Elemental Sword, Privateer set again.
Alright, thanks for your input. It is greatly appreciated. If this wasnt account bound, with its low price you would see people selling it for 500g+. Sure you can say that it will be avaible but it would screw the economy of the game over. The privateer set is just as random as the sword.
Rare items from chests should not be account-bound, ever. RNG should be sellable to allow the value to be dictated by supply and demand, and to allow the gamble to actually be worthwhile. Eliminating the value of rare but not-quite-wanted items takes a lot of the thrill out of opening the chests.
And what’s this nonsense about it screwing the economy of the game over? It’s built to handle (And DOES handle) rare BLTC item drops, such as permanent contracts, weapon skins, and rare minis.
The community was unhappy at things that are obtainable only by pure RNG that you have to pay money for.
We were? Huh, I don’t remember being unhappy at the introduction of the Privateer set. Quite the opposite, actually. But thanks for purporting to speak for all of us.
I’m very supportive of the new way the BL chests are being handled. For a long time there were very few worthwhile items in the Black Lion chests, or rather, the items that were obtainable from BL chests (aside from BL tickets/scraps) were nothing special. Now we’re at the point where every new update sees us with not only one new rare account bound item we can get excited about, but also some really solid guaranteed items.
Black Lion chests are at a good place, and as long as Anet continues to introduce fun and exciting stuff that you can’t get anywhere else, I will continue to purchase keys to open them in the hopes of getting the exciting stuff.
The community was unhappy at things that are obtainable only by pure RNG that you have to pay money for.
We were? Huh, I don’t remember being unhappy at the introduction of the Privateer set. Quite the opposite, actually. But thanks for purporting to speak for all of us.
I’m very supportive of the new way the BL chests are being handled. For a long time there were very few worthwhile items in the Black Lion chests, or rather, the items that were obtainable from BL chests (aside from BL tickets/scraps) were nothing special. Now we’re at the point where every new update sees us with not only one new rare account bound item we can get excited about, but also some really solid guaranteed items.
Black Lion chests are at a good place, and as long as Anet continues to introduce fun and exciting stuff that you can’t get anywhere else, I will continue to purchase keys to open them in the hopes of getting the exciting stuff.
The problem with account-bound items is one person’s treasure is another’s vendor trash. Black Lion chests used to have things of value – and if it was something you didn’t like, you could sell it to someone who did want it.
Frankly, I’ve hated the new Black Lion chests. I used to be able to get all sorts of random stuff, often things that I liked having, but couldn’t justify deliberately buying (Revive Orbs, Black Lion Salvage Kits, Total Makeover or Hairstyle kits, etc), boosters that are generally trash until you decide they’re not, and minis and dyes I could either use to expand my collections or sell to recoup losses on the keys.
Now, one of the three slots in a chest is guaranteed to be worthless garbage, and the rest is far more limited, and it’s far less likely you’ll be able to sell anything valuable/rare that comes out of the chest that doesn’t really appeal to you (And hopefully it’s not a duplicate)
It’s immensely annoying for players who desperately want the new exclusive, but I think the target market is being catered to perfectly, and that’s people who actually buy keys. You have a chance to get these from the few keys you can get from key farming, but really it’s the people who will keep going until they get it that will. So I don’t think anything is owed to anyone or anyone is being mistreated. It stings horribly when I desperately want one of the new BL chest gliders, but I’m glad these stand alone skins are generating revenue for the game.
Now, one of the three slots in a chest is guaranteed to be worthless garbage, and the rest is far more limited, and it’s far less likely you’ll be able to sell anything valuable/rare that comes out of the chest that doesn’t really appeal to you (And hopefully it’s not a duplicate)
Regarding this, I think you’re underestimating the value they’ve given BL chests with the recent guaranteed items. The current seasonal chest gives you ecto and last season’s chest gave T6 mats. Open 25 keys and you’ll likely come away with 150-200 ecto. While the cost of keys from gold > gem conversion is significantly higher than what you’ll get back from selling one stack of ecto, for those of us who buy their BL keys with real world currency the guaranteed ecto is a nice bonus. The guaranteed T6 was a nice bonus during the last seasonal chest and I came away with a small stack of T6 mats that I can put toward the legendary I’m working on. As you said, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.
Regarding the sword, I’m sorry if you’ve had poor luck with RNG and getting it to drop, but I’d really be disappointed if they reverted this overhaul of the BLC system and went back to the days of nothing but revive orbs and boosts. Both of which I value, by the way, but consumables don’t hold enough value for me to justify buying BL keys.
At the desired level of rarity, ANet would probably have to charge 3000 gems or more for the Elemental Sword. (Based on the seemingly-reasonable assumption that the drop rate per chest is about 1:50 and that keys cost 4200 gems for 50.)
The problem with the OP’s assertion, though, is that some people have complained about every method of acquisition: if ANet sells stuff with gems (instead of local currency), if they sell for local currency (instead of gems), if it can be sold on the TP (which makes it “just money”), it’s RNG from an event, if it’s RNG from a box, if it’s RNG from a rare box, and so on.
In other words, there is no method of distribution that pleases everyone and we all have different tastes as far as skins. So their best bet is always going to be releasing as many skins as possible via as many different methods as possible, and hope that everyone gets at least something they like via a method that they like.
And that also means that their best bet will leave some reasonable people, like the OP, unhappy with the situation.
In other words, there is no method of distribution that pleases everyone and we all have different tastes as far as skins.
True, but that doesn’t mean the general dislike of all those methods is equal. RNG nature of skins hidden behind a black lion chest drop chance has always been at the top of gemshop complains.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
It’s immensely annoying for players who desperately want the new exclusive, but I think the target market is being catered to perfectly, and that’s people who actually buy keys. You have a chance to get these from the few keys you can get from key farming, but really it’s the people who will keep going until they get it that will. So I don’t think anything is owed to anyone or anyone is being mistreated. It stings horribly when I desperately want one of the new BL chest gliders, but I’m glad these stand alone skins are generating revenue for the game.
My sentiment exactly
In other words, there is no method of distribution that pleases everyone and we all have different tastes as far as skins.
True, but that doesn’t mean the general dislike of all those methods is equal. RNG nature of skins hidden behind a black lion chest drop chance has always been at the top of gemshop complains.
You’ve missed the point, then.
Some people like having a valuable skin exclusive to the BL chest — the top of the gemshop complaints has also included that this doesn’t happen often enough, that too many things are available for gold alone.
I get that you might not prefer this system and I assume you get that I might not care about it one way or the other. Both of us also need to realize that some players prefer it this way.
The point is that ANet can’t please all of the people with all of the skins or all of the acquisition methods.
The other point is that ANet seems to be okay with the possibility that some of us will not be able (or willing) to acquire all of the things that we covet.
This might annoy some people, I just got it from a random key drop off a mob just now. 1 chest 1 key = Elemental Sword Skin!
I was actually pleased with the Privateer set idea. It was always set at 1 Ticket each, and because of that, I was able to finish off that set. I actually think they should have a set like that once per year.
Not every player wants Black Lion skins to sell. Some of us actually want to use the skins.
Edit: I also bought 65 keys for myself earlier this week. Didn’t get an elemental sword, and neither did I expect one. I wasn’t sad about not getting one, as I new the score of how one is obtained. Other people who bought keys specifically for that skin did too. It was their choice to gamble so much.