Dungeons Tokens Are not ACCOUNT BOUND? (video)
Yes, it’s a new item apparently. I don’t find it to be an issue though, it’s probably intentional.
Ye i know but its like i was farming tokens for my new lvl 80 warrior , and now i cant buy anything :’( !
Same thing with recipes. It seems like anything that was banked prior to the patch is still soul bound (even though the tag says account).
Guardian of Archon :: Sanctum of Rall
I can’t find the link at the moment, but pretty sure they’re aware of this and intend to fix.
EDIT: here it is… https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/dungeons/Pre-Patch-tokens-are-not-account-bound/first#post248391
There were a couple of items they mentioned would have future exchanges to address issues like this. I am not affected so I don’t remember the exact statement, I assume at some point soon you will have a means to exchange soul bound for account bound.