End Game in GW2

End Game in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vpy.6183


In my previous experience with MMOs end game consisted of raiding dungeons, dailies ,events,PVP etc.

a) Do we have similar things in GW2 ?
b) Apart from Ranger which profession is best suited for max level solo play.
With my noob words : “Less Buttons to Push or less need to micro manage resources to do my stuff”
I know all professions are equal but some are more equal than the others
Wouldn’t you say so ?

End Game in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rasimir.6239


GW2 has raids, dungeons (and fractals), dailies (and lots of them ), pvp (and wvw), special festivals (next one coming up should be the Super Adventure Box in April), and lots more.

However, due to the way experience and levels are handled in GW2, as well as resources needed for top-level crafting, pretty much all of the game is endgame and relevant at max level. You can go all over the place for world bosses, meta events, material harvesting, collections, achievenemts and so on, so there will be pretty much something to keep anybody interested somewhere around the world.

Then there is personal stories (base and HoT), living world stories (season 2 and parts 1-4 of season 3 currently available), dungeon stories, and full world completion which will take up a lot more of your time than just leveling to 80 does (if you plan to do it … you are always free to skip each and every type of content in this game you don’t enjoy).

To sum it up: endgame in this game is what you like to play, and starts pretty much the moment you start playing. Coming from other MMOs it takes some getting used to, but once you’ve come to terms with choosing your prefered content rather than letting it be dictated by dailies and stuff it’s a habit that’s hard to shake .

As for the best profession that really depends entirely on you. Each class in this game can be played as easily or as complicated as you like. Personally, I like mesmer and ele (and ranger) the most, but many prefer the warrior (survivable without having to get deeply into the class) or necromancer (minionmaster build can survive well while letting the minions do most of the work).

End Game in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Engi Flamethrower skill 1 – nuff said. You can also equip a trait for a constant 6 Might and perma Stability, nothing is easier than this!

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

End Game in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buran.3796


b) Apart from Ranger which profession is best suited for max level solo play.
With my noob words : “Less Buttons to Push or less need to micro manage resources to do my stuff”

Warrior. Good damage, good support, wide array of viable weapons, high mobility and huge self sustain. Currently shines in every aspect of the game.

End Game in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pepsi.8907


Yeah, warrior is definitely a shiner in all game mode.

Mesmer is not to spit on either, especially because of his utilities and alacrity in raids and PvE, which makes him sought for, but it can be hard to master.

Otherwise, I’d say any class can be shoehorned into the end game if you play it well.

End Game in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SlippyCheeze.5483


It’s probably also worth remembering that the current raid “meta” and pvp “meta” are built, in part, around the very top end guilds and players. Those are people who have advanced their personal skill to the point that mechanical differences between builds actually make a difference in the competition to be #1 on the pvp league ladder, or to clear the raid in the fastest time, or with the fewest people.

They are also copied by people who really don’t understand why, or how, to use that information, so perform badly. Now that DPS meters are more commonly available and can be talked about, people are shocked to learn that many elementalists in raid pugs do a third, or less, of their theoretical damage! (Meanwhile, those of us who did theorycrafting in other MMOs nod, and recognise this as exactly expected when a tank-n-spank boss is used for testing.)

So… to some degree play what you like. Balance changes can alter the composition of the preferred classes, and all content can be completed with any class — at least until you get to the point that you know why you need to change to something slightly stronger, because you are now one of the best in the world at whatever it is.

(…and, yes, this may mean that some random groups will not take you because you don’t play what the top guild happens to play, but … that’s a people problem, and you can’t ever manage to avoid foolish people entirely.)