221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
E Frag, B Dust and D Ore sink needed
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Surely that’s what the gobblers are for – an infinite use for them, which is far better than the smaller or one shot sinks we currently have.
I wonder if a “better” solution would be to add more opportunities to convert other currencies into ascended mats while reducing the drop rate.
There seem to be two types of players, as far as empty frags, bloody dust, and drags-on ore [sic x3]:
- Those that feel ascended mats are too hard to farm.
- Those that have too much of it.
There don’t seem to be many who find that there’s just enough.
When these currencies were first introduced, they added an incentive for people to participate in various types of content: world bosses for dragonite, dungeons & open-world chest for empty frags, and champs for bloodstone dust.
However, there are so many new and more-easily-farmed sources of each that I don’t think those incentives work (if they ever really did).
So instead, I’d like to see the faucets for these items reduced and let people purchase them, perhaps slightly increasing the various faucets for currencies. For example, dungeon tokens could be spent on empyreals, airship parts for bloodstone, etc.
Obviously, this would be more difficult for ANet than adding a few more eaters, but it would change the dynamic so that veterans wouldn’t need so many eaters (if any) and relative new players would have more options for farming.
Or, they could just remove the cap on how much the eater can consume… That’d give us all the sink we’d ever need…
Leave it to A-net to decide whether the suggestion is possible or not.
I use Princess, Star of Gratitude, and Sentient Anomaly. It’s not instant, but I find it effective. In fact, I’m now happy to get Dragonite Ore!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Get some eaters:
Empyreal Fragments – eaten by Star of Gratitude, Sentient Aberration
Bloodstone Dust – eaten by Mawdrey, Herta, Sentient Anomoly
Dragonite Ore – eaten by Princess, Sentient Anomoly, Sentient Aberration
Yeah, the various munchers do a fairly good job of keeping the 3 Ascended common mats under control, although Empyreal will still strain your bank a bit if you do a lot of BFF chest farming.
I’m more surprised that they didn’t release a 3rd Sentient muncher that eats both Bloodstone Dust and Empyreal Fragments with Crack in the Ice.
Soon we’ll need to keep 20 eaters in our inv. A new one was just introduced to take care of useless pvp tokens. When I saw this I went and threw them all out.
I use Princess, Star of Gratitude, and Sentient Anomaly. It’s not instant, but I find it effective. In fact, I’m now happy to get Dragonite Ore!
I only find this effective when I stop playing the game for a while and just log in to munch xD
Leave it to A-net to decide whether the suggestion is possible or not.
Or, they could just remove the cap on how much the eater can consume… That’d give us all the sink we’d ever need…
+1 to this. I understand why the daily cap is there, but it doesn’t really jive with how players are playing.
And if this pattern keeps up, we’ll just have too many eaters along with too many materials, keys, etc. The inventory bloat will overtake the game (more than it already has).
We need to start having vendors as ways to ditch this stuff.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I’m in that ‘just about right’ category. I do get more than I need now, but not more than I can manage with the assorted ‘material eaters’ with the exception of bloodstone dust. I do end up just chucking a lot of that.
Yep, with Gaile Gray and all the others. I use my Star, Princess, Mawdry, Herta and the two Sentient thingies to keep the amount down to my storage limit. If I ever need a lot of these materials suddenly I like to keep my capacity as full as possible(Just in case ANeT comes up with another use for them).
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
I would buy fragments if they could be traded.
Only if they were the absolutely minimum price though (like two coppers), don’t really like buying anything from people but cheap stuff is okay…
The only source I have is jump puzzles since I don’t do anything else. I have three hungry stars. :/
While we’re thinking of things that need more sinks:
Airship Oil, Auric Dust, Leyline Sparks.
No eaters, just vendors that give stuff in exchange. I’m.. kinda done with gobbler items.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I actually want more of those materials now. After getting Mawdry, Star of Gratitude, and Sentient Anomaly, I actually don’t have enough to fill them each day
Gimme moar!!
I use Princess, Star of Gratitude, and Sentient Anomaly. It’s not instant, but I find it effective. In fact, I’m now happy to get Dragonite Ore!
So am I although I still have to delete Bloodstone Dust, Empyreal Fragments and Airship Oil. The eaters don’t consume enough of the first two. I’ll probably have to start deleting Auric Dust too as I’m building up quite a bit of it.
What I would like to see is for a merchant sell amount put on all soul/account bound items so they can be sold to merchants to allow players reap at least some reward for their gathering efforts on items they would otherwise delete.
I still think my suggestion for a Pact Airship memorial in LA is a good idea. It would take 250 airship oil a day in return for something like 50 thermocatalytic reagents to encourage crafting. People would be scrambling to hit Verdant Brink for airship oil when their stockpiles ran out.
I use Princess, Star of Gratitude, and Sentient Anomaly. It’s not instant, but I find it effective. In fact, I’m now happy to get Dragonite Ore!
The amount of ore/frag/dust you get from simply doing things in-game is too much for these items to consume. A large portion of the community plays the game more than an hour or two a day, and ends up with an over-abundant amount and is either forced to hold onto/delete them. Removing the cap on these would promote an increase incentive to obtaining them, than a burden. I have heard the “Well maybe it’s to prevent the complete use of the ore/frag/dust when you actually need it” excuse thrown at me several times when I bring this up in-game, and quite frankly is also not a good reason (in case it’s mentioned here) to hold onto several upon several stacks at a time. If you use more/all and are now forced to go out and adventure to obtain more it in turn again provides an alternative to keep playing the content available that has these as a potential/guarantee drop (i.e – world bosses/wvw/festivals/etc). Lastly the items dropped from the random boxes are not end game rewards, either remove the cap from which these have, decrease the amount offered via …most things in game, or a storage specifically for them that has an unlimited storage capacity < —- which I doubt will ever be a thing, but simply doing nothing about it is a mechanic that feels lazy or purposely put on the back-burner with 0 intention on providing a fix for what a decent chunk of the community would like to see happen.
Large chunk of people play the game a bit more than casually and therefor end up with several stacks un-willing to delete, and using up their storage, even after even after princess/star/sentient anomaly/sentient aberration/mawdrey II/ Herta(which sucks) have all been used.
Receiving items for which I have no use and which I cannot trade as “rewards” that I feel compelled to spend play time deleting increases the perception that the game is not rewarding.
I use Princess, Star of Gratitude, and Sentient Anomaly. It’s not instant, but I find it effective. In fact, I’m now happy to get Dragonite Ore!
We have those, but we need something now for the 3 ascended hot map items (bottles, auric dust, leyline sparks). Once we’ve crafted any items that are needed by them (or are full on fulgurite) all they do is just sit there piling up.
Please give us a keyring…
Get some eaters:
Empyreal Fragments – eaten by Star of Gratitude, Sentient Aberration
Bloodstone Dust – eaten by Mawdrey, Herta, Sentient Anomoly
Dragonite Ore – eaten by Princess, Sentient Anomoly, Sentient Aberration
I don’t even know where those eaters come from. If it involves pve then not likely, and if they involve a JP than not going to happen for me.
What we need is an NPC that munches all these spare currencies on the same basis as the eaters, or say 30% more for same result to give the munchers an advantage still.
Or, they could just remove the cap on how much the eater can consume… That’d give us all the sink we’d ever need…
This, a thousand times this.
The cap is stupid, and needs to be removed. Doing so will not cause some catastrophic failure of the economy, it will simply take the bump, and then move on.
Even if you remember to feed your eaters every single day, it still takes months to consume a single nights worth of dragonite ore from SW chest farming.
The other resources I don’t have issues with, but I have dragonite coming out of my ears and have even manually deleted a multitude of stacks.
I’ve got this stuff coming out my ears. I don’t have any eaters yet and will have to look into getting some. Kinda hate the idea though of yet more inventory slots being eaten up by something that could be an NPC instead, especially considering the eaters will never outpace my collections of what they eat. I am sorely tempted to throw my many dozens of stacks of this stuff out and just do without whatever they are meant to craft. It’s ridiculous. Like tribbles.
Even if you remember to feed your eaters every single day, it still takes months to consume a single nights worth of dragonite ore from SW chest farming.
The other resources I don’t have issues with, but I have dragonite coming out of my ears and have even manually deleted a multitude of stacks.
My princess is starving. I have the opposite issue. Doing HoT stuff a lot I get more BS dust and other materials. Dragonite helps keep a fraction of my bloodstone dust at bay with an eater but I have to toss about stacks a day.
If they would just put a merchant sale price on all ascended crafting materials it would allow us to at least sell it to merchants. As it is all it does is plug up our inventory until we delete it. It’s a waste for us to collect stuff as loot and not be able to do anything with it but delete it.
Get all the crafting material converters and start eating, nom nom.
Whats the thing to the right of the silver fed salvage?
Please give us a keyring…
Get all the crafting material converters and start eating, nom nom.
Whats the thing to the right of the silver fed salvage?
Looks like the harp musical instrument.
I use Princess, Star of Gratitude, and Sentient Anomaly. It’s not instant, but I find it effective. In fact, I’m now happy to get Dragonite Ore!
We have those, but we need something now for the 3 ascended hot map items (bottles, auric dust, leyline sparks). Once we’ve crafted any items that are needed by them (or are full on fulgurite) all they do is just sit there piling up.
You make a good point. I was focusing on the items in the title.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Make another tier that when you click on them you get 250 of the previous tier. That could save a lot of space.
Bloodstone dust -> Bloodstone brick -> Bloodstone cluster?
Bloodstone cluster: Double click to gain 250 bloodstone bricks.
Also: Double click 250 bloodstone dust to get a bloodstone brick. Would make management so much easier.