Dust "fix" was a sidestep

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gasoline.2570


Not a fix.

Where I do commend Anet for “trying” to solve this issue, its not really solved, the loot in your end game 80 zones is still no where to be seen, all you did here was move the attention away from 1 T6 mat for a few days, some weapons requires a lot of dust and ecto, but now we have to salvage the ecto to get the dust,

Why could you not just FIX THE LOOT in your level 80 end game zones, this is poor.

The whole reason for dust going up was the fact loot drops were nerfed to ground. So they still don’t drop, there’s just another way to get them now.

The balance team is chained to SPVP, and the PVE team is all about producing carnivals

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlietteFaye.7316


Agreed, but ArenaNet has actually finally spoken out on the loot issue. Colin said that we can expect a loot revamp by the end of Summer, so that’s all we can look forward to now.


Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Actually it is a fix. Even most of the people who usually do nothing but bash Anet have said this was a good fix. In fact, some of those people asked for a fix like this specifically.

You can’t please everyone.

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


what do you want from them. they had little time to respond since lyssa nerf. if they made a huge change now it would be rushed. let them plan it, and bandaid for now.

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


what do you want from them. they had little time to respond since lyssa nerf. if they made a huge change now it would be rushed. let them plan it, and bandaid for now.

I will bet you anything the salvage stays. As if they would roll something like that back. That then restricts them in the future in terms of what they can do about actual dust drops because they won’t want the value going down too much.

Then to top it all off they raise the amount of dust required in the potion recipes.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Are you okay mate?


Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Toggles.1783


I can’t believe people think this is a ‘fix’ when it’s a poor band aid. There are many indirect nerfs in this ‘fix’.

Level 80: Elementalist Engineer Guardian Mesmer Ranger Thief Warrior

(edited by Toggles.1783)

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solo.9027


Maybe data-mining showed that bots have a harder time getting ecto so they decided to shift the power-of-loot in that direction. We really have no idea on their reasoning cycles unless they come out and tell us.

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Maybe data-mining showed that bots have a harder time getting ecto so they decided to shift the power-of-loot in that direction. We really have no idea on their reasoning cycles unless they come out and tell us.

Exactly, transparency please anet.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


Jesus kitten, some people are just never happy…

Yes, someone from ANet (Colin?) mentioned they’re working on end game loot issues. For now, they had two “urgent” issues to deal with: T6 dust was inflating massively, while ectos were dropping like a lead weight. The fix they found was rather elegant and simple and did, indeed, fix those problems.

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


Loot isn’t nerfed into the ground. Your statement is false.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Loot isn’t nerfed into the ground. Your statement is false.

Try getting some in open world then you might see…

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


Loot isn’t nerfed into the ground. Your statement is false.

Try getting some in open world then you might see…

Did several temples yesterday, got plenty of drops. Went into FotM20 and got plenty of drops. There’s nothing wrong with the loot.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Loot isn’t nerfed into the ground. Your statement is false.

Try getting some in open world then you might see…

Did several temples yesterday, got plenty of drops. Went into FotM20 and got plenty of drops. There’s nothing wrong with the loot.

Did Dwayna and Lyssa yesterday. Got 2 yellows. For the time spent? Not doing it today.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rama.6439


Loot isn’t nerfed into the ground. Your statement is false.

Try getting some in open world then you might see…

Did several temples yesterday, got plenty of drops. Went into FotM20 and got plenty of drops. There’s nothing wrong with the loot.

Temples spawn mobs that aren’t in open world, and FotM isn’t open world.

His statement is very true, Orr mobs in open world are nerfed to the bone, frostgorge mobs are also, right now the only reasonable place to get anykind of T6 mat is Southsun Cove, and the only T6 mats there are T6 blood, poison sacs, and scales.

Now, when it comes to T6 totems, fangs, claws, and ancient bones, they almost never drop from anything in the open world, they can’t be farmed anymore and we will soon start to see their prices go up unless Anet steps in and does something about all these nerfs, a roll back of the nerfs would be a wise choice imho. If they want people to be spreading out and going back to other areas then thats what they are gonna have to do, other wise people are gonna stay in Southsun and farm there till something is done.

Arcubus Balefire – 80 Guardian
Välkyri – 80 Warrior
JQ[Lulz] – Kill fur Thrillz…

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


If these problems are really such an issue, an not just a figment of your imagination, I’m sure they’ll be handled. Personally, I think t6 bags should drop in the entire open world for lvl 80 characters but that’s just my way of doing it.

That said, lets look at the facts:
- t6 can be made out of laurels
- t6 can be made as a side product from Clovers
- t6 can be upgraded from t5

Rising t6 prices merely mean these other options become ever more profitable.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rama.6439


If these problems are really such an issue, an not just a figment of your imagination, I’m sure they’ll be handled. Personally, I think t6 bags should drop in the entire open world for lvl 80 characters but that’s just my way of doing it.

That said, lets look at the facts:
- t6 can be made out of laurels
- t6 can be made as a side product from Clovers
- t6 can be upgraded from t5

Rising t6 prices merely mean these other options become ever more profitable.

3 T6 mats for doing my daily? I don’t hardly do my daily as it is, I got kitten ed when they implemented that system, I spent I don’t know how many years on WoW doing dailies and they added it here, people love it, but they don’t want other kitten from WoW, WHY NOT??? I want a mount, and a flying mount, but no, it’s to much like WoW, lame excuse people.
This would be a good thing if they raised the amount of T6 mats that came n the bags that the laurels bought, but 3 mats? Not only that you have no clue what 3 mats you’re going to get.
People need a way to be able to go after the mats that they need, and Anet is taking that from them. And not giving them a legitimate reason why, they said the nerfs were a spawn bug fix, well that could explain the skelks in Southsun, but what about the rest of the world Anet? We would still like an explanation here. Waiting….

Arcubus Balefire – 80 Guardian
Välkyri – 80 Warrior
JQ[Lulz] – Kill fur Thrillz…

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: John Smith.4610

John Smith.4610

Hello all, let’s keep in mind that this was just one change, it isn’t intended to be the one saving grace of the whole economy it was simply a market correction.

Standard: We saw that dust was too expensive and it wasn’t on a correcting trend. We made it easier and more prevalent to get dust without any major changes to the current balance.

We wanted a shift of the supply curve for dust without change the balance too much in any other markets, we were making a change in pseudo isoloation (bisolation if you will).

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omne.4603


Its cake to make money to buy anything you want in this game because of its overly casual nature and yet threads like these exist. Honestly props to anet for not locking this thread.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brom Malochson.9306

Brom Malochson.9306

Hello all, let’s keep in mind that this was just one change, it isn’t intended to be the one saving grace of the whole economy it was simply a market correction.

Standard: We saw that dust was too expensive and it wasn’t on a correcting trend. We made it easier and more prevalent to get dust without any major changes to the current balance.

We wanted a shift of the supply curve for dust without change the balance too much in any other markets, we were making a change in pseudo isoloation (bisolation if you will).

The issue is that there is no balance in Orr. A lot of the loot that used to drop, which seemed very rewarding to players fighting difficult enemies and partaking in difficult events, is now gone. Rare loot has a very low drop rate, so low that it’s borderline nonexistent. Risk > reward in Orr. Even after Southsun, player counts continue to be minimal in these endgame zones. The scales need to be rebalanced so that Risk = Reward.

I recommend a case study. Strip a level 80 character of everything in his inventory and run through Orr. Now go through Orr and participate in each temple event, but also keep a count for what happens outside of the event chains too. Count:

-How many times did you down during this run?
-How many times did you die during this run?
-How many items did you pick up during this run?
-What is the total value of the items in your inventory post-run?
-How long did it take you to finish Temple Event X? (Where X is a temple event; pay close attention to Grenth in this one)
-What is the total value of the rewards you got from Temple Event X? (Where X is a temple event; pay close attention to Grenth in this one)

Very simple, effective, and easy case study to make concerning the status of Orr.

Brom Malichson | DB Elementalist | Temple Commander | Knights of Ares [ARES]

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


Hello all, let’s keep in mind that this was just one change, it isn’t intended to be the one saving grace of the whole economy it was simply a market correction.

Standard: We saw that dust was too expensive and it wasn’t on a correcting trend. We made it easier and more prevalent to get dust without any major changes to the current balance.

We wanted a shift of the supply curve for dust without change the balance too much in any other markets, we were making a change in pseudo isoloation (bisolation if you will).

The issue is that there is no balance in Orr. A lot of the loot that used to drop, which seemed very rewarding to players fighting difficult enemies and partaking in difficult events, is now gone. Rare loot has a very low drop rate, so low that it’s borderline nonexistent. Risk > reward in Orr. Even after Southsun, player counts continue to be minimal in these endgame zones. The scales need to be rebalanced so that Risk = Reward.

I recommend a case study. Strip a level 80 character of everything in his inventory and run through Orr. Now go through Orr and participate in each temple event, but also keep a count for what happens outside of the event chains too. Count:

-How many times did you down during this run?
-How many times did you die during this run?
-How many items did you pick up during this run?
-What is the total value of the items in your inventory post-run?
-How long did it take you to finish Temple Event X? (Where X is a temple event; pay close attention to Grenth in this one)
-What is the total value of the rewards you got from Temple Event X? (Where X is a temple event; pay close attention to Grenth in this one)

Very simple, effective, and easy case study to make concerning the status of Orr.

Your test would prove nothing. Different players have different skill levels and abilities. I hardly ever die in Orr unless I’m trying to solo group events. And as developers, they don’t need to do your silly test. Your test is supposed to figure out drop rates, but they already KNOW what they are because they are the ones that coded them. The only thing that they might potentially want to test is what the average time to kill various mobs are or maybe what mobs kill players most often. But even then, they wouldn’t just go marauding through Orr themselves. They’d just write a script that would automatically collect that data from every player who enters the zone on any server and leave it collecting for a few weeks. I’d actually be surprised if they didn’t already collect this kind of data.

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emikochan.8504


There’s no risk so why are you expecting a big reward. GW2 is easy.

Welcome to my world – http://emikochan13.wordpress.com

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Your test would prove nothing. Different players have different skill levels and abilities. I hardly ever die in Orr unless I’m trying to solo group events. And as developers, they don’t need to do your silly test. Your test is supposed to figure out drop rates, but they already KNOW what they are because they are the ones that coded them. The only thing that they might potentially want to test is what the average time to kill various mobs are or maybe what mobs kill players most often. But even then, they wouldn’t just go marauding through Orr themselves. They’d just write a script that would automatically collect that data from every player who enters the zone on any server and leave it collecting for a few weeks. I’d actually be surprised if they didn’t already collect this kind of data.

Actually they have an entire bot army for testing that sort of thing(on the dev servers so no need to slow down live servers with the data collection). Their presentation on how some stuff are implemented should still be on gamasutra.

However I doubt much useful information can be derived from bot testing or data collection from live servers. What killed you is not as important as what lead to your death. You might have been killed with skill X but the actual cause of your death could be because you were chain immobilized by 5 different things(haven’t actually encountered this in a while, just a convenient example). WHERE people are dying might be more useful but that will probably just show you locations of events.

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


If these problems are really such an issue, an not just a figment of your imagination, I’m sure they’ll be handled. Personally, I think t6 bags should drop in the entire open world for lvl 80 characters but that’s just my way of doing it.

That said, lets look at the facts:
- t6 can be made out of laurels
- t6 can be made as a side product from Clovers
- t6 can be upgraded from t5

Rising t6 prices merely mean these other options become ever more profitable.

3 T6 mats for doing my daily? I don’t hardly do my daily as it is, I got kitten ed when they implemented that system, I spent I don’t know how many years on WoW doing dailies and they added it here, people love it, but they don’t want other kitten from WoW, WHY NOT??? I want a mount, and a flying mount, but no, it’s to much like WoW, lame excuse people.

These dailies are not comparable to WoW dailies. In WoW they were a requirement for progress, mostly tied to reputation (which no one wants). In GW2 they’re something to boost the first 20 minutes of play, something like rested XP (which everyone loved). It’s not possible to equalize GW2 and WoW dailies. Mounts have nothing to do with this.

This would be a good thing if they raised the amount of T6 mats that came n the bags that the laurels bought, but 3 mats? Not only that you have no clue what 3 mats you’re going to get.

That’s almost guarantueed 60 silver. If that isn’t a good reward for the first 20 minutes of the day, nothing is.

People need a way to be able to go after the mats that they need, and Anet is taking that from them. And not giving them a legitimate reason why, they said the nerfs were a spawn bug fix, well that could explain the skelks in Southsun, but what about the rest of the world Anet? We would still like an explanation here. Waiting….

Don’t jump on the bandwagen but play the game instead. There’s nothing wrong with the drops. The thing you’re referencing was the closing of a few grave exploits. If that’s not allowed, then how could A.net ever balance the game?
People are farming different stuff, which means farming Orr becomes ever more profitable. If only you knew how economics worked.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dafomen.7892


Agreed, but ArenaNet has actually finally spoken out on the loot issue. Colin said that we can expect a loot revamp by the end of Summer, so that’s all we can look forward to now.


Actually I am laughing at people who still believe those PR carrots.

This won’t end well…

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bright.9160


ITT: open-world PvE’res complaining about risk vs reward….

The Dungeon/Fractal community would like to have a word with you..

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


Agreed, but ArenaNet has actually finally spoken out on the loot issue. Colin said that we can expect a loot revamp by the end of Summer, so that’s all we can look forward to now.


Actually I am laughing at people who still believe those PR carrots.

I’m making a killing from selling tinfoil hats. A wonderful market to exploit.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conner.4702


ITT: open-world PvE’res complaining about risk vs reward….

The Dungeon/Fractal community would like to have a word with you..

With exploiting in both has been running rampant this group doesn’t get a vote.

I agree open world drops are utter crap. Unless you do the events people are funnelled into like daily chest events.

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Someone bought C.dust hoping it would stay at that price to see it crash?

Just like Ectos when they were 30+s. Prices like that don’t get much higher and are bound to crash when players dump their stocks at the same time.

Same situation here. Either Anet was going to do something about it or prices crash due to player greed.

Common sense told me to get out of it fairly quick.

T6 mats should be around that price not too cheap but not totally out of reach for the average player with other commitments.

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Its cake to make money to buy anything you want in this game because of its overly casual nature and yet threads like these exist. Honestly props to anet for not locking this thread.

Please inform us:
How much gold you have?
How do/did you earn such gold?
How long did it take you?

Because without playing for 10 hours a day, I can make maybe…2-3 gold per day playing two or 3 hours a night after work. That actually playing the game instead of COF farming….and selling nearly everything I get.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


Its cake to make money to buy anything you want in this game because of its overly casual nature and yet threads like these exist. Honestly props to anet for not locking this thread.

Please inform us:
How much gold you have?
How do/did you earn such gold?
How long did it take you?

Because without playing for 10 hours a day, I can make maybe…2-3 gold per day playing two or 3 hours a night after work. That actually playing the game instead of COF farming….and selling nearly everything I get.

A gold per hour isn’t a terribly bad amount imho. I can make about that without selling all my materials.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rama.6439


If these problems are really such an issue, an not just a figment of your imagination, I’m sure they’ll be handled. Personally, I think t6 bags should drop in the entire open world for lvl 80 characters but that’s just my way of doing it.

That said, lets look at the facts:
- t6 can be made out of laurels
- t6 can be made as a side product from Clovers
- t6 can be upgraded from t5

Rising t6 prices merely mean these other options become ever more profitable.

3 T6 mats for doing my daily? I don’t hardly do my daily as it is, I got kitten ed when they implemented that system, I spent I don’t know how many years on WoW doing dailies and they added it here, people love it, but they don’t want other kitten from WoW, WHY NOT??? I want a mount, and a flying mount, but no, it’s to much like WoW, lame excuse people.

These dailies are not comparable to WoW dailies. In WoW they were a requirement for progress, mostly tied to reputation (which no one wants). In GW2 they’re something to boost the first 20 minutes of play, something like rested XP (which everyone loved). It’s not possible to equalize GW2 and WoW dailies. Mounts have nothing to do with this.

This would be a good thing if they raised the amount of T6 mats that came n the bags that the laurels bought, but 3 mats? Not only that you have no clue what 3 mats you’re going to get.

That’s almost guarantueed 60 silver. If that isn’t a good reward for the first 20 minutes of the day, nothing is.

People need a way to be able to go after the mats that they need, and Anet is taking that from them. And not giving them a legitimate reason why, they said the nerfs were a spawn bug fix, well that could explain the skelks in Southsun, but what about the rest of the world Anet? We would still like an explanation here. Waiting….

Don’t jump on the bandwagen but play the game instead. There’s nothing wrong with the drops. The thing you’re referencing was the closing of a few grave exploits. If that’s not allowed, then how could A.net ever balance the game?
People are farming different stuff, which means farming Orr becomes ever more profitable. If only you knew how economics worked.

I don’t what WoW you played, but the WoW I played the dailies gave you money for completing them, which is why we did them, I did mine mainly cause I was in a high end raiding guild and just needed repair costs everyday. They were not a requirement.

Hello all, let’s keep in mind that this was just one change, it isn’t intended to be the one saving grace of the whole economy it was simply a market correction.

Standard: We saw that dust was too expensive and it wasn’t on a correcting trend. We made it easier and more prevalent to get dust without any major changes to the current balance.

We wanted a shift of the supply curve for dust without change the balance too much in any other markets, we were making a change in pseudo isoloation (bisolation if you will).

Thank you for the fast response Mr. Smith, and I have to say you seem like the only one that is ever working there.
I do want to say that I hope you get the rest of those people there to do something about the past nerfs sometime cause a lot of players are upset and don’t like the open world much anymore. And I also noticed there has been nerfs to T5 farming areas also, I’m not here to discuss this but if this is the path that Anet is on, I feel really bad for them.
In-game farmers provide a service to other gamers, what do the drones running CoF p1 provide? Nothing.
Thank you again Mr. Smith, keep up the good work, you make me have hope that this game might actually survive NcSofts reign of terror.

Arcubus Balefire – 80 Guardian
Välkyri – 80 Warrior
JQ[Lulz] – Kill fur Thrillz…

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bright.9160


ITT: open-world PvE’res complaining about risk vs reward….

The Dungeon/Fractal community would like to have a word with you..

With exploiting in both has been running rampant this group doesn’t get a vote.

I agree open world drops are utter crap. Unless you do the events people are funnelled into like daily chest events.

Because certain people use exploits in dungeons and Fractals we should be treated like second class players?

Sure, that makes a lot of sense. A mentality like that one sure worked out great throughout human history.

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


ITT: open-world PvE’res complaining about risk vs reward….

The Dungeon/Fractal community would like to have a word with you..

With exploiting in both has been running rampant this group doesn’t get a vote.

I agree open world drops are utter crap. Unless you do the events people are funnelled into like daily chest events.

Riiiight, and the main source of kitten ing and moaning from the PvE farming community was when they fixed the Lyssa event that was letting them farm an endless stream of heavy moldy bags and crystalline dust.

And we don’t get a say in things because you believe we’re all exploitters… I’d like to see your logic on that one considering you really can’t exploit fractals.

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


Hello all, let’s keep in mind that this was just one change, it isn’t intended to be the one saving grace of the whole economy it was simply a market correction.

Standard: We saw that dust was too expensive and it wasn’t on a correcting trend. We made it easier and more prevalent to get dust without any major changes to the current balance.

We wanted a shift of the supply curve for dust without change the balance too much in any other markets, we were making a change in pseudo isoloation (bisolation if you will).

so you nerfed the crap out of every possible source of dust then couldn’t figure out why it was getting more expensive so you slapped a band-aid on it.

An easier and more prevalent way to get dust was the original system that you beat continually with a bat until it stopped giving dust. If you really wanted to not change the balance of other markets then you wouldn’t have used the mat used in the most recipes in the game to do that, you would have just increased the drop rate of dust.

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Agreed, but ArenaNet has actually finally spoken out on the loot issue. Colin said that we can expect a loot revamp by the end of Summer, so that’s all we can look forward to now.

Yeah it was a minor fix but only for 1 problem. It’s why I asked about lodestones because those things are more rare then water in Arabia. I can only hope they learned their lesson regarding why people play mmos it’s not just for the scenery or the props or the lore, it’s for the feeling of being rewarded after completing something fun.

And it’s why I changed my tune about farming. If they don’t want farmers that’s fine but something must be done about the rewards in this game. I don’t mind doing events so long as I can use the currency from these events to purchase the things I need to craft and I don’t mind salvaging so long as that provides what I need to craft. I really would love to see them improve the crafting in this game there are types of items we still have yet to see that have been in other less complex games (like needing to do anything with the mystic toilet, for example making a feast by throwing things that don’t belong in a feast into the mystic toilet things that cost too much currency like crystals) . Hopefully they’ll fix it all at the same time.

The nerfs are the other problem, from here on out unless it’s absolutely an honest to god bug, we shouldn’t see anymore nerfs it’s now at a very bad place.

We’re seeing three problems with the loot system. We’re seeing an algorithm issue where some people get loot all the time and some don’t, so much for individual loot tables. We’re seeing DR interfere with the looting of temporary mobs in events. And we’re seeing nerfs to the loot tables of those mobs specifically with the bags. At no time should anyone ever have to use magic find to get bags to drop, it’s like the age old problem of animals not dropping their animal parts when they die. You’re never going to not find meat on an animal just like you should never not find currency on a humanoid mob, in the lore skritt have bags they have them right on their person standing there in the game some are even carrying boxes but we have to use magic find to get these bags to drop and then have to worry over whether these bags will actually give us the materials we were farming for in the first place. There’s a double problem here. (don’t get me started on why we aren’t seeing skritt in the open PVE world and why they are only focused in WvW which is a whole other problem)

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mackdose.6504


Hello all, let’s keep in mind that this was just one change, it isn’t intended to be the one saving grace of the whole economy it was simply a market correction.

Standard: We saw that dust was too expensive and it wasn’t on a correcting trend. We made it easier and more prevalent to get dust without any major changes to the current balance.

We wanted a shift of the supply curve for dust without change the balance too much in any other markets, we were making a change in pseudo isoloation (bisolation if you will).

so you nerfed the crap out of every possible source of dust then couldn’t figure out why it was getting more expensive so you slapped a band-aid on it.

An easier and more prevalent way to get dust was the original system that you beat continually with a bat until it stopped giving dust. If you really wanted to not change the balance of other markets then you wouldn’t have used the mat used in the most recipes in the game to do that, you would have just increased the drop rate of dust.

I love how non-developers think they know better than the actual developers on how to fix problems. It’s almost like that solution (just increasing drop rate) is so obvious, that it was tested and didn’t fix the problem without introducing more problems.

“I didn’t buy into GW2 being the second coming of christ.
I just wanted a AAA MMO with no sub made by ArenaNet. And it’s awesome.”

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I love how non-developers think they know better than the actual developers on how to fix problems. It’s almost like that solution (just increasing drop rate) is so obvious, that it was tested and didn’t fix the problem without introducing more problems.

I don’t see a problem here honestly, non-developers have played a very large number of games and we’ve seen what other developers have done with their games as solutions to these same problems. It’s part of history.

I myself have played 15 mmos and have seen my share of very bad decisions like D3 nerfing loot, and other titles who didn’t last beyond their first year because they implemented DR and didn’t give players another way of being rewarded either.

If it’s a problem in an MMO I’ve been thru it I’ve seen it and I’ve kept mental notes about it to keep myself from experiencing it all over. When i first saw this companies interviews about what they had planned I thought wow here’s a company that has been thru it like I have and knows what not to do to their players. Little did I know that apparently they have no concept of mmo development history in some cases, because what I’ve seen over the past year in this game makes me wonder if anyone there has ever played an mmo in their life. It really does and I don’t mean that as an insult I’m sure some of them have but some of the mistakes I’ve seen in this game’s patches are jawdropping sometimes. It’s like seeing a car developer using the model T of car engines forgetting (bare with me) 18 years of other trials that other companies have done made public, taking into account the internet and the vast resources of data that anyone can research easily, and taking into account the public aspect of all official game forums, and taking into account the elephant’s in the room natural tendency to adapt to survive as any company has to, one would think that these kinds of decisions would never be considered as solutions because many of them have been tried already many times and failed miserably so other solutions that came from those failures were used and thus improved gaming alround. It just seems like they don’t remember these other solutions because we keep seeing them using the bad choices in some cases that we’ve already seen other companies make years ago. Not all of them.

I guess what I’m saying is expected them to know as much as any old head mmo gamer knows due to experience with these problems in games because they did claim in the beginning to be gamers themselves (I’d assumed that meant mmo gamers).

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


I don’t what WoW you played, but the WoW I played the dailies gave you money for completing them, which is why we did them, I did mine mainly cause I was in a high end raiding guild and just needed repair costs everyday. They were not a requirement.

In TBC they had to be done in a horribly crowded pvp zone and could easily take an hour to complete the set regardless of which server controlled the island. They were required for certain recipes I think, don’t remember. In WotlK they were required rep farms for shoulder enchants among other things. I never finished them.

They did feel far more required than the GW2 dailies though which are completed by simply playing the game.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Hello all, let’s keep in mind that this was just one change, it isn’t intended to be the one saving grace of the whole economy it was simply a market correction.

Standard: We saw that dust was too expensive and it wasn’t on a correcting trend. We made it easier and more prevalent to get dust without any major changes to the current balance.

We wanted a shift of the supply curve for dust without change the balance too much in any other markets, we were making a change in pseudo isoloation (bisolation if you will).

Sorry – I have forgotten most about economics from my university days, but I’m curious

What prompted you to decide to shift the supply curve rather than movement on the curve? Perhaps it was easier to implement this fix as a shift?

Looking at it, the ecto fix was brilliant and efficient. It served two different items and would be a relatively easy programming task.

But a movement on the curve would have to raise/drop the price of dust, and that I think would be complicated. For one, you have to figure out how to adjust the price of dust – change recipes? Increase drop rate? e.t.c.

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Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varonth.5830


Dust prices are still way too high, and they are directly impacting the prices of all the other T6 mats.

Promotion recipes are useless as it stands right now. 5 T6 dust + 50 T5 mats + 1 T1 mat resulting in an average of 5 T6 mats?

If dust would got down to 2-3s each, all the other T6 mats would become less of a problem.

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rouven.7409


Hey, just make a drop down menu after salvaging. Would you like
a) dust
b) bones
c) scales
d) toenails

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Hello all, let’s keep in mind that this was just one change, it isn’t intended to be the one saving grace of the whole economy it was simply a market correction.

Standard: We saw that dust was too expensive and it wasn’t on a correcting trend. We made it easier and more prevalent to get dust without any major changes to the current balance.

We wanted a shift of the supply curve for dust without change the balance too much in any other markets, we were making a change in pseudo isoloation (bisolation if you will).

The issue is that there is no balance in Orr. A lot of the loot that used to drop, which seemed very rewarding to players fighting difficult enemies and partaking in difficult events, is now gone. Rare loot has a very low drop rate, so low that it’s borderline nonexistent. Risk > reward in Orr. Even after Southsun, player counts continue to be minimal in these endgame zones. The scales need to be rebalanced so that Risk = Reward.

I recommend a case study. Strip a level 80 character of everything in his inventory and run through Orr. Now go through Orr and participate in each temple event, but also keep a count for what happens outside of the event chains too. Count:

-How many times did you down during this run?
-How many times did you die during this run?
-How many items did you pick up during this run?
-What is the total value of the items in your inventory post-run?
-How long did it take you to finish Temple Event X? (Where X is a temple event; pay close attention to Grenth in this one)
-What is the total value of the rewards you got from Temple Event X? (Where X is a temple event; pay close attention to Grenth in this one)

Very simple, effective, and easy case study to make concerning the status of Orr.

I almost never die in PvE. Where is the risk? By your rationale the only place anything should ever drop is in sPvP and WvW because they are the only places I die these days.

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I seriously wish they’d make crafting worthwhile… We can promote gems as a jeweler, why can’t we promote mats and rely on something other than dust. Making dust available in another way solves nothing, making crafting this stuff more diverse does though. You could actually keep drop rates as they are and make freaking crafting worthwhile.

You know a 12 year old can mow a lawn for an hour and earn more gold in game than even the best farming run can net you in the same amount of time? That’s pretty kitten. There’s way more wrong with the economy than dust…

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

OP has a valid point. All high end open world drops have been nerfed. Orr, ML, Frostgorge. There is no where left to get a good return of T5/T6 crafting supplies for a reasonable amount of time spent. 1-2 T6 an hour is not reasonable.

There is a reason there was a ‘dust crisis’. There will be similar ‘crisis’ very soon.

And to top it off, now you have to compete with these dragon coffers on your drops. They drop EVERYWHERE. Next to impossible to get any real drops any more.

For having an ‘economist’ on staff, this in game economy really does stink.

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ghost.3208


Don’t jump on the bandwagen but play the game instead. There’s nothing wrong with the drops. The thing you’re referencing was the closing of a few grave exploits. If that’s not allowed, then how could A.net ever balance the game?
People are farming different stuff, which means farming Orr becomes ever more profitable. If only you knew how economics worked.

Exactly, while I’m farming materials I don’t see a problem with the drops. Yes there’s been a reduction to the drop rate, but it’s still pretty stable (or at least for what drops to me, maybe I’m just lucky).

I can only play for about 1-3 hours during the week in which time I focus on quickly finishing my daily and going to farm some materials, in fact I don’t even have to bother about the daily because I can finish it while farming (why is everyone so upset about dailies??).

In those hours I got enough materials (few Crystalline Dusts but still got enough to sell for a big profit during the high cost) and Heavy Loot Bags to keep a big stack of materials. Just gotta say that boy, am I glad that almost no one was farming this dusts, helped me get a ton of gold ^^

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Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Camaro Charr.2805

Camaro Charr.2805

I have an answer. Sell some boxes in the gem store that have a minute chance at dropping dust.

RE- Red Essence

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I have an answer. Sell some boxes in the gem store that have a minute chance at dropping dust.

We have way too many RNG options already. Not enough direct handling of resources so no that’s not a solution.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Camaro Charr.2805

Camaro Charr.2805

I have an answer. Sell some boxes in the gem store that have a minute chance at dropping dust.

We have way too many RNG options already. Not enough direct handling of resources so no that’s not a solution.

You realize that was meant to be a cynical joke right?

RE- Red Essence

Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


OP has a valid point. All high end open world drops have been nerfed. Orr, ML, Frostgorge. There is no where left to get a good return of T5/T6 crafting supplies for a reasonable amount of time spent. 1-2 T6 an hour is not reasonable.

There is a reason there was a ‘dust crisis’. There will be similar ‘crisis’ very soon.

And to top it off, now you have to compete with these dragon coffers on your drops. They drop EVERYWHERE. Next to impossible to get any real drops any more.

For having an ‘economist’ on staff, this in game economy really does stink.

I agree hopefully their new improved rewards system will be promising and bypass the single-currency-economy and extreme-RNG-everything issues we’re seeing now.

I never have these issues in other modern mmos and this is the first mmo in many years that I’ve had to deal with this style of economics.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!