Enough to keep players interested til April?

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: steelwind.1054


There is a topic that I have yet to see about upcoming updates that seriously concerns me. While I am sure there is a lot we don’t know about what is to come in the next few patches, all indicators suggest no new content, just new carrots to grind for.

Here is my point, since GW2 was released, there has been very little new PERMANENT content. They added the new island and FOTM. Most don’t visit the island aside from the Ori node so that leaves FOTM. I am not sure ANet really understands that all we have had is holiday events that expire and go away. So it is likely that we still will not see any new content until after April. So until then, we will be continuing to grind the same zones, the same dungeons, same events etc but with better rewards.

I am coming up on my third 80 and will be fully geared in no time but I truly feel as though just adding new carrots will not be enough to keep players interest till nearly summer without anything new to do. I would have bet that after all the major holiday events were over, we would start seeing new PERMANENT content but it seems that may not be happening.

If the biggest most exciting feature people are excited about is a gem store backpack, isn’t that a red flag? I seriously doubt I can keep grinding Orr or the same dungeons for many more months to come without something new.

While I appreciate what they are trying to do, tuning what they have. This doesn’t take into account that there has been very little new content since release and holiday events don’t count. So that is quite a stretch of time for players to keep playing the same content especially considering GW2 was lacking in the end game department from day one.

Do you all honestly feel as though tuning will be enough to maintain interest until new content is developed?

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BroScientist.9875


There is a topic that I have yet to see about upcoming updates that seriously concerns me. While I am sure there is a lot we don’t know about what is to come in the next few patches, all indicators suggest no new content, just new carrots to grind for.

Here is my point, since GW2 was released, there has been very little new PERMANENT content. They added the new island and FOTM. Most don’t visit the island aside from the Ori node so that leaves FOTM. I am not sure ANet really understands that all we have had is holiday events that expire and go away. So it is likely that we still will not see any new content until after April. So until then, we will be continuing to grind the same zones, the same dungeons, same events etc but with better rewards.

I am coming up on my third 80 and will be fully geared in no time but I truly feel as though just adding new carrots will not be enough to keep players interest till nearly summer without anything new to do. I would have bet that after all the major holiday events were over, we would start seeing new PERMANENT content but it seems that may not be happening.

If the biggest most exciting feature people are excited about is a gem store backpack, isn’t that a red flag? I seriously doubt I can keep grinding Orr or the same dungeons for many more months to come without something new.

While I appreciate what they are trying to do, tuning what they have. This doesn’t take into account that there has been very little new content since release and holiday events don’t count. So that is quite a stretch of time for players to keep playing the same content especially considering GW2 was lacking in the end game department from day one.

Do you all honestly feel as though tuning will be enough to maintain interest until new content is developed?

I recall Colin saying the new laurel system will involve new content, monsters, and quests so here’s to hoping that will keep players interested until the next update. Also I am not sure if it will be in this upcoming patch but the jumping puzzle designer made a comment on reddit recently saying he is working on the “mother of all jumping puzzles” and it will likely be released in pieces. It will have selectable difficulties ranging from baby mode to completely insanely hard mode. He said previously he designed the puzzles(such as clocktower) to be completelable by him in one run but now he his new rule is to just be able to complete each separate jump rather than the whole thing in one go. Also, in the preview for jan update, doesn’t it say there will be a prelude to a new story line?

(edited by BroScientist.9875)

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LinkR.6190


Content will come when it comes. You do not pay a monthly fee and as such, you have no reason to feel obligated to log in every day when the game gets boring for you. Take a break and come back when the next big event happens. The game will still be here when you get back.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


depends how you see it…
i have 315h in this game and still feel like my guardian needs more options and gear.

i have only about 55% world complete.

so if i start either an alt or i start pvp maybe, i have enough until april!

i dont think the average player is over 300h by a lot.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LinkR.6190


Same boat as you Avatar. I have plenty I still feel like I could do. People seem to forget how to have fun with the world. You don’t need to make it a grind. Variety is the spice of life.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TurtleofPower.5641


Um they had 3 major monthly updates in a row before this.

You mean maybe they took the same holiday the whole world took after that, and there isn’t a huge update for January? Oh the humanity. Geez Louise have a heart.

And I’m not out of content whatsoever. I have just one level 80, and I like to WvW and do dungeons so I’m pretty pumped at just how well this game is going.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: steelwind.1054


Content will come when it comes. You do not pay a monthly fee and as such, you have no reason to feel obligated to log in every day when the game gets boring for you. Take a break and come back when the next big event happens. The game will still be here when you get back.

I was definitely expecting this response. I think part of my issue is that I have always been an advocate of the P2P model and feared what B2P or F2P would mean for long term retention or if a F2P game could be played as a main MMO. This is the first B2P game I have attempted to play as a main MMO so my expectations may have been to high. Not to mention I am an ex-Rift player and was somewhat spoiled with their frequent patch cycle and always having new content to consume.

Nonetheless, I have vowed that GW2 will be my last themepark, so there are no other games currently released, I will want to invest time in. So playing something else until content updates isn’t an option.

There is a lot I really love about GW2 and believe it or not, the large zones and exploration there within gives me a tiny sandbox fix but I just don’t feel as though adding only carrots will be a very good idea for GW2’s future.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vorch.2985


The Flame and Frost content should roll out over the next couple months. that should add more permanent content for you.

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out: http://tinyurl.com/bntcvyc
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


Same boat as you Avatar. I have plenty I still feel like I could do. People seem to forget how to have fun with the world. You don’t need to make it a grind. Variety is the spice of life.

there is a base that is very competitve in “pve”.
which i think is completely pointless to be in gw2.

i know some people farm and farm and complain… i just dont see the point of it.
and then pvp requires no farming.
so really… i think people are weird sometimes farming to rule pve

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


I think the main thing with the content people forget is that it’s their first year, meaning they got to create the holidays.

After that, it’s a case of just saving the event to file and loading it into the game when the time comes around. This means that the time they spent creating the holiday event this year will be used developing permanent content next year.

However, I believe these coming updates are the best course of action: Strengthen existing content with systems so you don’t have to spend time strengthening content you’ve been introducing all year.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: steelwind.1054


I think the main thing with the content people forget is that it’s their first year, meaning they got to create the holidays.

After that, it’s a case of just saving the event to file and loading it into the game when the time comes around. This means that the time they spent creating the holiday event this year will be used developing permanent content next year.

However, I believe these coming updates are the best course of action: Strengthen existing content with systems so you don’t have to spend time strengthening content you’ve been introducing all year.

If you believe they created those holidays during that time, you would be wrong. The holiday events you saw were designed far before the game’s launch and were probably in development from the beginning since they were such a big part of GW1.

I guess my hopes are they will tune existing content while giving us something new to consume as well such as a new level 80 zone or guild housing.

Personally, the biggest thing I am looking forward to is WvWvW purpose. While I think WvWvW is awesome, long term commitment to it for just the fun factor isn’t enough. Now that they will be adding titles and better rewards, this will finally open up as an end game option for me.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


I think the main thing with the content people forget is that it’s their first year, meaning they got to create the holidays.

After that, it’s a case of just saving the event to file and loading it into the game when the time comes around. This means that the time they spent creating the holiday event this year will be used developing permanent content next year.

However, I believe these coming updates are the best course of action: Strengthen existing content with systems so you don’t have to spend time strengthening content you’ve been introducing all year.

If you believe they created those holidays during that time, you would be wrong. The holiday events you saw were designed far before the game’s launch and were probably in development from the beginning since they were such a big part of GW1.

I guess my hopes are they will tune existing content while giving us something new to consume as well such as a new level 80 zone or guild housing.

Personally, the biggest thing I am looking forward to is WvWvW purpose. While I think WvWvW is awesome, long term commitment to it for just the fun factor isn’t enough. Now that they will be adding titles and better rewards, this will finally open up as an end game option for me.

Ah, I don’t think they were developed right before, since from design to development to implementation is generally around 3 – 4 months give or take.

But if they were working on them events, then they weren’t working on other content.

God, I’m sucking at putting my point across today…

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


what is the point of new content if the combat is boring and will kill the game.

combat rules man!
try to do the the jumping puzzle in the eternal battleground! i assure you its the best dungeon of the game.
(btw the only combat i personally dont like is zerg vs zerg, i find skirmishes amazing!)

hey…. they should do that…. “pvp dungeons”….
take note Anet, i’m giving that one to you for free.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: steelwind.1054


what is the point of new content if the combat is boring and will kill the game.

Honestly, combat is the last thing I would criticize this game about. The combat style in this game is the best I have even seen and most fun (and yes I tried Tera and hated it). In fact, the titles coming on my radar, loosing GW2 combat will be the hardest adjustment, far better than standing still tab-targeting.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


watch out TESO.
everything else dont stand much of a chance imo.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nurse.1085


The only solid content (for me) that will have any kind of longevity from this patch is WvW.

To me, GW2 has always been a casual-centric, it’s not really for “Hardcore” players (in my opinion). It’s more about finding ways to entertain yourself, and if you play a lot (like I do), that list of “things to do” dwindles quite quickly. In the end, you’re left with WvW.

I’ve been excited for GW2 for years, but it needs time to grow (just as GW1 did). Until it grows, I don’t think I can consider it my “main MMO” but rather an MMO I sign on to every now and then. GW1 made my head explode with content and things to do, so we’ll just have to see if GW2 follows up.

I’d consider myself a “hardcore” player and I feel as though I actually took my time in a game for once, but I’m still faster at completing content than an average-joe. So, I’m with you here.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nurse.1085


watch out TESO.
everything else dont stand much of a chance imo.

And this.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


@ nurse

i really dont understand whats a hardcore player.
eventually youre gonna repeat content…

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I am trying to imagine what horribly wrong they would need to do to kill my interest before April.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nurse.1085


@ nurse

i really dont understand whats a hardcore player.
eventually youre gonna repeat content…

These are just light-hearted definitions.
“Casual” – Someone who plays games every now and then. Maybe a few hours a week.
“Hardcore” – Someone who devotes a significant amount of their time to playing games.

As for repeating content, I always do and that’s fine. The question is how often and for how long before I decide that I just can’t do it anymore. Turns out 5 months is my limit.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tic.7425


Still have a lot of content to get through yet. Jumping puzzles, exploration, DEs.. Tossing SPvP and WvW in there as its my favorite stuff to do.. yea I’ll be fine.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ASB.4295


All most players need in order to keep playing is better gear, and since they will keep releasing ascended items incrementally throughout the year, I’m sure the player retention rate will be high enough.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DJSkittles.7196


Im not gonna look it up for you because im to high and you are capable of doing it by yourself. However, you can take my word for it, something was said about there being new guild/ guild quests content.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

watch out TESO.
everything else dont stand much of a chance imo.

Looks like you haven’t seen gameplay yet.
TESO’s combat is something so terrible there are no words to describe.
FF11’s combat is way more action than that of TESO, just to give you a heads up.

TESO is just the new SWTOR, using a famous brand as a name for a terrible MMO in order to make a big money-grab, cash-in and then run away with the money.

Have fun being one of the baited ones.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: steelwind.1054


I am placing all my bets on Archeage which as it turns out is releasing this year. This is the game which will show where MMO’s should be by now…

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ned Stark.9356

Ned Stark.9356

I am placing all my bets on Archeage which as it turns out is releasing this year. This is the game which will show where MMO’s should be by now…

i’m in line with you but just gonna add Neverwinter to the list. How a REAL ACTION MMO should be when regaurding combat mechanics

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BroScientist.9875


I think the main thing with the content people forget is that it’s their first year, meaning they got to create the holidays.

After that, it’s a case of just saving the event to file and loading it into the game when the time comes around. This means that the time they spent creating the holiday event this year will be used developing permanent content next year.

However, I believe these coming updates are the best course of action: Strengthen existing content with systems so you don’t have to spend time strengthening content you’ve been introducing all year.

If you believe they created those holidays during that time, you would be wrong. The holiday events you saw were designed far before the game’s launch and were probably in development from the beginning since they were such a big part of GW1.

I guess my hopes are they will tune existing content while giving us something new to consume as well such as a new level 80 zone or guild housing.

Personally, the biggest thing I am looking forward to is WvWvW purpose. While I think WvWvW is awesome, long term commitment to it for just the fun factor isn’t enough. Now that they will be adding titles and better rewards, this will finally open up as an end game option for me.

Source for this? I doubt this is true because we saw improvement with each subsequent holiday event, taking direct feedback from the player-base.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yviz.1053


There is no monthly fee so they don’t feel obligated to release new content every month.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nappychappy.7046


watch out TESO.
everything else dont stand much of a chance imo.

Looks like you haven’t seen gameplay yet.
TESO’s combat is something so terrible there are no words to describe.
FF11’s combat is way more action than that of TESO, just to give you a heads up.

TESO is just the new SWTOR, using a famous brand as a name for a terrible MMO in order to make a big money-grab, cash-in and then run away with the money.

Have fun being one of the baited ones.

If you don’t like ESO combat, then we know you don’t like GW2 combat, just sayin’.

tbh eso can’t be much worse than gw2.

There is no monthly fee so they don’t feel obligated to release new content every month.

Funny pre-launch everyone was like “There is no monthly fee, so they will release more content to keep people playing”.

They release more often, but it’s mostly really lame untested filler crap content.

You are using 21 of 100 infractions ermm, PMs.

(edited by Nappychappy.7046)