End-game in my opinion.

End-game in my opinion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nero.4706


I am a lvl 80 ranger, full exotic gears. Completed my storyline n map completion. I dun really pvp or wvw. Only thing left now for me is to work on a legendary, but i dun see myself gettin a precursor without hardcore farming gold n buying it offa TP…i cbf grinding tbh.

Fractals was initially fun, but after completing lvl 12 i felt its not really worth going any further coz loot’s terrible considering the amount of work you do. Agony is also a pain in de a**…esp for a medium gear ranger like myself…

Furthermore adding the ranger bugs, pet n spirit problems to all that, i feel enthusiasm I once had for this game is starting to diminish…

/rant off.

End-game in my opinion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GrapeGatsby.6937


This is the reason they added FotM and ascended gear in the first place :<.

End-game in my opinion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


This is the reason they added FotM and ascended gear in the first place :<.

Anyone could have told them that simply adding a massive gear grind does not equate to having meaningful (or fun, for that matter) content.

I hope the no-life grinders are happy (which is funny in and of itself, since they’ve almost certainly gone back to WoW at this point), as they’re helping to drive what was once a great game into the ground in record time.

End-game in my opinion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GrapeGatsby.6937


This is the reason they added FotM and ascended gear in the first place :<.

Anyone could have told them that simply adding a massive gear grind does not equate to having meaningful (or fun, for that matter) content.

I hope the no-life grinders are happy (which is funny in and of itself, since they’ve almost certainly gone back to WoW at this point), as they’re helping to drive what was once a great game into the ground in record time.

TIL that people who enjoy vertical progression = no-life, but on a more serious note Ascended gear is the most casual grind I’ve ever had compared to legendaries and t3 cultural armor.

End-game in my opinion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


Yes, if you enjoy grinding for 200 hours to get one piece of gear, you probably have no life.

Adults that actually have jobs and lives tend to value their time a little more than that.