Economy vs dungeoneers

Economy vs dungeoneers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luzt.7692


If dungeons are group content for starters, they get a bad impression of the game. Stack in this corner faceroll keyboard stealth to the next corner to stack and faceroll again. My friends didn’t find it appealing, so they quitted.

With the gold reward reduced they might aswell remove them if you ask me

Economy vs dungeoneers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamialexa.5103


It does not matter how many are dropping out. We are talking about global gold generation. Not gold generated by a single person.

Yes, I know, but the example said that CF occurs endlessly while dungeon farmers stop after finishing their 3 paths. That’s what I was getting at.

Economy vs dungeoneers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lobo Dela Noche.5127

Lobo Dela Noche.5127

The issue is that the current inflation will stay the same. There are to many people with hoards of gold. They can afford to buy and sell at much higher prices so they can keep the prices high. So reducing the amount that everyone else can bring into the game makes it so everything becomes more of a grind for everyone else. There is not one MMO that I have played that when they reduced the amount of gold coming in to the game that the prices on items dropped. Its just not the way it works. The players with gold hoards will keep TP flipping and never even notice and those without will have even more grind.

Edited because I think I quoted the wrong guy LMAO

Economy vs dungeoneers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


they don’t want you to do dungeon. they want you to farm iron ore and season wood in Dredgehaunt Cliff over and over again with all your characters and come back again after 2 hours.

Psssst .. next you tell them also they want us to farm platinum in Timberline Falls

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Economy vs dungeoneers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


The issue is that the current inflation will stay the same. There are to many people with hoards of gold. They can afford to buy and sell at much higher prices so they can keep the prices high. So reducing the amount that everyone else can bring into the game makes it so everything becomes more of a grind for everyone else. There is not one MMO that I have played that when they reduced the amount of gold coming in to the game that the prices on items dropped. Its just not the way it works. The players with gold hoards will keep TP flipping and never even notice and those without will have even more grind.

Edited because I think I quoted the wrong guy LMAO

Except that in order to TP flip, you need someone on the other side to either sell or buy your good.

If the overall gold in the economy drops, guess what people won’t have as much of?

The effect will not be instant, true. But it will accumulate over time.

Economy vs dungeoneers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XYLUM.7286


No whiteknighting nonsense!

  • The gold from completing a dungeon is getting nerfed not removed.
  • The TP will take on a new equilibrium for the majority of its items, high priced stuff like charged lodestones and giant eyes are surely to fall with map rewards while others are going up due to demand with HoT recipes.
  • The demand for t5 materials is getting improved to get closer towards silk’s price with new HoT recipes.
  • Dungeons will still generate a ton of blues/greens which are the biggest source of t5 materials.
  • Salvage is getting revamped Some of these changes will reduce output to help us maintain scarcity, and some will rebalance heavily input materials with more rare materials to help even out some of the variation of scarcity we currently have.
    this could imply that salvaging lv60-80 blues and greens wil reward t2-4 materials which are more rare than their t5 counterparts which will improve gold/salvage at this time.
  • Gold generated in dungeons was tremendously higher than gold generated in fractals by time.

Overal, the gold nerf is not outrageous considering that the TP is getting overhauled with it.

After reading this I have canceled my plans to purchase the expansion, and I am now actively looking for a new game to invest my time and extra gaming cash into.

The rewards for dungeons in GW2 are the absolute worst of any game I have ever played, and the fact that they are going to further nerf those already pathetic rewards is just the straw the broke the camel’s back for me.

I am sick of seeing anything rewarding nerfed into the ground, I am sick of the new events being filled with mobs that drop ZERO loot, I am sick of seeing the same old stale content being nerfed and and then called new and improved, and I am sick of the way Anet tries to corral people into spending more cash by making the acquisition of anything worth having so tedious, locked behind rng, in rng boxes and based on an RNG system that admittedly nerfs some accounts rolls so that they will likely never see a decent drop while augmenting others so that they will receive quality drops almost constantly…. enough.

An expansion that looks suspiciously like living world season 3 combined with some game updates, yet includes no new dungeons, no new races, limited legendaries, more account bound items that proliferate a grindathon towards anything interesting, reworked fractals…. that include no new fractals, just additional annoying mistlocks that are not skill based and challenging, just cheesey annoyance based mechanics that all the skill in the world won’t allow you to mitigate consistently, like being 1 shotted, or held for 10 secs so that you can then be 1 shotted while defenseless, etc.

All priced at about the same price we paid for the original game which provided a wealth of content… they must think of us as suckers, and those of us buying into it all hook line and sinker must be.

It’s all just made this game more of an annoying experience where I feel like I am going to be extorted if I plan on having any fun and/or acquire any of the cooler items.

If I want to break out my wallet and spend cash anytime I want something in a game, there are plenty of free to play games with expansive cash shops for that.

I was a GW2 fan because it used to feel like the game was an incredible value, buy to play, and all things could be achieved and acquired buy actually playing… while you can still technically acquire everything via gameplay, Anet has consistently made it more and more difficult and tedious to do so, all in efforts to convince us that it is just easier to hand over more cash.

The constant nerfs and watered down rewards for my efforts have bled all the fun and enjoyment out of the game for me, and I am sure I am not alone in this.

Maybe when enough people are finally fed up and start heading to other games for better and more fresh and relevant experiences the greedy powers that be at Anet might re-evaluate their trajectory and start making some decisions based on what will make players happy and provide them with an enjoyable and rewarding experience instead of trying to soak every possible cent that they can out of them…. then, and only then maybe we will see GW2 evolve into something worth playing again.

As it stands now, GW2 has become the worst title in gaming in terms of rewarding experiences beyond the initial playthrough.

Yes, I know I sound mad—I am.

No, I won’t let the door hit me in the a**.

I am annoyed that my investment over the past 3 years into this game feels like it has turned out to be a huge waste.

It won’t be long before GW2 is just like any other buy to win grinder out there. The most toxic thing about this game is it’s development, and the powers that be that are forging ahead powered by pure greed.

I can’t wait to read the kittenstorm of publicity that is gonna be plastered all over the internet the first week after this “expansion” launches. I have a gut feeling that it ain’t gonna be good.

In closing, I want to thank Anet, and all the staff there that have ruined the gaming experience for myself and the many, many other people who share these sentiments.

Hopefully you made enough on pre-orders to carry you for another 3 years.

Economy vs dungeoneers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


The issue is that the current inflation will stay the same. There are to many people with hoards of gold. They can afford to buy and sell at much higher prices so they can keep the prices high. So reducing the amount that everyone else can bring into the game makes it so everything becomes more of a grind for everyone else. There is not one MMO that I have played that when they reduced the amount of gold coming in to the game that the prices on items dropped. Its just not the way it works. The players with gold hoards will keep TP flipping and never even notice and those without will have even more grind.

Edited because I think I quoted the wrong guy LMAO

Except that in order to TP flip, you need someone on the other side to either sell or buy your good.

If the overall gold in the economy drops, guess what people won’t have as much of?

The effect will not be instant, true. But it will accumulate over time.

In other words, sit on our gold, wait for the ensuing deflation, and be practically richer? Sweet.

Economy vs dungeoneers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


  • Dungeons will still generate a ton of blues/greens which are the biggest source of t5 materials.

As you have already noticed, salvage is getting nerfed (well, “rebalanced”, but all the rebalances so far have always been a net loss) as well. So, yeah.

Silverware does not generate more gold in the economy that daily Dungeon runners. Unless the silverware farmers are vendoring every single drop that they get.

Have you checked how much gold (actual gold drops, not materials for sale) is there in each chest, and how many chests you can open per hour? Do so, you might find the results enlightening.

Of course, this doesn’t tell us much as long as we don’t know how many people are running dungeons vs how many people participate in SW farming, as this is the key factor.

Which is still besides the point, as economy was not the reason behind the nerf. They have already admitted that what they wanted was to push people out of dungeons, to fractals and raids.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Economy vs dungeoneers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


They should do more to push people into sPvP and do some drastic rebalancing. It was good in the beginning: elementalist great for big zergs with AoEs but heavily telegraph and squishy whereas thieves were great for 1v1 but things were balanced out by their poor largescale utility. Then you have medium sized groups with 5v5 which seems best for balancing (not 1v1 since it would mean classes would need to lack group utility like AoE CC and damage effects) as classes that excel at 1v1 could have a place as could the large group oriented classes and specs.

When you have four eles on a team able to get really far and thief forums having lots of well justified complaints of being underpowered that should tell you that something’s amiss with balancing. Stealth thieves already had a counter: good defense on the defender’s end (including soldier stats not just rotation) and bad RNG on the thieves’ part (chance to critically hit is still a chance, even if the crit rate is 65% you could get an unlucky streak of non-crits, then the thief runs out of initiative) or skillful use of interrupts (gust or kick for example) like against any other class.

Reveal just breaks thieves. Yeah mesmers and rangers have some stealth but thief is far more reliant on it. In a 5v5 setting all classes should be at least approximately equal yet bring stuff to the table only they can do. Yes that thief may take you out in 1v1 in roaming (especially if he’s skilled which includes your judgment knowing when to quit and bail and having the proper stat set) but if all five fight each other would likely be one of the first downed. In other words a thief’s usefulness should decrease proportional to the size of the group whereas an elementalist should go in the opposite direction.

Economy vs dungeoneers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

I can’t wait until some crazy balance thing happens in PvP and the Raiding meta is affected by it because they are unwilling to do skill splits. This dungeon thing has nothing to do with the economy. It’s to push people that like instanced group content into doing fractals and raids. The economic stuff is what they are using to push people in that direction.

I just wish we got honest reasons why things were happening. I am so tired of EA style corporate speak as to why this or that feature is being implemented or taken away. Guys! We are giving you BL Keys in PvP but we are taking away 50% of your trans stones!


Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall