ETA on the lag issue
Blame it on Comcast. They seem to be at the root of a lot of lag issues lately… and no, I’m not kidding.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
Blame it on Comcast. They seem to be at the root of a lot of lag issues lately… and no, I’m not kidding.
Odd, i blame it all on charter, its getting cold in my town and i mean below 40 degrees and as soon as that starts happening with charter internet where i live, there goes all your speed and your stability.
Blame it on Comcast. They seem to be at the root of a lot of lag issues lately… and no, I’m not kidding.
I’m a Comcast customer and I got not just lagged, but outright DC’ed last week on two occasions on the same day while in the Labyrinth. I also noticed distinct lag on several other occasions. Nothing as bad this week, but it’s definitely there.