Easy solution to the Ascended Gear problem #2

Easy solution to the Ascended Gear problem #2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


I would still love to see ascended gear’s bonus stats limited only to new dungeons. In the open world and ESPECIALLY in WvW they would cap out at exotic stats, but in dungeons they would increase to their normal stat limit. This would allow raiders/dungeon runners to have their gated content, making it impossible for people like me with no interest in getting that gear to be unable to step into the new dungeons without playing the previous first, but it would the rest of us from having to grind out the new gear in order to keep max stats for WvW.

Plus, I don’t want any more of an edge against casuals than I already have. I play a pretty solid amount, and have almost 2 full sets of exotics that I swap on my Engineer. I have enough of a stat crutch against blue/green geared 80s in WvW as it is, I’d prefer not to extend that gap even more so I can’t even tell if I just roflstomped someone because of my kill or gear.

Easy solution to the Ascended Gear problem #2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


To anyone saying that it’s not a grind…

Tell me how 300 ecto is “not a grind.”

That’s right, THREE HUNDRED ECTO for Infused Ascended gear.

Plus 250 of whatever T6 crafting material you need.

Who cares? Thats what the whiners asked for and got. However, if you dont plan on running for more than BiS gear for everything besides fractals all you need are the regular pieces. The infused piece only comes with resistance, worthless outside the fractals.

The difference between regular and infused is +5 agony resist.

edit: Also regarding group finding, yes it can be annoying, yes its not perfect. But I havent spent much time lfg. I’ve found good groups and done more than 1 difficulty at a time. 5-11 just today, covered with 2 groups.

Infusions also have stats, and there are more tiers to come.

Have even looked at the gear not labeled (infused)? Probably not.

All ascendant pieces have infusion slots, infused ascendant gear has a +5 agony resist bonus, that all. The level 10 pieces have the exact same stats, same infusion slots but miss the +5 resist.

Endless quiver:

+17 Precision
+17 Toughness
+24 Condition Damage
+32 Condition Damage
+18 Precision
+18 Toughness
Unused Offensive Infusion Slot

Endless quiver (infused):

+17 Precision
+17 Toughness
+24 Condition Damage
+32 Condition Damage
+18 Precision
+18 Toughness
+5 Agony Resistance
Unused Offensive Infusion Slot

Yes, the only difference between the quiver without built-in infusion and the one with it is the agony resist. But the point missed here is that the infusion slot upgrade items themselves have stats other than agony resist. And Anet has stated themselves that higher tiers of infusions will be added later, almost certainly meaning ones with even higher stats.

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Easy solution to the Ascended Gear problem #2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tamaskil.9841


/Signed. I had same idea just before the patch hit, not many people got exited about it
back then, maybe they will now.


Easy solution to the Ascended Gear problem #2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rauphz.2869


You do AC at level 35. If you do every day, when you hit 80, you already have enough tokens to get 1~2 sets. Did not like the stats? Has other: 45, 55, 65, 75, as easy as the 35.
And now? Hited 80, and now? This game needs mightily pvp gear, a gear that you farm ONLY after 80, in WVW, would be perfect.