(edited by Meglobob.8620)
Epic Loot at the end of Living Story?
What I would like to see:
A cool unique title
A new weaponset that includes underwater weapons and is not purchaseable from the gemstore
A new armorset
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
ooh ooh! a l80 aquabreather!
no, seriously, I like titles so that would be fun For the rest I really don’t care.
Yak’s Bend
hehe the skrit in me thinks all the shineys from the forge has to go somewhere….
but a cool title, some mini, some skins- it’s all good- personally I think it will be one hellofa shindig so I will be going for the fun- oh and the marshmallows
(edited by Morrigan.2809)
Or another backpiece?
I bet it will be something like this:
yeah i made a sarcastic comment about getting “epic loot” and it got deleted. but i will say it again, dont expect awesome loot from LW in any way, expect it from gem store
For completing the LS season, I would love to see:
1. random mini – not nice to have everyone get the same.kitten .mini
2. A cool Title
3. A new armor merchant (maybe a freed minion?) that sells decent looking weapon and armor skins for gold, not lottery tickets
Expect an ugly backpiece skin.
If you have completed every meta achievement of the Living Story, you will get Living Story Season 1 Reward Chest Key!
When opened, the chest contains:
*A mini Colin Johanson
*500 Essence of luck
*100 Empyreal Fragments
*100 Dragonite Ores
*5 Scrolls of Knowledge
*5 Tomes of Knowledge
*5 Greens/Blues
All this is to thank the players for their hard work!
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
2 greens + 1 blue
oh and some sweet skins in Gem Shop ofc…
I’d be happy with getting 1,000 Gems or massive discount for some Gem Items (like 100gems, limit 1 per account, for a full set of armor).
A title wouldn’t be so bad, considering it’s the first season that has been going on for a year. But, will the title be limited to those who have completed a certain L.S. or even to just who have started to play the game recently? I mean, the title will lose its meaning if the only requirement is to attend the last LS patch, it’s just another title that you probably won’t be so proud to wear coz everyone else gets it when they visit L.A. and view the cinematic. So say, if the requirement for title is completing ALL metas from the past L.S., that’ll be epic, or Anet can give it more leeway and only require, say, the latest 4 LS plus any other 4 earlier releases.
The same goes for any other rewards, like Minis and special gear. I’d love it if players gets it because they met certain requirements, other than completing the final L.S.
For example, rewards can be something like:
Masterwork Mini – If a player has completed the latest 4 releases including the final chapter of Season 1
Rare Mini + Special Gear – If a player has completed the latest 4 releases including the final chapter of Season 1, plus any other 2 releases
Rare Mini + Special Gear + Title – If a player has completed the latest 4 releases including the final chapter of Season 1, plus any other 4 releases
Exotic Mini + Special Gear + Uber Title – If a player has completed ALL L.S. releases
[Aeon of Wonder]
Maguuma Server
First off all, this arc of the story started more then a year ago with Flame and Frost as Scarlet was behind the scenes the mastermind off that as well.
I don’t think there will be a reward for those that finished the overarc achievements in all living story’s that had somewhat to do with Scarlet. The reason is that many people will complain that they where for some reason not able to do them, and can’t rectify this mistake.
So any reward will be scaled for the final of the arc. This doesn’t mean that imo the loot shouldn’t be good. A title (Slayer of Scarlet) is something I would wear with pride and honour
Also a more then average amount of AP’s should be in order. I’m not verymuch interested in yet another miniature or backpack piece or even a different kind of armor.
What would be a great reward on scale with this ‘Epic’ moment is a new part of all home instance that is universal to all. It would be an airship dock with your own private airship. This private airship, can be commanded to any of the other docks (the other home instances) and will contain some customizable elements. Maybe even function as the HoM in GW1 where your (account) acomplishments are displayed.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
If everyone gets ‘epic loot’, then is it really epic?
I think we can settle with non-loot rewards.
So you’ll get an account bound minipet, a title, and maybe an item that will replay the inevitable cinematic we will get.
mercury, like what Vol said, if everyone has it, then it’s not necessarily epic in terms of Gw2. Because this game has the same stat for all gear, you can never have “epicness” in terms of stats, but in terms of how limited that thing is. For example, a legendary Greatsword has the same stat as any Ascended Greatsword (in the past, it’s the same as Exotic Greatsword).
As for others who missed it? Then it’s the same for everyone else, it’s just the reality of life, that if you never get to something early and missed it, then you missed it. I have played since the beginning, but I personally didn’t complete ALL L.S. because I skip those that I don’t like.
However, I know many that have done everything to the letter. Is it right that I get the same rewards as them? The answer lies with Anet, but if I have a say, I would say no! I would say that, for this part, the “epicness” must be tied to how diligent the players did for the arc, sort of like Bronze/Silver/Gold for any event. Have you done the minimum required? You get Bronze, Boss Chest, and Mini Chest. Have you done better than minimum, but not the best? You get Silver, Boss Chest, and Mini Chest. Have you done everything to the letter? Then you get Gold, Boss Chest, and Mini Chest.
But again, Anet may give in to the “casual crowd” and give everyone just about everything, making the epicness of things, not so epic.
[Aeon of Wonder]
Maguuma Server
A unique title would be nice. ‘Scarlet Slayer’ if we killer or something. Of course, I would have liked one for beating the marionette too, but sniffle no go there.
A mini would be nice as well. Not sure what would be a good one though.
Perhaps a choice of an ascended weapon or trinket would be a nice reward, that’s probably stretching it a bit.
Still here’s to hoping for some nice shinies at the end of the long, long road of Season 1.
If everyone gets ‘epic loot’, then is it really epic?
Yes, as long as the loot in question has an impressive feel and look to it.
A bunch of greens and blues as always.
And of course a 0.0000001% change to get something worthwhile
If everyone gets ‘epic loot’, then is it really epic?
Yes. Epic =/= Rare.
~Sincerely, Scissors
You will get an “epic loot chest (locked)”
You can unlock your epic loot chest for the one time low low cost of 2000 gems!
You will get an “epic loot chest (locked)”
You can unlock your epic loot chest for the one time low low cost of 2000 gems!
+1 Haha, that’ll be epicly annoying
[Aeon of Wonder]
Maguuma Server
If everyone gets ‘epic loot’, then is it really epic?
Yes, as long as the loot in question has an impressive feel and look to it.
I guess we differ on the feeling of accomplishments when it comes to ‘epic’.
For me, epic is something that is scarce and looks great. It makes you stand out and feel unique because you achieved something that many others cannot.
If everyone in this game who completes season 1 achievements for ‘epic’ loot ends up getting a nice skin set, the excitement over that skin set will disappear rather quickly. You’ll see it everywhere and you don’t feel special. That’s not epic, IMO.
Same thing happened when AP rewards came out. Everyone and their mother started carrying the AP skins and the novelty quickly came off. Now I don’t associate AP skins with prestige or ‘epic’. It’s more of a poor man’s skin.
If everyone gets ‘epic loot’, then is it really epic?
Yes, as long as the loot in question has an impressive feel and look to it.
I guess we differ on the feeling of accomplishments when it comes to ‘epic’.
For me, epic is something that is scarce and looks great. It makes you stand out and feel unique because you achieved something that many others cannot.
If everyone in this game who completes season 1 achievements for ‘epic’ loot ends up getting a nice skin set, the excitement over that skin set will disappear rather quickly. You’ll see it everywhere and you don’t feel special. That’s not epic, IMO.
Same thing happened when AP rewards came out. Everyone and their mother started carrying the AP skins and the novelty quickly came off. Now I don’t associate AP skins with prestige or ‘epic’. It’s more of a poor man’s skin.
What you’re describing isn’t epic, though. What you’re describing is exclusive.
They aren’t the same thing.
Something is fully capable of being epic without being exclusive.
If everyone gets ‘epic loot’, then is it really epic?
Yes, as long as the loot in question has an impressive feel and look to it.
I guess we differ on the feeling of accomplishments when it comes to ‘epic’.
For me, epic is something that is scarce and looks great. It makes you stand out and feel unique because you achieved something that many others cannot.
If everyone in this game who completes season 1 achievements for ‘epic’ loot ends up getting a nice skin set, the excitement over that skin set will disappear rather quickly. You’ll see it everywhere and you don’t feel special. That’s not epic, IMO.
Same thing happened when AP rewards came out. Everyone and their mother started carrying the AP skins and the novelty quickly came off. Now I don’t associate AP skins with prestige or ‘epic’. It’s more of a poor man’s skin.
What you’re describing isn’t epic, though. What you’re describing is exclusive.
They aren’t the same thing.
Something is fully capable of being epic without being exclusive.
As mentioned, exclusivity is a pre-requisite of ‘epic’ and is just one component. Again, just my opinion.
What is your criteria for ‘epic’ loot?
If everyone gets ‘epic loot’, then is it really epic?
Yes, as long as the loot in question has an impressive feel and look to it.
I guess we differ on the feeling of accomplishments when it comes to ‘epic’.
For me, epic is something that is scarce and looks great. It makes you stand out and feel unique because you achieved something that many others cannot.
If everyone in this game who completes season 1 achievements for ‘epic’ loot ends up getting a nice skin set, the excitement over that skin set will disappear rather quickly. You’ll see it everywhere and you don’t feel special. That’s not epic, IMO.
Same thing happened when AP rewards came out. Everyone and their mother started carrying the AP skins and the novelty quickly came off. Now I don’t associate AP skins with prestige or ‘epic’. It’s more of a poor man’s skin.
What you’re describing isn’t epic, though. What you’re describing is exclusive.
They aren’t the same thing.
Something is fully capable of being epic without being exclusive.
Exactly right. But there are going to be no shortage of people who want to be “special little snowflakes” who will tell you you’re wrong.
Epic: very great or large and usually difficult or impressive
Doesn’t have to be exclusive to be impressive
Exclusive: not shared : available to only one person or group
Only those that do the living story makes it exclusive. It does not specify how large or small a group may be
As mentioned, exclusivity is a pre-requisite of ‘epic’
Except it isn’t. If you look at the definition of epic, there is no requirement of exclusivity at all.
What is your criteria for ‘epic’ loot?
It has to look cool. Impressively so. At least SAB quality in terms of design and looks. (not 8-bit, necessarily. But SAB items have real quality to their design).
In the case of a LS reward, it should come from the meta, or if tied to the “final boss” directly, should drop upon being part of that boss defeat. No RNG silliness.
I don’t care if that means every other person in the game also has that item. That won’t stop me from using it, as long as the item in question is aesthetically pleasing to me.
(edited by Gene Archer.8560)
Epic gear has to look over the top, totally different from other gear and very sophisticated.
Just like legendary weapons. None of the other weapons look anything like legendaries, they have unique effects and lots of glowing parts. I don’t care if everyone and their mother has every legendary, they will always be epic for me.
~Sincerely, Scissors
As mentioned, exclusivity is a pre-requisite of ‘epic’
Except it isn’t. If you look at the definition of epic, there is no requirement of exclusivity at all.
What is your criteria for ‘epic’ loot?
It has to look cool. Impressively so. At least SAB quality in terms of design and looks. (not 8-bit, necessarily. But SAB items have real quality to their design).
In the case of a LS reward, it should come from the meta, or if tied to the “final boss” directly, should drop upon being part of that boss defeat. No RNG silliness.
Oh comon, don’t pull out that dictionary BS.
Let’s just say we agree to disagree.
Oh comon, don’t pull out that dictionary BS.
He is right though..
~Sincerely, Scissors
18th Feb. and 4th March will see the the last 2 updates for Living Story Season 1.
What I want to know, is after 15 months will it end in Epic loot?
Yes. definitely. The same way that WvW Season One ended with epic rewards.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I think they should do it based on the number of season 1 achievements you earned on your account, or maybe the number of achievement metas you completed.
1-5 metas completed : Bronze Epic Loot chest
5-10 metas completed: Silver Epic Loot chest
10-15 metas completed: Gold Epic Loot chest
15+ metas completed: Gold Epic Loot chest + special title
Personally I’d like something to explode and for it to rain loot like the end of a Borderlands 2 campaign.
Part-time Kittenposter
For me, epic is about acquisition. If the battle at LA and how Scarlet is defeated is awesome enough, then whatever I get to commemorate that will be epic because of what I did to get it. So regardless of how many others end up with it, if I get it, it is epic to me because I was there and did it and received it. Isn’t this why everyone loves the Liadri mini? Is it “epic” in terms of what it is or what it stands for?
This is what I would like to get in the end:
1. New minis as drops: Taimi, Rox, Braham, Marjory, Kasmeer(in her Mesmer armor), Ceara.
3. New title for meta achievement for last release. Dragon Awakener.
3. New skin for meta achievement. Dragon themed gloves, shoulders, and/or boots (to go with my dragon bash helmet and sunless wings).
4. New title for participating and/or completing LS related metas. Survivor of Scarlet’s Nightmare.
5. New home instance node for pristine spores for defeating Scarlet’s alliances.
ooh ooh! a l80 aquabreather!
no, seriously, I like titles so that would be fun
For the rest I really don’t care.
Don’t tease me! I want that exotic/ascended breather! ;_;
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Why should they give loot at the end of the living story? Do people play the game to have fun or are they playing to collect “wealth” ?
Why should they give loot at the end of the living story? Do people play the game to have fun or are they playing to collect “wealth” ?
You make it sound like they’re mutually exclusive.
Why should they give loot at the end of the living story? Do people play the game to have fun or are they playing to collect “wealth” ?
Little of both most likely for many. Sure, some only play for enjoyment and could care less about loot. Some may only play for loot. For some, just having a tiny something to show that they accomplished something (like making it through the living story) is part of that enjoyment.
For some, just having a tiny something to show that they accomplished something (like making it through the living story) is part of that enjoyment.
Didn’t we already get that with the meta rewards? (and other temporary rewards during each release)
Why should they give loot at the end of the living story? Do people play the game to have fun or are they playing to collect “wealth” ?
You make it sound like they’re mutually exclusive.
You must not have received the memo. Apparently, amassing “wealth” is considered a grind and should not be enjoyed.
For some, just having a tiny something to show that they accomplished something (like making it through the living story) is part of that enjoyment.
Didn’t we already get that with the meta rewards? (and other temporary rewards during each release)
Yes you have a meta reward for each individual chunk. “I did Clockwork Chaos” or “I did Halloween 2012” This would be “I did ‘x’ amount of the whole story!” Individual mile markers vs the end hooha
I bet it will be something like this:
If everyone gets ‘epic loot’, then is it really epic?
I think we can settle with non-loot rewards.
Are you nuts? Gamers want GOOD loot. . . . . .
Vol is vol. No one should be surprised, alarmed, amazed or upset that he has an opinion and considers it relevant, if not authoritative. (nothing but love, man
Honestly, I think most of you think that “its over” in March means somehow they are tying up loose ends and letting us kill her, ending in parades, anthems and silly magic tricks involving hallucinated moas. I do not believe they will…
No. I believe they may end the ‘Scarlet’ saga, and begin the new dragon/boss/meta part of the living story. You know what that means. You’re reward for completing the living story arc to this point will be the salty taste of tears and the tattered remains of a world being consumed by yet another new “bad guy of some type”. This is just end of the appetizer and salad course… Hopefully after a year we can finally dig in to the main course. If Anet ever had a way to sate me, its with the meat and potatoes.
My call is that we are trading one bad guy for another, bigger ‘badder’ guy. The rewards will probably mimic something like Krait tower or Marrionette. Do a bunch of events/etc and you have a chance to get some keys that open for a chance of rare drops….. and then a meta achieve to own your very own exclusive back piece that fits some aspect of the story, but has extremely limited fashion potential.
This is all just taking from what they have done recently…. so if Anet ever wanted to come out swinging and give us something in game worth having, (not necessarily loot), nows definitely the time…
One Black Lion Ticket Scrap.
Actually… I agree that getting one Black Lion Ticket (stingy ol’ Gnashblade better open up his wallet after we saved his precious BLTC!) would be an awesome reward for completing the Season 1 LS. There will also likely be a special title for killing Scarlet, and a chest that contains a variety of themed loot.
I don’t think that giving out more rewards for completing the whole LS is necessary (and I say this as someone who’s completed every single LS meta), since each of those separate steps also gave lots of AP and rewards in their own right. Those of us who did everything thus already have way more rewards than someone who joined in late.
For only 2k gems, you can purchase a box of greens! Contains 3 greens to celebrate the end of the living story.
For only 2k gems, you can purchase a box of greens! Contains 3 greens to celebrate the end of the living story.
Greens may be randomly be replaced with fun mystery tonics.
Titles are always good, but if they really wanted to have an epic reward:
- Living Story inspired Elite Skill
plus - Title (maybe “A Study in Scarlet”? Bonus points if you get the reference ^^)
plus - A mini
I’m not sure how Arena.net could implement an “epic” reward for the finale that wouldn’t righteously kitten off a very large group of people.
Do you just give an “epic” reward for the final meta achievement? Be ready for the fury of the meta hunters screaming that they deserve something more awesome than those “casuals” for being such dedicated players.
Create a meta-meta-achievement where completing [x] amount of living story meta achievements earns you some amazing? Well, put on your flak jackets, because here come the masses complaining that Arena.net AGAIN has pulled a 180 on the “play how you want” promise; how they are either encouraging “grindy play” or not informing their players of this great reward… etc… etc… and how it’s not fair and not right and oh God the game is going to burn in hell…
Nope. I think the best course of action is for the meta-reward for the end of the “season” not be anything particularly more amazing than the others.
I’m not sure how Arena.net could implement an “epic” reward for the finale that wouldn’t righteously kitten off a very large group of people.
Do you just give an “epic” reward for the final meta achievement? Be ready for the fury of the meta hunters screaming that they deserve something more awesome than those “casuals” for being such dedicated players.
Create a meta-meta-achievement where completing [x] amount of living story meta achievements earns you some amazing? Well, put on your flak jackets, because here come the masses complaining that Arena.net AGAIN has pulled a 180 on the “play how you want” promise; how they are either encouraging “grindy play” or not informing their players of this great reward… etc… etc… and how it’s not fair and not right and oh God the game is going to burn in hell…
Nope. I think the best course of action is for the meta-reward for the end of the “season” not be anything particularly more amazing than the others.
Then again, this is the game company that thought a limited use finisher and some merchant fodder was an appropriate reward for winning wvw seasons so we all have to remember that Anet “epic loot” may not necessarily = more generally accepted definition of “epic loot”.