Edge of the Mists brought me back

Edge of the Mists brought me back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Delryn.7235


I had stopped playing GW2 for a couple of months, uninterested in the new content coming out as well as underwhelmed by the storytelling.

However although this patch was one with least quantity, it was certainly by my view one of with unexpected quality. I had been keeping myself informed about the Edge of the Mists so it wasn’t something that took me by surprise, but once I actually got into it I was pleasantly shocked by how fun it was.

I never really enjoyed WvW because of the huge scale that it is, so that smaller scale WvW style game really appealed to me. Not only that but the way the story was told for this patch made me feel like I was in an actual RPG game instead of watching a short movie.

It felt immersive, the story actually made me interested in hearing more, the way you got to just hang out with the characters made me feel a lot more interested in them. Even the fetch quest Taimi makes you do for her in the Edge of the Mists was surprisingly fun. The fact it was a PvE-like activity in a PvP world made me really get interested.

I think having areas like the Edge of the Mists where they can mix a bit of PvE gameplay in with the constant danger of a PvP environment would be a really interesting experience.

Over all I think this was a step in the right direction.

Edge of the Mists brought me back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Welcome back. I really love the new map. The choke points…the ability to destroy bridges…the ability to get on the same server as the rest of my party….pretty much everything.

Anet plans on using the Edge of the Mists maps to test stuff than can be brought into the other WvW maps as well. I’m pretty excited about that.

Edge of the Mists brought me back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Majic.4801


I’ve been a very harsh critic of the Living World and its time-gated, slapdash implementation, but this latest installment really exemplifies the power and potential of the format.

Introducing new permanent content and features in the context of an evolving story is exactly how it should be done. The fact that the new EotM map is awesome further highlights the contrast between it and the hurried, “throwaway content” that nearly pushed me away from the game for good.

Granted, ArenaNet can’t be expected to crank out something like EotM every two weeks, and the nature of a truly Living World will necessarily mean some things will be temporary, but releases like this are precisely the sort of thing that add long-term value to the game and will keep players coming back for more.

Here’s to seeing this sort of excellence become the norm.

“Not the same, real and true. True you feel inside.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka

Edge of the Mists brought me back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Yes i agree.EoTM is so much fun!.This game is lot better for me right now.Map looks awesome and PVP is finally alive again,considering how dead was WvW.Now even overflows are full,there are people everywhere.LS is fun too,as it gets to end of first season i get more and more interested in it.Every1 i asked about Edge,they really LOVES it,never heard anything bad about it yet.

Edge of the Mists brought me back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

It still has the glaring class balance issues of wvw (some classes much better in large group combat than others) and would be a lot more fun with either reduced repair costs or none at all due to the mostly pug setups but its pretty kitten fun otherwise.

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Edge of the Mists brought me back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tongku.5326


I had stopped playing GW2 for a couple of months, uninterested in the new content coming out as well as underwhelmed by the storytelling.

However although this patch was one with least quantity, it was certainly by my view one of with unexpected quality. I had been keeping myself informed about the Edge of the Mists so it wasn’t something that took me by surprise, but once I actually got into it I was pleasantly shocked by how fun it was.

I never really enjoyed WvW because of the huge scale that it is, so that smaller scale WvW style game really appealed to me. Not only that but the way the story was told for this patch made me feel like I was in an actual RPG game instead of watching a short movie.

It felt immersive, the story actually made me interested in hearing more, the way you got to just hang out with the characters made me feel a lot more interested in them. Even the fetch quest Taimi makes you do for her in the Edge of the Mists was surprisingly fun. The fact it was a PvE-like activity in a PvP world made me really get interested.

I think having areas like the Edge of the Mists where they can mix a bit of PvE gameplay in with the constant danger of a PvP environment would be a really interesting experience.

Over all I think this was a step in the right direction.

I agree with you.

Therefore I would love to have open world PvP once in a while, doesnt have to be constant, for example one weekend out of a month, where opposing servers could fight anywhere and everywhere, not just WvW or EOTM.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Edge of the Mists brought me back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PSX.9250


I am absolutly enjoying Edge of the Mists. For me, WvW was my end game and main source of gold income but now i can do WvW while fighting much more champions.

Bravo Anet.


Edge of the Mists brought me back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


One of the reasons of me not going into WvW was the anxiety of negatively affecting my server’s ranks. With EoTM, that’s no longer a problem: just run around, do stuff and nobody else gets hurt if you don’t know the rules.

20 level 80s and counting.

Edge of the Mists brought me back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Romek.4201


this map is Runwars 2
everything is like a maze

map looks good but all this running and far ways kill it for me …. when i die i dont have the patience to run all this way again and just leave

Edge of the Mists brought me back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I had stopped playing GW2 for a couple of months, uninterested in the new content coming out as well as underwhelmed by the storytelling.

However although this patch was one with least quantity, it was certainly by my view one of with unexpected quality. I had been keeping myself informed about the Edge of the Mists so it wasn’t something that took me by surprise, but once I actually got into it I was pleasantly shocked by how fun it was.

I never really enjoyed WvW because of the huge scale that it is, so that smaller scale WvW style game really appealed to me. Not only that but the way the story was told for this patch made me feel like I was in an actual RPG game instead of watching a short movie.

It felt immersive, the story actually made me interested in hearing more, the way you got to just hang out with the characters made me feel a lot more interested in them. Even the fetch quest Taimi makes you do for her in the Edge of the Mists was surprisingly fun. The fact it was a PvE-like activity in a PvP world made me really get interested.

I think having areas like the Edge of the Mists where they can mix a bit of PvE gameplay in with the constant danger of a PvP environment would be a really interesting experience.

Over all I think this was a step in the right direction.

I agree with you.

Therefore I would love to have open world PvP once in a while, doesnt have to be constant, for example one weekend out of a month, where opposing servers could fight anywhere and everywhere, not just WvW or EOTM.

It’s never going to happen. Not ever. The game is designed so that PvE is cooperative not competitive. That’s Anet’s vision.

Edge of the Mists brought me back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


I haven’t gotten much of a chance to play it yet, but I’m looking forward to spending some time in it.

If nothing else, the map is astoundingly beautiful. Kudos to the people who designed the looks of the place!

Edge of the Mists brought me back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


What I like about EoTM’s:-

-New map every 4 hrs.
-Completely casual map, pts are unimportant, as is winning, so whatever way you want to have fun is ok.
-Better rewards in terms of badges of Honour, karma, ascended materials.
-Each side has unique features.
-No queues.