvage Kits are convenience items, should they be delegated to the gem store as well?
I mean to use Tier-6 materials, Gifts of (Insert Dungeon Here). I would think people would be quite annoyed if they had to remake an item that used stacks of Tier 6 materials.
People can already grind for gold in order to purchase what is already available on the gem store, so why not an alternative method of acquiring these?
(edited by Drael.6480)
Mystic Salvage Kits are convenience items, should they be delegated to the gem store as well?
Mystic Salvage Kits are not unlimited though. They also require a gem-store item to create (even though most people have more than enough of them available without having to buy them).
In this situation the relevant comparison would be the Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic, which very much is a gemstore item.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Mystic Salvage Kits are convenience items, should they be delegated to the gem store as well?
I mean to use Tier-6 materials, Gifts of (Insert Dungeon Here). I would think people would be quite annoyed if they had to remake an item that used stacks of Tier 6 materials.
People can already grind for gold in order to purchase what is already available on the gem store, so why not an alternative method of acquiring these?
Because when people buy gems with gold they are indirectly benefitting ANet’s profits. When someone buys gems with gold it pushes up the value of the ‘trade gems for gold’ and those gems are primarily bought with real money. People who would buy gems with money to buy in game gold will buy more if they can get more gold for their money. Buying gemstore type items with dungeon tokens doesn’t increase the value of gems and the gemstore doesn’t benefit from this, which means ANet has no motive to put this in game since it decreases their income.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Mystic Salvage Kits are convenience items, should they be delegated to the gem store as well?
I mean to use Tier-6 materials, Gifts of (Insert Dungeon Here). I would think people would be quite annoyed if they had to remake an item that used stacks of Tier 6 materials.
People can already grind for gold in order to purchase what is already available on the gem store, so why not an alternative method of acquiring these?Because when people buy gems with gold they are indirectly benefitting ANet’s profits. When someone buys gems with gold it pushes up the value of the ‘trade gems for gold’ and those gems are primarily bought with real money. People who would buy gems with money to buy in game gold will buy more if they can get more gold for their money. Buying gemstore type items with dungeon tokens doesn’t increase the value of gems and the gemstore doesn’t benefit from this, which means ANet has no motive to put this in game since it decreases their income.
^All of this. It will never happen. Yeah sure more things to use the tokens on is always welcome, but I think this idea is a swing and a miss.
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Infinite accountbound Slaying Potions would be nice
maybe for 1500 tokens?
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character: http://i.imgur.com/5JtcBI1.jpg?1
Infinite accountbound Slaying Potions would be nice
maybe for 1500 tokens?
This would be nice as a QoL thing for sure. Heck even just buyable stacks of 250.
I don’t think we will ever get infinite tools other than from gem store. But the idea of dungeon specific tools is good. How about going in another direction, like adding dungeon specific skins for the tools? And as addition, when you buy the skin you could get also a stack increase for the tools. So whenever you unlock a skin you could get +25 capacity for this tool, adding up to a 300 in total, when you unlock all “dungeon tools”. As example, how about a pickaxe in the style of the “spirit weapons” like Azureflame as reward from ascalon catacombs?
Limited use tools with a dungeon specific skin buyable with dungeon tokens might be something ANet would consider. Since its limited use, it’s more closely related to the ones you can already buy with gold or karma.
ANet may give it to you.
I think it’s a good idea to suggest ideas like this one:
- ANet might decide that they’ve exhausted the infinite tools as a good income source, in which case implementation of this idea would be straightforward.
- Even if they want to keep infinite tools as gem shop exclusives, this might spark an idea of other types of dungeon-exclusive skins/items. As it stands now, excess tokens get turned into ecto; it might be useful for them to have more token sinks.
One thing that occurred to me, the gem store infinite tools cost 1,000 gems and this is fixed. That is roughly about $15 dollars. If you were to build a custom infinite dungeon tool that cost over four or more hundred gold (exchange says 800 gems is roughly 150 gold at time of post) wouldn’t most people prefer to shell out for the cheaper tools instead of building their own infinite tool?
10 gold for a Gift of whatever, another 10 for a gift of Metal, then a Gift of Mining, Lumberworking, or Foraging requiring rare materials (Charged Lodestones that are used in the Spirit Weapons cost 3g apiece) and an Orichalcum tool or a tool you buy from the dungeon vendor for X tokens to convert into an infinite tool, wouldn’t you be spending more for a dungeon tool than a regular tool? So Cheaper tools from Gem Store or more expensive but cool dungeon related tools that you can craft yourself, dunno about you but it sounds like something to do besides craft a legendary.
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eidolon (goes for over 500g on market WAY more than a gem store tool)
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_Light (requires 100 Charged Lodestones)
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Charged_Lodestone (at time of post 3g 3s 95c)
How about a way to use dungeon tokens to modify your already purchased Infinite tools?
like I really like the dreamthistle line, but there is only the logging axe! I would totally gather up 1,000 TA tokens to trade my Consortium harvesting sickle &/or Molten Alliance mining pick into a dreamthistle skin!
it wouldn’t be “creating” a new skin, or making them available in any other way. It would just be allowing more skin options.
Basically a wardrobe for Infinite tools? That could be interesting.