Dynamic IP and authenticator
If your pc is behind a router and you have DHCP (in router settings enabled), then you can let the authenticator “remember this network” (checkbox).
The authenticator will remember your pc’s ip address, provided your pc’s ip stays the same (like : 192.168.0.x or something). I had the same thing happen to me after my router Dc’d on me, but that happens only very rare. It doesn’t matter if your provider refreshes your ip every few days, your internal ip stays the same.
If you have a ‘pass-through’ (the external ip = internal pc ip) then this won’t work oc.
Is there any way to make it remember my location or PC (as these never change) like the old authenticator in the login screen used to.
Both location and and pc name can be spoofed. the old login screen actually not had an authenticator, but just a login. the username/password where saved locally.
while IP-adresses can be spoofed, there can always only be one of them active on the internet (private ranges excluded cause they are only active on the internet behind a NAT). That makes sure that the game will always verify you computer if they know something changed. Doing what you said would decrease the security to the same level as it was without an authentication.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
your pc is behind a router and you have DHCP (in router settings enabled), then you can let the authenticator “remember this network” (checkbox).
Yeah ive tried this option and its still happening so i guess i have a pass through.
Both location and and pc name can be spoofed. the old login screen actually not had an authenticator, but just a login. the username/password where saved locally.
while IP-adresses can be spoofed, there can always only be one of them active on the internet (private ranges excluded cause they are only active on the internet behind a NAT). That makes sure that the game will always verify you computer if they know something changed. Doing what you said would decrease the security to the same level as it was without an authentication.
I guess I will have to live with it or remove the authenticator then. Thanks your your help and input
It will eventually expand the range of addresses so it doesn’t bother you.
RIP City of Heroes
Your internal IP should not be the problem. The IP address for your modem from your ISP is changing at what looks like an alarming rate. You do not want a laundry list of IP address ranges from your ISP.
You might want to change your ISP.
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior
call ur isp and request static ip address