Dyes which change colour across your armour

Dyes which change colour across your armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eurhetemec.9052



Slightly hard to explain, but some dyes in GW2, not many, provide actually completely different colours on different parts of the armour – one of the starting dyes does this, Deep Maple – it’s basically dark red/brown, but fades into GREEN on some parts of the armour!

There are several others I know of too, like Sour Apple, and Grass (both of which are green but fade into red/orange – at least on some armour).

Is there a list of which dyes do this? It’s certainly not all dyes, nor even very many. I think they may all be Vibrant dyes, but perhaps not.

Do you know of any others which do this? I’d be particularly interested in any darker colours which did it, or blues or purples which faded into other colours entirely.

None of the dye sites (and I have looked at all of them, I promise!) have such a list that I can find.

Dyes which change colour across your armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reiizm.5871


I noticed this. I thought that it was the particular spot on the armour itself that caused this, not the dye.

Dyes which change colour across your armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


It’s mainly a feature of the armor rather than the dye, but it’s more noticeable with some dyes. The same colour will look different when applied to different materials – metal dyes a different way to fabric for example.

In most cases you won’t notice because most armor pieces use just one or two materials, and if they are different then they can be dyed separately and often end up as different colours so it doesn’t show. But on some armor sets it does stand out.

For example the female norn T2 medium armor has a section of cloth on the back which can be dyed along with the rest of the armor but which is always slightly brownish – the dye just tints it rather than changing the colour.

It seems to be more noticable with the brightly coloured dyes, although it will also depend on your graphics and monitor settings.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Dyes which change colour across your armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eurhetemec.9052


It’s mainly a feature of the armor rather than the dye, but it’s more noticeable with some dyes. The same colour will look different when applied to different materials – metal dyes a different way to fabric for example.

In most cases you won’t notice because most armor pieces use just one or two materials, and if they are different then they can be dyed separately and often end up as different colours so it doesn’t show. But on some armor sets it does stand out.

For example the female norn T2 medium armor has a section of cloth on the back which can be dyed along with the rest of the armor but which is always slightly brownish – the dye just tints it rather than changing the colour.

It seems to be more noticable with the brightly coloured dyes, although it will also depend on your graphics and monitor settings.

The armour does matter, but no, it’s not mainly the armour, because it is a small number of dyes which do it, and all the ones I’ve found which do it have plant or tree names (yet not all which have those names do it).

Everyone has Deep Maple, and you can see it does something completely different to other dyes on armour. Most Vibrant colours will just cover all the armour and react strongly to tone changes – dark bits will be dark/deep versions of the colour, light bits will be very energetic and bright versions of the colour. Deep Maple and Sour Apple and so on are different – with Deep Maple, dark bits are clearly red-brown, and lighter bits, and some bits non-Vibrant dyes won’t even touch are coloured a clear green, T1/2 Sylvari show this very clearly – if you have them, try one of those dyes and have a look at the results, I think you will be surprised.

Dyes which change colour across your armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daywolf.2630


Use different dye of the same branch of color. So like on my fire ele that I use a lot of reds, I have a lot of different reds that I may mix onto an armor set. If you use the dye removal tool, then look at the pallet on the armor, you will often see one color but set in darker or lighter shades. It’s the modeling materials they use on the armor, some to more represent say cloth vs metal for instance, or leather parts etc. So if you are trying to make the different materials match the same, you need to use different shades of that base color. Some colors just react more differently to the materials than other colors do. There is no way to really know w/o experimentation.

I mean all it is really doing is adding a new color hue to an existing material color on the armor, over the texture mapping of the model. It doesn’t like change the color, it adds to it. Then you have shader materials on the armor, and that further reacts to colors, such as from the specular shader level of the material on the model. So the added color is an adjustment rather than a replacement, so it may react differently.

(edited by Daywolf.2630)

Dyes which change colour across your armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JDGumby.7685


Slightly hard to explain, but some dyes in GW2, not many, provide actually completely different colours on different parts of the armour

Most dyes do it, actually, though only a few seem to reflect the difference in the squares. Dyes can give different colors based on what armor set, which individual piece of armor, and which specific part of that piece you dye. It’s all a crapshoot, really, and always has been.

Dyes which change colour across your armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: effybuttonmoon.4607


Omg i’ve been serching for ages for some kind of list on this. I’ve noticed it to. Its a bit like how the flame and frost dyes are. They have more shaders in etc. Some of the cheap dyes do this too with colous as you’ve mentioned op. Makes armor look fantastic. Yes armors show it more than others, but these few dyes aren’t armor specific.

I’ll add to the ‘list’… Heirloom! It’s a dark reddish/brown dye. But the only one i’ve found to do this as well as it does. I make sure to buy it on all my alts. The colour variations on it are awesome.

Dyes which change colour across your armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zackie.8923



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