So I have this idea for some hard obtainable sets of armor which I want to hear your thoughts on:
- A fourth tier of cultural armor (this time ascended)
- A second tier of armor for each order (also ascended)
- One armorset which only your profession will be able to use (ascended or maybe even legendary)
This would make a total of 33 new ascended armor sets (66 if you count the male/female differences).
So now my take on how you would acquire these sets of armor:
For this I have to say i really liked how GW:EotN handled the elite armor sets of the different factions, so this will be a similar style of obtaining them. The first thing you would have to do is get a buff from your racial leader/the leader of your order/your profession trainer. This buff would last as long this character is logged in and you could only get one of them at a time.
If the buff is active it will start an achievement progression bar which will progress through completing events/dungeons/world bosses/pvp/wvw/world bosses and so on (the balancing on how much progress each of those activities would bring would be decided by ANet). The achievement itself would have 12 tiers with following rewards:
1. recipe box
2. title (e.g. Lightbringer)
3. recipe box
4. title (e.g. Brave Lightbringer)
5. recipe box
6. title (e.g. Mighty Lightbringer)
7. recipe box
8. title (e.g. Vanquishing Lightbringer)
9. recipe box
10. title (e.g. Revered Lightbringer)
11. recipe box
12. title (e.g. Holy Lightbringer)
The recipe boxes would allow you to chose which part of the armor you’d craft first. The crafting of the armor itself would work like ascended craftig (maybe require a little bit more materials) and the armor would be account bound on acquire.
This would imho be a great way of implementing good looking new armor sets which:
- aren’t easy to obtain
- would be created with your race in mind (so no tail/horn/ear clipping for charr/asura) at least in the case of the elite cultural armor
- would represent the look of your profession
- would clearly show which order you belong to (and only be available for characters of this particular order, not like the current ones which you can transmute to chars of other orders as you please)
In the end I’d like to show you some concept art which would fit my imagination (see attachments from top to bottom would be the following order):
- Elite Warrior Armor
- Elite Guardian Armor
- Elite Revenant Armor (maybe a little more heavy looking)
- Elite Mesmer Armor
- Elite Necromancer Armor (I know we have the hood already)
- Elite Elementalist Armor (maybe with red flames or flames changing color as you switch attunements)
- Elite Thief Armor (either this or the armor of Anton from GW1)
- Elite Engineer Armor (this looks rather heavy but I really can’t imagine what special engineer armor would look like)
- Elite Ranger Armor (or maybe Medium Sylvari Elite Cultural)
- Elite Cultural (Charr Heavy)
So what do you guys think of this system?