Enough! pro/con talk

Enough! pro/con talk

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HakunaMataBaby.2734


Seriously, we get it that most people are not happy with hot, there’s always gonna be issues with a expansion in any game or any game release. Its only been about a month and people are complaining about everything. Give it another month or two to smooth out, arenanet may not respond but they do read our complaints. When has a game release or expansion for anything gone smooth? I remember in wow when data came out I couldn’t get in for a day. What has happened to us? We us to be such loving community. Give the devs some time, mistakes happen and hopefully they learn from it. Stay strong my guild war friends, bad times come to pass but not stay. Also in this topic, be productive. If all your gonna do is say the game sucks and not give and valid reasons why, leave the game. We will be just fie without your toxic mouth here. Post what you like about gw2, or liked, and say why.if the game can improve give some thoughts how in how. If you don’t like something say why. So like a pro and con topic. Thanks guys. Sorry if there’s grammar mistakes, typed from my phone with fat fingers ‘-’ and if any dev can jump in here, we would appreciate your thoughts, we may be angry, but all we wanna do is talk.

Enough! pro/con talk

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leohart.4610


Could’ve sworn someone made a thread similar to this. Even using the word “enough”. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

I remember when the game first released, there were pages of praises for ANet for delivering such a great game. What a poopstorm this has become.

Enough! pro/con talk

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: warbignime.4610


Most people on FORUM are not happy with HoT. People that are happy with the game are playing it rather than posting on forum.

Some must fight so that all may be free.

Enough! pro/con talk

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Auralae.7482


Most people on FORUM are not happy with HoT. People that are happy with the game are playing it rather than posting on forum.

Plenty of people can’t play the game for some reason or another, such as being in a location where they don’t have access to the game, but can be on the forums. Furthermore, it takes all of a few minutes to post on a forum and doing so doesn’t mean you aren’t playing or enjoying portions of the game. For example, know what I do when I’m waiting on Tequatl or the daily boss to spawn? I tab over to the forums because defenses are organized and I don’t have any desire to sit and read the mapchat.

Enough! pro/con talk

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thisisit.6954


Enough pro/con talk threads! This is less productive that all the other threads that actually talk about aspects within the game.