Each class trait changes Confirmed
Any trait that removes the “ball and chain” from Rangers would be welcome..
and i’ll take what State of the game says with a grain of salt, every one i’ve watched said big promises and turned out very lackluster, also 99% is PvP which not everyone cares about..
(edited by Dante.1508)
I’m hoping they improve turret traits for engies. I haven’t touched mine since I hit 80 on it, and it was the first char I made, but turrets are so disappointingly pathetic that I haven’t really felt inclined to play engie at all. People say kits are the way to go, but, I wanted to play engie for the turrets, as was showcased before the game even launched.
I cannot count how many balls exactly turrets currently suck, but I imagine it’s in the 10,000+ range.
I’m hoping they improve turret traits for engies. I haven’t touched mine since I hit 80 on it, and it was the first char I made, but turrets are so disappointingly pathetic that I haven’t really felt inclined to play engie at all. People say kits are the way to go, but, I wanted to play engie for the turrets, as was showcased before the game even launched.
I cannot count how many balls exactly turrets currently suck, but I imagine it’s in the 10,000+ range.
IDK about that, some engis are kitten good in sPVP with turrets.
Not holding my breath for “massive” changes to fix the Ranger trait lines.
This is a bad idea.
Not all traits need to be changed. Many of them are quite fine as they are. Even some of those considered “bad” by most players, such as flat 10% increases, do have their places among traits.
Changing ALL traits feels like a knee-jerk reaction to the way some traits are bad. This won’t lead to a fix – making so many big changes will take a very long time, and ArenaNet will need even longer to balance everything after those changes have been first implemented.
Instead of changing everything, they should focus on changing the really bad and the bad traits, leaving everything else as it is today.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
This is a bad idea.
Not all traits need to be changed. Many of them are quite fine as they are. Even some of those considered “bad” by most players, such as flat 10% increases, do have their places among traits.
Changing ALL traits feels like a knee-jerk reaction to the way some traits are bad. This won’t lead to a fix – making so many big changes will take a very long time, and ArenaNet will need even longer to balance everything after those changes have been first implemented.
Instead of changing everything, they should focus on changing the really bad and the bad traits, leaving everything else as it is today.
To be honest, even if all current traits don’t need adjustments, you don’t know what they are changing. If they change some traits, they could make others that are fine pointless to use or may make new mandatory pairs of traits due to how good the combo becomes.
The Dragonfly Effect [Phi]
Practically the entire mesmer grid; especially the domination line is a joke hearkening back to beta, it includes a whole row of minor dedicated to interruption that NOBODY uses.
Gems include:
- Empowered Illusions: Illusions deal 15% more damage – But clones havn’t dealt damage since BWE2
- Furious Interupption: Gain 4 seconds of fury when you interupt – This is a grandmaster trait… no, just, no
- Bountiful Interupption: Gain a random boon when you interupt – Also a grandmaster!, Gosh better not stack this with Furious Interruption!
Garnished Toast
This is most definitely going to be interesting. Not going to react to it in any way until I see the changes. I wonder will it affect the builds for my characters in any way.
Last Refuge and Shadow Protector?
Here’s to hoping engineers can finally get a speed boost so we can get rid of having to use speedy kits all the time OOC for movement. That would free us up for more choices in an instant.
However it’s definitely going to take ALOT more then 1 change to get Engis back on track that’s for sure!
Here’s to hoping engineers can finally get a speed boost so we can get rid of having to use speedy kits all the time OOC for movement. That would free us up for more choices in an instant.
Engies are the only class that can keep perma swiftness up and you want a speed boost?
it includes a whole row of minor dedicated to interruption that NOBODY uses
Diversion, the profession skill 3, is an interrupt, which means all mesmers have access to interrupts whenever they have some illusion around. It’s not something “NOBODY uses”. Even if you think the interrupt effect itself is weak (and it isn’t), it’s better to have traits improving things that are just good than traits making overpowered things even more overpowered.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
I just gotta say..no one said they were gonna be buffs :/ Change is not always a buff, just look at kit refinement.
I just gotta say..no one said they were gonna be buffs :/ Change is not always a buff, just look at kit refinement.
True, but change = something new. I’ve been itching for new stuff in the meta. It feels like it has been the same it seems like for ages.
Here’s to hoping engineers can finally get a speed boost so we can get rid of having to use speedy kits all the time OOC for movement. That would free us up for more choices in an instant.
However it’s definitely going to take ALOT more then 1 change to get Engis back on track that’s for sure!
Swiftness on crit for 5 seconds, 5 second cd. Vigor on swiftness for 5 seconds, 5 second cd. Definitely need a speed boost… riiiiiight.
Last Refuge and Shadow Protector?
Please god this. A 5 point trait should never get you killed on a 90 second cd.
I also really hope might on gs crit gets a nerf so it can only trigger once every 2s. That is all it needs. It can keep 20% faster cd, it just doesn’t deserve all that might for free.
Here’s to hoping engineers can finally get a speed boost so we can get rid of having to use speedy kits all the time OOC for movement. That would free us up for more choices in an instant.
Engies are the only class that can keep perma swiftness up and you want a speed boost?
Here’s to hoping engineers can finally get a speed boost so we can get rid of having to use speedy kits all the time OOC for movement. That would free us up for more choices in an instant.
However it’s definitely going to take ALOT more then 1 change to get Engis back on track that’s for sure!
Swiftness on crit for 5 seconds, 5 second cd. Vigor on swiftness for 5 seconds, 5 second cd. Definitely need a speed boost… riiiiiight.
Seriously? People are saying that Engineers are too fast? (And the above poster is a Thief too, which makes it even more silly)
Have you even played an Engineer?
Edit: Yes you can have permanent swiftness. Find me any kind of teleporting ability.
(edited by Sunflowers.1729)
I just gotta say..no one said they were gonna be buffs :/ Change is not always a buff, just look at kit refinement.
True, but change = something new. I’ve been itching for new stuff in the meta. It feels like it has been the same it seems like for ages.
Change does not really mean new. Oh when you got a target to 50 percent health you got fury for 5 seconds? Now you get it for 2 seconds.
Change. Not new. The way the past patches have gone after the hype they received, this is what I expect.
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-
Seriously? People are saying that Engineers are too fast? (And the above poster is a Thief too, which makes it even more silly)
Have you even played an Engineer?
Edit: Yes you can have permanent swiftness. Find me any kind of teleporting ability.
Read up bud, guy clearly says “speed boost”. Also I didn’t know that the class that is meant to hold a point was supposed to have a teleporting ability. If you needed long range leaps then I could name you a few but those aren’t speed boosts. Also I bet you would rather ignore leaps just b/c they aren’t teleports. Your complaints are just as valid for engis as mine would be if I asked for a thief to get the cc lockdown capabilities of an engi or warrior. Just dumb that you’re trying to fight to give a stationary class extra mobility because they only have perma swiftness, 1500 range, best conditions in the game, and a good selection of leaps and launches with potentially the best cc in the game.
I have an 80 engi btw. Clearly you aren’t arguing that engis don’t have perma swiftness. How then, I ask you, would you suggest giving them a “speed boost” since swiftness isn’t swift enough for you?
Swiftness on crit for 5 seconds, 5 second cd. Vigor on swiftness for 5 seconds, 5 second cd. Definitely need a speed boost… riiiiiight.
Here’s to hoping engineers can finally get a speed boost so we can get rid of having to use speedy kits all the time OOC for movement. That would free us up for more choices in an instant.
However it’s definitely going to take ALOT more then 1 change to get Engis back on track that’s for sure!
Look, I can fail at reading comprehension too.
I would make one of the gadgets give a +25% speed boost.
Edit: Also, leaps? Really? Ever tried to use Jump Shot? Not only does it have 700 range, the animation is slow you might as well walk there.
(edited by Sunflowers.1729)
Seriously? People are saying that Engineers are too fast? (And the above poster is a Thief too, which makes it even more silly)
Have you even played an Engineer?
Edit: Yes you can have permanent swiftness. Find me any kind of teleporting ability.
I do have a level 80 engineer and perma swiftness with switching kits is one of my favorite things
The point that I’m making is I have more than one class, the closest to perma swiftness is thief/ necro signets that on passive boost your speed by 20%. Swiftness though is a 33% speed boost. I don’t think that you need yet another speed boost on top of that speed boost.
Guardians and eles can get their speed boosted to 33% for a short period of time.
As far as I’m aware warriors and mesmers can’t speed boost at all.
Honestly don’t know what rangers have.
The point is engineer has the best speed boost out of all classes because they can make it last forever and it’s +33%. You don’t need yet another one on top of it.
Seriously? People are saying that Engineers are too fast? (And the above poster is a Thief too, which makes it even more silly)
Have you even played an Engineer?
Edit: Yes you can have permanent swiftness. Find me any kind of teleporting ability.
Read up bud, guy clearly says “speed boost”. Also I didn’t know that the class that is meant to hold a point was supposed to have a teleporting ability. If you needed long range leaps then I could name you a few but those aren’t speed boosts. Also I bet you would rather ignore leaps just b/c they aren’t teleports. Your complaints are just as valid for engis as mine would be if I asked for a thief to get the cc lockdown capabilities of an engi or warrior. Just dumb that you’re trying to fight to give a stationary class extra mobility because they only have perma swiftness, 1500 range, best conditions in the game, and a good selection of leaps and launches with potentially the best cc in the game.
I have an 80 engi btw. Clearly you aren’t arguing that engis don’t have perma swiftness. How then, I ask you, would you suggest giving them a “speed boost” since swiftness isn’t swift enough for you?
Tigirius is hoping for more methods of speed so that we are not always locked into speedy kits, one example can be making power shoes 25% all the time.
Also as far as Im concerned, we dont have a leap until jump shots delay with rifled barrels is fixed.
Tigirius is hoping for more methods of speed so that we are not always locked into speedy kits, one example can be making power shoes 25% all the time.
Also as far as Im concerned, we dont have a leap until jump shots delay with rifled barrels is fixed.
Wouldn’t that be OP? Other classes either get DC on their speed boosts or they have to waste a utility slot for it.
Other classes have their leaps messed up too (example: guardian GS leap. Supposed to land on the thing that you’re targeting, but it loves to over-jump it and throw you off a cliff)
Tigirius is hoping for more methods of speed so that we are not always locked into speedy kits, one example can be making power shoes 25% all the time.
Also as far as Im concerned, we dont have a leap until jump shots delay with rifled barrels is fixed.
Wouldn’t that be OP? Other classes either get DC on their speed boosts or they have to waste a utility slot for it.
Other classes have their leaps messed up too (example: guardian GS leap. Supposed to land on the thing that you’re targeting, but it loves to over-jump it and throw you off a cliff)
Well for power shoes, how would it be op if power shoes is basically the same as speedy kits in that you have to trait it in, with the difference that traiting in power shoes instead of speedy kits would actually make you slower.
I guess its true that we aren’t the only ones suffering from bugged leaps though
(edited by Penguin.5197)
Tigirius is hoping for more methods of speed so that we are not always locked into speedy kits, one example can be making power shoes 25% all the time.
Also as far as Im concerned, we dont have a leap until jump shots delay with rifled barrels is fixed.
Wouldn’t that be OP? Other classes either get DC on their speed boosts or they have to waste a utility slot for it.
Other classes have their leaps messed up too (example: guardian GS leap. Supposed to land on the thing that you’re targeting, but it loves to over-jump it and throw you off a cliff)
My point was that even though Engineers have permanent swiftness (while other classes may not), the lack of any form of teleport or jump (jump shot is the same speed as running) makes them one of the slowest classes for moving around anywhere.
Well for power, how would it be op if power shoes is basically the same as speedy kits in that you have to trait it in, with the difference that traiting in power shoes instead of speedy kits would actually make you slower.
I guess its true that we aren’t the only ones suffering from bugged leaps though
well we wouldn’t have to do anything for it to work (unlike other classes that have an utility spot taken and unlike now where you also have to have at least one utility slot taken by a kit). If you want a speed buff ask for a signet and that trait removal – that way we will still have to use our vital utility to keep our speed up and would be on par with other classes in that regard.
My point was that even though Engineers have permanent swiftness (while other classes may not), the lack of any form of teleport or jump (jump shot is the same speed as running) makes them one of the slowest classes for moving around anywhere.
Tell that to a mesmer or a warrior. Also try telling that to a guardian that even if he has his swiftness out on utility they still have a 40 second CD on it. As far as I remember mesmer has to plop both portal ends to teleport and neither warrior nor guardian has a teleport.
(edited by Mirta.5029)
Also as far as Im concerned, we dont have a leap until jump shots delay with rifled barrels is fixed.
I won’t argue that most of the leaps/launches suck, because they do. I was just saying engis have access to them.
Side note – I was doing the asura JP a while ago and this hilarious engi was using his rifle leap for EVERY SINGLE JUMP. It didn’t matter if the jump was easy or hard, he’d use the rifle, wait for the cd, use it again. It was so funny I just had to jump past the guy and watch him do certain areas. I wish I recorded it.
Rangers need a lot of help. Traps in Skirmishing instead of Wilderness Survival . Pet traits all over the place etc .
Ok before everybody blasts off on their own little tangent, WHAT IS THE CONTEXT HERE?
Is it PvP only changes, or actually includes PvE, WvW even?
Ok before everybody blasts off on their own little tangent, WHAT IS THE CONTEXT HERE?
Is it PvP only changes, or actually includes PvE, WvW even?
Well, we don’t know. That’s all that can reliably be said.
I do have a level 80 engineer and perma swiftness with switching kits is one of my favorite things
The point that I’m making is I have more than one class, the closest to perma swiftness is thief/ necro signets that on passive boost your speed by 20%. Swiftness though is a 33% speed boost. I don’t think that you need yet another speed boost on top of that speed boost.
Guardians and eles can get their speed boosted to 33% for a short period of time.
As far as I’m aware warriors and mesmers can’t speed boost at all.
Honestly don’t know what rangers have.The point is engineer has the best speed boost out of all classes because they can make it last forever and it’s +33%. You don’t need yet another one on top of it.
Necro also has a pretty good access to swiftness that makes them surprisingly nimble. They have a 30s swiftness on a 60s cd utility and something like a 15s swiftness on 30s cd on warhorn 5. I might be a little off on the numbers, doing this all off the top of my head.
Thief is surprisingly slow (in terms of swiftness) as they really only have a 10s swiftness on steal and a 2-3s swiftness on dodge. They also have swiftness on kill but that’s not even worth mentioning. Swiftness on crit would make sense for the class though. They USED to be special with signet of shadows b/c it was the highest speed bonus signet in the game. All the signets on the other classes gave 10-15% less speed boost. A few months back they were all increased to be the same as thief.
Warrior has some of the best swiftness access in the game. They have swift on crit (no one takes it cause the other traits are better) and signet of rage. Not sure if warhorn gives swift or not, just know it gives vigor and can remove condis. They are still the fastest class in a foot race though due to rage, gs, sword off-hand, and bulls charge. There might be more but I’m drawing a blank.
Ranger is also decent but not great. Rampage as one is crazy good but a 90s cd. There’s also warhorn and pretty sure a signet. Probably missing some stuff but I’m just going off memory. Please don’t burn me.
Engi probably has the best access as they have speedy kits, swift on crit, swift boost on mekittenit, and a few other things. They have a lot of unique leaps/launches but most are junk or slow to use. Lucky them, they also have THE best access to skills to make sure the target can’t run away.
Ele can have near perma swiftness with auras. They really can have near perma fury, might, swift, and protection but that’s another topic. They have a bunch of skills to make them faster as well. They are in the top tier for chasing down and escaping. They are up there with thief and warrior even after the recent nerf to rtl.
Guardian can also have perma swiftness but that requires a bunch of utilities used and a staff so that’s really not worth mentioning. They are great in short bursts but not a foot race.
I know almost nothing about mesmer. I leveled one to 80 probably 6 months ago and have barely touched him since. All I know about is chaos storm CAN give swift and focus 4 gives swift/cripple. Other than that I just know they can make a pretty good mule for all my t5 leather and silks. Idk why I’m keeping those crap mats. I have something like 3500 of one and 4000 of the other.
so we spent a year in getting equipment that will be useless soon possibly ._.
P.S. look at their balancing philosophy….they won t change traits pvp only….
that is why they ruined PvE they may change minor things but nothing like ,cd etc…
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
They do this all the time, they claim huge changes, and all we get are bug fixes and 1 thing edited in a way that makes it slightly more useful. They also pull that “next patch won’t have much, but the one after will have tons!” crap 24/7. I remember they hyped jan/feb/march for “as much content as an entire expansion”, did anyone see an entire expansion of content? A $30-40 expansion is what they said, did ANYONE see that? I didn’t.
I also remember “20+ bullet points of eng changes! Tons of classes changes!” then nothing but bug fixes for engineer, and every other class, with very few minor changes overall.
It’s going to be nothing but bug fixes, typo fixes, and rewording. Maybe edit a few traits to be slightly less useless, but still completely useless.
(edited by Shiyo.3578)
Good ! New stuff to learn and enjoy.
They do this all the time, they claim huge changes, and all we get are bug fixes and 1 thing edited in a way that makes it slightly more useful. They also pull that “next patch won’t have much, but the one after will have tons!” crap 24/7. I remember they hyped jan/feb/march for “as much content as an entire expansion”, did anyone see an entire expansion of content? A $30-40 expansion is what they said, did ANYONE see that? I didn’t.
Patch notes that are several walls of text per month. Weird you missed those.
Furthermore that expansion-like comment was a personal opinion by one person who was strongly criticized for it. Whether or not he was right is up to debate, that’s the nature of opinions …
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
That quote is not saying very much, change, new it makes quite a difference.
btw i expect strong nerf to ele that will make it a joke in www/pve.
For now i just hope they won t touch phantasm PvE mesmer….
I already quit ele…if i have to quit the other profession i play i can just quit the game.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
The Engineer’s problem is not lack of swiftness, or speed boost like the guy above mentioned. Perma swiftness is a choice of course but it’s avalaible (and viable). In a matter of mobility Engis have a problem with animation in Jumping Shot which simply takes too long, and Rocket Boots that are somewhat broken (self-knockdown + collisions at the slightest enviroment obstacle is not something that is reliable for escapes or any other reason, the same goes for a similar Rifle #4 skill). In general Engi’s gadgets are not a primary choice since they’re inferior to anything that kits can field. There’s also a problem with ultimates relying on RNG (and a lot of RNG in elixirs in general).
This is of course a problem of PvE/WvW engis, since I heard they’re doing fine in PvP. And I guess that’s the main reason for the class balance problems – the skill/traits in PvP and PvE are mirrored. Since ANet made PvP and PvE a separate games (which is good) they should also make classes dedicated for a system. It’s quite obvious to be frank and I have no idea why is ANet avoiding such solution.
it includes a whole row of minor dedicated to interruption that NOBODY uses
Diversion, the profession skill 3, is an interrupt, which means all mesmers have access to interrupts whenever they have some illusion around. It’s not something “NOBODY uses”. Even if you think the interrupt effect itself is weak (and it isn’t), it’s better to have traits improving things that are just good than traits making overpowered things even more overpowered.
OK, so “nobody builds to leverage them”. Taking 2 grandmaster traits for a skill that has a super long cooldown, is incredibly situational and to truly get your investment back on requires significant investment of slots.
It’s part of a paradox I noticed back in Allods online playing as a psionic (very similar class to mesmer but with a stronger control focus); you had to draw a line somewhere between control and DPS, there came a point where you need to stop beating about the bush and just kill the guy; and the interupption traits sit the wrong side of the “control Vs killing” sweet spot.
Garnished Toast
Not holding my breath for Sword thieves, seeing there’s NOT even one trait mentioning a sword in it.
Not holding my breath for Sword thieves, seeing there’s NOT even one trait mentioning a sword in it.
Sword thieves do not need any form of buff.
So hope necromancers reanimator fiinally gets removed, among the many many useless traits this one is just annoying like crazy.
What thing tomorrow engi will get nerfed? Like 5 traits nerf? WOW
lf for it.
Also, if they again touch turret traits, that NO1 NEVER WILL USE ON SPVP/WVW, im deleting engi.
(edited by LotuS.4378)
If this turns out to be true it will certainly make things interesting, and with any change some people will cheer and others will complain.
Necromancer trait lines could really use an overhaul. In order to make a build that’s cohesive, where traits are complementing one another without wasting trait points, you aren’t left with a lot of good options.
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer
lf for it.
Also, if they again touch turret traits, that NO1 NEVER WILL USE ON SPVP/WVW, im deleting engi.
A lot of engi’s use turrets in Spvp and Tpvp, WvW well yeh dif story.
sound intreaging though looking forward to the notes
Practically the entire mesmer grid, especially the domination line, is a joke harkening back to beta. It includes a whole row of minor traits dedicated to interruption that NOBODY uses.
Gems include:
- Empowered Illusions: Illusions deal 15% more damage – but clones haven’t dealt damage since BWE2
- Furious Interruption: Gain 4 seconds of fury when you interrupt – this is a grandmaster trait… no… just, no.
- Bountiful Interruption: Gain a random boon when you interrupt – also a grandmaster trait! Gosh, better not stack this with Furious Interruption!
This is another hilarious bit of mesmerism that has always irked me.
Halting Strike : Deal damage when interrupting a foe. – Deals 150 damage and does NOT scale significantly with Power.
Mug : Deal damage and gain life when stealing. – Heals for 2,000 and hits for 3-4k.
I can’t decide whether it was more powerful before or after the recent change to Mug.
Sanctum of Rall since beta 3. Mesmer since 1070 AE
(edited by Aneirin Cadwall.9126)
Some ppls argue turret are fine in sPvP .
I’m not here to say if sPvP is nice or not or how many ppls play sPvP compared to other parts of the game.
But keep in mind , in sPvP you basically PARK yourself on a spot and defend it in passive mode.That’s why turret are more effective in sPvP.
Your enemy will not go away if his intention is take the spot where the engineer is parked with his turrets.
This kind of sPvP dinamic is what make most of their balance actions on several classes totally broke in PvE and WvW in the past months.
Sorry for the offtopic.
The news of a new trait review makes me happy because atm i’m really losing intrest in the game.Something new is what we need to shake GW2 playerbase (only my opinion ofc).
Sorry for the offtopic and for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson
5 points Deathmagic: Reanimator.
WHY do I have to summon a (more or less useless) minion in order to be good with a staff?
25 point minor trait in tactics line: Reviver’s Might
which gives a single stack of might when you revive someone. The first two minors in that line (gain toughness while reviving and revive 10% faster respectively) aren’t wonderful either, but they aren’t that useless.
5 points in Shadow Arts: Last Refuge
Easily the 5 point trait last refuge in shadow arts for thieves, that stealths at 25% health kills you far more than it saves. It’s a free revealed to screw you over.
Quoted from https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Most-disliked-Trait/first#post2054204
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character: http://i.imgur.com/5JtcBI1.jpg?1
(edited by Orangensaft.7139)
Anything, I repeat ANYTHING that makes it so elementalist aren’t absolutely required to go in to the arcane tree.