Erroneously Depleted Ancient Sapling node

Erroneously Depleted Ancient Sapling node

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kruhljak.2705


Anyone have any ideas as to why I have a depleted ancient sapling node in Frostgorge Sound (the one a bit NW of Slough of Despond) that has not been logged for ages by any of my characters, including a few that were brought there for the first time (i.e. they got discovery XP along the way)?

The node isn’t a phantom, as a horde of other players have happily logged it in the five minutes I stood around looking up wiki info to see if there was a reason. As far as I know, there is no limit to the number of ancient logs you can harvest in a day (as there is for, say, blooming passiflora), so I don’t get it.

Oh, I should note, this is not an ongoing thing (I hope). I just visited here today after a long time, so it could be fine by tomorrow. It’s just weird, and it should have been live for all of my characters unless there is actually some internal limit to the number of ancient saplings an account can harvest, as I did harvest a lot from other nodes on other servers earlier in the day, but none from this particular node.

Erroneously Depleted Ancient Sapling node

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swagger.1459


We found the chosen one!

Hurry, take over the matrix and hook us up with all sorts of stuff before Agent John Smith stops you!

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

(edited by Swagger.1459)

Erroneously Depleted Ancient Sapling node

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Simplest explanation is that you’re drunk.

Erroneously Depleted Ancient Sapling node

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kruhljak.2705


If I were drunk I probably wouldn’t have been able to post asking about it.

Erroneously Depleted Ancient Sapling node

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I don’t know, I’ve swam while drunk, and I can’t swim while sober.

Erroneously Depleted Ancient Sapling node

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


If I were drunk I probably wouldn’t have been able to post asking about it.

I disagree, I am drunk and response this posting.

Erroneously Depleted Ancient Sapling node

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I thought everyone played drunk.

I know the asura do, have you seen them run?

Erroneously Depleted Ancient Sapling node

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tamasan.6457


As far as I know, there is no limit to the number of ancient logs you can harvest in a day (as there is for, say, blooming passiflora), so I don’t get it.

There is definitely a daily maximum amount of times you can harvest all T6 resources on a per map per character basis, just like passiflora and other resources in Southsun. There is a limit on mithril/elder wood in Southsun. There may be a much higher limit on all resources as demonstrated by bloodstones in the new zone, but T6 and Southsun are the most noticeable. After you’ve reached the cap, all nodes of that type will appear as already harvested and not show on your minimap.

Rich nodes in the same map also have a cap, but seem to count towards a different value than the standard nodes, again most easily seen by harvesting mithril in Southsun.

Erroneously Depleted Ancient Sapling node

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galtrix.7369


As far as I know, there is no limit to the number of ancient logs you can harvest in a day (as there is for, say, blooming passiflora), so I don’t get it.

There is definitely a daily maximum amount of times you can harvest all T6 resources on a per map per character basis, just like passiflora and other resources in Southsun. There is a limit on mithril/elder wood in Southsun. There may be a much higher limit on all resources as demonstrated by bloodstones in the new zone, but T6 and Southsun are the most noticeable. After you’ve reached the cap, all nodes of that type will appear as already harvested and not show on your minimap.

Rich nodes in the same map also have a cap, but seem to count towards a different value than the standard nodes, again most easily seen by harvesting mithril in Southsun.

…. do you happen to have a source for this? Maybe I don’t mine/harvest/chop enough, but I’ve never run into a resource-cap.

[~Galtrix~] [~Level 80 Elementalist~] [~GoM~]

Erroneously Depleted Ancient Sapling node

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheLordQ.1857


The only time I have seen anything like that is
1) Go to frostgorge, where there are 2 ancient trees.
2) Chop down one tree
3) Get onto a new map.
4) Both trees are real and choppable, BUT as soon as you cut one down, the other one gets depleted as well.

You can see this happen today if you mine 30 bloodstone nodes in the new zone; the rest of the nodes deplete.

I have no idea if this was helpful :P

Erroneously Depleted Ancient Sapling node

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ubi.4136


This happens even if you haven’t harvested anything in days.

Good example is east gate of AB. There is at times an ancient sapling on the waypoint level and one lower by the door. On multiple occasions, having not harvested anything in the last 48 or more hours, will log in, see the 2 ancient saplings and have the second one become unavailable just as I finish harvesting the first.

Lost in the Maguuma [TC]
Te Nosce [TC]

Erroneously Depleted Ancient Sapling node

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


As far as I know, there is no limit to the number of ancient logs you can harvest in a day (as there is for, say, blooming passiflora), so I don’t get it.

There is definitely a daily maximum amount of times you can harvest all T6 resources on a per map per character basis, just like passiflora and other resources in Southsun. There is a limit on mithril/elder wood in Southsun. There may be a much higher limit on all resources as demonstrated by bloodstones in the new zone, but T6 and Southsun are the most noticeable. After you’ve reached the cap, all nodes of that type will appear as already harvested and not show on your minimap.

Rich nodes in the same map also have a cap, but seem to count towards a different value than the standard nodes, again most easily seen by harvesting mithril in Southsun.

Yeah I would also have to disagree with this assessment. The only place I’ve ever noticed a limit on Rich nodes is Silverwastes, and that limit is immediately noticeable. You can harvest from one of the Rich Mithril Veins for the full 10 strikes, and then when you find another Rich Mithril Vein you will only get 3 strikes on it before it shows as depleted. SW is the only place I have ever seen this behavior.

I can’t speak to Southsun as I don’t regularly harvest blooming passiflora, but “standard” T6 on other high level maps are always available for me to harvest. I run nodes on a regular basis (it’s one of the primary things I do in this game, laugh if you like!), and my route is typically Brisban > Maelstrom > Blazeridge > Harathi > Malchor (and sometimes Frostgorge). Brisban, for example, usually has three Rich Iron Veins and a Rich Silver Vein. You can harvest all four of these rich veins every day, provided you are able to locate the two “traveling” veins easily. The same case can be said for most of the other maps—there is no limit to the number of strikes you get on these nodes, but occasionally you may be hard pressed to locate all of the rich veins in an area as sometimes they “spawn” in hard to reach areas or places you might not usually check.

That said, rich veins refresh once daily, and T6 nodes also only refresh once daily, at reset, much like vegetable farms (or flax farms). Also it is worth mentioning that if you harvest from these veins/farms/T6 too close to reset (~10-15min before reset time), you may have to wait a fairly significant period of time before they will refresh, and in some cases I have seen them not refresh at all until the following day. Always hit your 24hr timed nodes well before reset (I usually try to hit them 2-3 hours before, and run regular nodes until reset) to ensure they refresh for you to harvest again.

Running nodes might not be the most exciting way to play GW2, but it certainly is profitable. If you don’t want to run multiple maps (I do, simply because it breaks up the monotony), you can easily run the node-rich areas of Brisban, Maelstrom, and Malchor’s, and by the time you finish with Malchor’s the standard nodes will have respawned for you to harvest again. Lather, rinse, repeat.

If you are having a problem with one or two T6 nodes not refreshing for you, it may be wise to start keeping a log of when you last harvested those nodes and check back periodically after reset each day to see if they’ve refreshed. If you harvested an Ancient node 5 minutes before reset, it very likely will not refresh until the following day’s reset (eg: in 5 minutes plus 24 hours). If you’ve gone a full 48 hours with the Ancient node still not refreshing, submit a support ticket to see if something else is afoot.