Enough with the bad Raid contents
The fundamental truth….. all Raids suck. You can’t make a good raid so long as Raiders insist on demanding things they are already familiar with, and decry everything they aren’t familiar with already.
Those umbers are completly pulled out of your behind arent they? For example ff14 has mroe than 5 million subs currently… So just because you see random numbers you shouldnt trust them.
yea but what is right , its the gw2 population.
- Anet have loose dongeon community after break it in past. it was something like 17% of player who never get back on gw2.
– After this they have open raid ,a content for only 4% of player ( all casual can unistall gw2 and a lot of them have done it )
– Now , they break fractal community by includ raid content in our daily fractal (cm100) ; something already impossible to finish once in 30hours is comming to be our daily ??? wtf… ppl from fractal are already leave away from these fractal…
Just best stupid idea ever…. thx anet.
Please, continu on this way , when there will be less than 30k player on game , maybe you will care about player
(edited by Zem.4139)
A lot of us enjoy challenging content. If you prefer to do non-challenging ones, they are literally everywhere, go to Queensdale etc. Do normal 100 fractal.
Like I’ll never get God of PVP title, and I consider this the most prestigious title in the game since only 7 ppl can get it, but I’m not going to leave the game because of that reasoning. Seems illogical.
yea but what is right , its the gw2 population.
- Anet have loose dongeon community after break it in past. it was something like 17% of player who never get back on gw2.
– After this they have open raid ,a content for only 4% of player ( all casual can unistall gw2 and a lot of them have done it )
– Now , they break fractal community by includ raid content in our daily fractal (cm100) ; something already impossible to finish once in 30hours is comming to be our daily ??? wtf… ppl from fractal are already leave away from these fractal…Just best stupid idea ever…. thx anet.
Please, continu on this way , when there will be less than 30k player on game , maybe you will care about player
This is a bunch of non-sesnse. Are you serious?
Where did you get the 4% number? Anet never released official numbers, you just made it up.
High level fractal are always hard and meant to be hard, it also only can be completed by a small fraction, your argument is completely illogical.
To suggest that the game will die off because there are small fraction of non-casual content is ridiculous, do you even know how gaming works? Not everyone is like you.
The mentality of wishing the game to die off when there are challenging content you can’t do disgust me to no end.