Equalize All Stat Sets

Equalize All Stat Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skyline Crash.6254

Skyline Crash.6254

for example, celestial has way more stat points than say, cleric. they should all be equal.

Equalize All Stat Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


for example, celestial has way more stat points than say, cleric. they should all be equal.

What? No, that’s not how it should work. By spreading your points out to more stats you’re sacrificing the ability to optimize. Celestial should have more total stat points for this reason. It would be total garbage if it didn’t. If anything, it’s still a bit under-tuned and needs to have Concentration and Expertise added.

Equalize All Stat Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


If anything, it’s still a bit under-tuned and _needs to have Concentration and Expertise added._

Quoted for emphasis.

To be honest, ANet is paying for their lazy stat design. Or, more to point, we’re suffering for it.

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

Equalize All Stat Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The Stat System in itself needs a rework…

Ferocity needs to be baselined and removed as a Stat.
Whenever you do a Critical Hit, the Damage should be like now only baseline 50% higher than normal and then increaseable through Precision (So basically merging Ferocity with Precision).

healing Power needs to get merged together with Vitality to give Vitality finally that buff, that it needs to become a much more desired and viable Stat, becasuse just only the +10 HP per Point in themself alone are ridiculously unverwhelming.
If you are very vital it should be only logical that you can heal your also better, than when you aren’t as healthy as someone who puts alot of Stat Points into Vitality.
Merging Healign Power with Vitality would make Vitality also in general a more useful Stat.

By making these changes, Anet would create themself the needed space to fill the self made gap up with two much more useful and senseful Stat Attributes

  • Agility as a Stat Attribute, which should positively influence a Character’s Endurance Regeneration and how fast you can recharge your unique Class Mechanics.
  • Courage as a Stat Attribute to receive a Counter Stat against Expertise, which reduces the Maximum Condition Durations that you suffer on percentually, just like Expertise increases Maximum Durations of Conditions you deal.

I absolutely agree to it, that Celestial Gear needs to be fixed by adding with equal values Expertise and Concentration to Celestial Gear.
This Equipment is ALLSTAT Equipmernt and by simple logic this has to mean naturally also too, that Expertise and Concentration need to be added, otherwise it can’t be called by any means anymore “Allstat Gear”.
But only because Anet added officially 2 new Stat Attritibes, this shouldn#t automaticalyl mean that all other Stats should have to suffer from this change by reducing their values.
That would be an absolute step into the complete wrong direction and would cause only massive player dissatisfaction and peep storms about how Anet nerfs existign content only because they decided some years later to add finalyl Boon Duration and Condition Duration under new terms as official counting integrated Stat Attributes.

it needs to be the other way around, that Celestial Gear needs to simply get added Expertise and Concentration in the same way with the same values like all other stats have them right now.

A celestial amulet current gives a player +72 Points to all Stats, so after a change the fixed celestial amulet must have to look like this (includign my suggestino of merging stats and removng ferocity by makign its effect baseline):

Dual Effect Stat Attributes is what GW2 needs for better Game Balance

+ 72 Power = Increases Outgoing Direct Damage, Increases Boon Intensity
+ 72 Cunning* = Increases Outgoing Condition Damage, Decreases Recharge Times of Utility Skills Percentually
+ 72 Toughness = Decreases Incoming Direct Damage, Decreases Incoming Condition Durations
+ 72 Precision = Increases Critical Hit Rate, Increases Critical Damage Intensity
+ 72 Vitality = Increases Maximum Health, Increases Healing Intensity
+ 72 Agility = Increases Endurance Regeneration, Increases Durations of your Evades
+ 72 Courage = Decreases Recharge Times of Class Mechanics like Steal, lets you gain more Adrenaline ect., Decreases Recharge Times of Healing Skills percentually
+ 72 Expertise = Increases Outgoing Condition Durations, Decreases Incoming Condition Damage
+ 72 Concentration = Increases Boon Durations, Increases Weapon Swap Recharge Speed

  • To give Condition Damage also an more immersive Stat Attribute Name that fits to what it does. Condition Damage as Stat attribute name just sounds so freaking lame and uncreative
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)