Epic Party Screenshots

Epic Party Screenshots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Not so Evil Overlord.6305

The Not so Evil Overlord.6305

So, upon telling the people “face forwards and smile for the screenshot” I was told that I should post this on the forums. So, for simple forum practicality, I figured I’d make this topic a bit more general purpose, simply for posting screenshots of your party looking epic. And, as I wasn’t finding a topic for this anywhere, so, I figured I’d just go with this.

This group right here, (also known as the Pyromaniacs) is the group I was fighting Pyroxis with, when we got a silver for the Boss Blitz for the third time in a row. And also managed to hold him for eight solid minutes until all the other bosses were ready. Suffice to say, this group was seriously epic.

Not pictured is Alucard Sornbreaker, who had to log out before I noticed our nice lineup, and took the screenshot.


Egbert the Erudite, of Tarnished Coast

Epic Party Screenshots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArchieD.6972


There’s a thread around here somewhere where someone was offering little rewards for the best looking party, and kudos if you found a good background to take the screenshot in front of. I’ll try to find it.

10 Level 80s | http://tinyurl.com/oj4e9hr
1900+ Hrs Played | http://tinyurl.com/ppq4ksz
No Precursor | http://tinyurl.com/njgsg3l

Epic Party Screenshots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.7601


next time you want to take these screenshots, press CTRL + SHIFT + H.

It removes all unnecessary stuff, like nameplates, UI, chat, e.t.c

Epic Party Screenshots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


There’s a thread around here somewhere where someone was offering little rewards for the best looking party, and kudos if you found a good background to take the screenshot in front of. I’ll try to find it.

I believe that would be Lilith’s fashionable dungeon runners thread over in the dungeons forum:

I’ve only made my way up to page 20 of it so far. Some pretty decent shots in there.

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(edited by StinVec.3621)

Epic Party Screenshots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArchieD.6972


There’s a thread around here somewhere where someone was offering little rewards for the best looking party, and kudos if you found a good background to take the screenshot in front of. I’ll try to find it.

I believe that would be Lilith’s fashionable dungeon runners thread over in the dungeons forum:

I’ve only made my way up to page 20 of it so far. Some pretty decent shots in there.

That would be the one

10 Level 80s | http://tinyurl.com/oj4e9hr
1900+ Hrs Played | http://tinyurl.com/ppq4ksz
No Precursor | http://tinyurl.com/njgsg3l