Even more gambling skins in next update

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rooks Zaer.5846

Rooks Zaer.5846

Datamining GW2.dat shows there will be Festive Dragon Coffers with a rare chance at Dragon’s Jade Weapon Skin Tickets! Yay!


(edited by Rooks Zaer.5846)

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


It’s highly profitable. a-net is a corporation. this was expected. RNG boxes will continue, despite the forum complaints, until it is no longer more profitable to sell RNG boxes.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ursan.7846


Vote with your wallet.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


It’s getting really sickening.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Vote with your wallet.

exactaly. That’s more or less what I just said.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doggie.3184


Eh. People buying tons of boxes are making them focus on making more RNG weapons instead of making new armor skins.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Vote with your wallet.

Too bad there are more than enough people with disposable income, desperate for the jealously of their virtual peers to keep them doing this for a long, long time.

Hell, I suspect half the reason we haven’t seen the wintersday system again is because not enough people bought those butt-ugly weapons and anet figured it was a bad system for generating income all together.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: crystalpink.2487


I dislike RNG =(

Euphemia Hime (Elementalist), Pinky Pearl (Mesmer), Avicenia (Ranger), Vanille Morgana (Necromancer)
Chibi Asura San (Engineer), Hikaru Masai (Guardian), Selene Minerva (Revenant)
Guild: The Bunnies [Bun] ~ Server: Jade Quarry

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ursan.7846


Hell, I suspect half the reason we haven’t seen the wintersday system again is because not enough people bought those butt-ugly weapons and anet figured it was a bad system for generating income all together.

Braham/Rox’s weapons, which I remember quite a few people on this forum fawning over.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Hell, I suspect half the reason we haven’t seen the wintersday system again is because not enough people bought those butt-ugly weapons and anet figured it was a bad system for generating income all together.

Braham/Rox’s weapons.

3 vs the entire arsenal of the Molten weapons and now the Karka gear.

They wouldn’t have sold enough boxes to people with just 3 weapons when they could only be used by a couple classes to begin with.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zorby.8236


This is a joke right? Or a nightmare…
Well…here’s hoping the skins look as bad as every other round…

~This is the internet, my (or your) opinion doesn’t matter~

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vawn.3041


Datamining GW2.dat shows there will be Festive Dragon Coffers with a rare chance at Dragon’s Jade Weapon Skin Tickets! Yay!


To be honest, I would be relieved if these coffers were only available from them Gem Store – because then I could completely ignore them and focus on doing other content. I’m not saying they should do that, there are certainly people who would not mind farming the coffers if they were rare drops. And its always good to have an option besides gambling with your RL cash. I’m just burned out from killing hundreds of Karka, Reef Drakes, Mosquitoes, Skale, Sharks, Hermit Crabs, Crazed this, Crazed that, etc. like an automated killing machine for hours on end in hopes of a crate drop.

Anyway, if you see a Sylvari Ranger running around with hounds “Bren” and “Pip” engaged in the Great Safari Massacre, it’s just me (and not a bot).

Now, if you’ll excuse me… Enough posting. More farming


P.S. – Is it me or have the HP pools of Veteran and normal reef riders been toned way down? I used to avoid the Vets because they were baaaadddd to the tentacle, commanding grave respect. Since today, I just run up to them and DPS (Disrespect Per Second) them down.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: captaincrash.6528


can we please just get more sets of armour in this game? I’ve been stuck with this same look for months. Weapon skins aren’t cutting it anymore, especially not RNG ones. I got one of the Molten ones and a Halloween one and I’m done with those, I don’t need to gamble for any more of the sets coming because I don’t have any armour to match! For a game about looks there isn’t nearly enough customization.

Crash ~ Charr Reaper

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doggie.3184


Datamining GW2.dat shows there will be Festive Dragon Coffers with a rare chance at Dragon’s Jade Weapon Skin Tickets! Yay!


To be honest, I would be relieved if these coffers were only available from them Gem Store – because then I could completely ignore them and focus on doing other content. I’m not saying they should do that, there are certainly people who would not mind farming the coffers if they were rare drops. And its always good to have an option besides gambling with your RL cash. I’m just burned out from killing hundreds of Karka, Reef Drakes, Mosquitoes, Skale, Sharks, Hermit Crabs, Crazed this, Crazed that, etc. like an automated killing machine for hours on end in hopes of a crate drop.

Anyway, if you see a Sylvari Ranger running around with hounds “Bren” and “Pip” engaged in the Great Safari Massacre, it’s just me (and not a bot).

Now, if you’ll excuse me… Enough posting. More farming

Yeah, I’m feeling the same way. I’ve gotten only 10 crates so far from farming like crazy. Logged off and trying to resist wasting too much of my day on it. Probably just going to avoid farming/buying coffers all together if it’s gonna be the same old.

can we please just get more sets of armour in this game?

^ This please, for the love of Dwayna. Make it fit Male Sylvari properly or be skirtless too PLEASE.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amadan.9451


i’m only said because luck never turns around here, people that already found the molten ticket in black lion chest, already found also the karka ticket from the random crate…
and there are people that got nothing so far.

at least we can rely on the guaranteed achievement prize!

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Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

In 9 months spent zero dollars, after next patch will spend zero dollars. To me even if the weapon looks good (which probably won’t be the case since Jade weps looked like crap in gw1) when you get it from a freaking chest that demands DOLLARS and not a drop from a challenging dungeon, it worth nothing and i don’t want it. Getting skins from BL chests is pathetic… i want to get skins like i was in gw1, is this too much asking?

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Vote with your wallet.

The worst part is that money spent on gems goes to NCsoft and not to Anet.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Vote with your wallet.

The worst part is that money spent on gems goes to NCsoft and not to Anet.

Why do people keep saying this? Anet is not an independent company it’s entirely owned by NCsoft and has been since the release of Guild Wars 1.

First, there’s zero evidence that the money goes DIRECTLY to NCsoft. But of course the money goes to NCsoft, since they own Anet. This is totally illogical.

Let’s say I own three businesses. All the money from all those businesses are mine. I pay my employees in all three businesses, I pay for rent, and all that stuff out of what the business makes, but at the end of the day the business profit’s are mine. This is reality.

The same was true for Guild Wars 1. Anet was owned by NCsoft, so Anet’s profit IS NCsoft’s profit and always has been.

I might get competent even good guys to run my businesses for me, and I’ll pay them higher wages accordingly, but at the end of the day the business is mine.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThePedroKid.2580


Vote with your wallet.

The fact is, the gold to gem conversion doesn’t necessarily apply here as they are ‘limited time’ items. Meaning unless you can instantly make the amount of gold it would take to buy enough gems to get the item you are out of luck. If they were permanent, that argument would carry more weight.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


How is GW2 more ambitious than GW1? Just curious, that makes no sense because they dumbed GW1 down, made it shinier, and removed half the game and called it GW2. I’m just not sure how you can say it’s a bigger project when there is less to show for it, even at release.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaall.3420


Does it really need to be said AGAIN that GW2 has been out less than a year and GW1 has been out for a lot lot longer? The reason GW2 has less content is because it’s fairly new, and saying it should have the same amount as a game that’s been around for years is just stupid. Doesn’t stop people complaining though but I guess nothing ever will, there will always be those who find something to complain about just for the sake of complaining.

I personally don’t really like RNG but I can deal with not getting every single thing in this game because it doesn’t really effect me either way. It’s simply a game I play when I don’t have anything better to do and there is plenty I can do without spending real money. I’ve already got a lot off the gem store using in game gold so i don’t see the big deal unless you literally HAVE to have everything, but that’s an extremely unhealthy attitude.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


How is GW2 more ambitious than GW1? Just curious, that makes no sense because they dumbed GW1 down, made it shinier, and removed half the game and called it GW2. I’m just not sure how you can say it’s a bigger project when there is less to show for it, even at release.

It’s ambitious because it’s larger and they have a much faster update schedule. You’re not thinking in terms of the sheer size of the world. Prophecies was largish, but pathed. You didn’t get to much of the map. This map is far more open. The zones are bigger.

Prophecies had one single race with one single starting area, and nothing resembling an actual city.

A lobby based game is far easy to program and manage than an MMO too. There was nothing like dynamic events in prophecies. So while prophecies started with 500 some odd quests, and 25 missions, Guild Wars 2 started with 1500 plus dynamic events, plus all the hearts, plus all the personal story instances. Like them or not, it’s a whole lot more than 25 missions.

Guild quests didn’t exist in Guild Wars 1, either. Jumping puzzles didn’t exist or even jumping. Just adding a z axis made a lot of things popular, including underwater combat, which grows the world much larger and gives a whole different style of combat (which in itself is ambitious).

You may like Guild Wars 1 better than Guild Wars 2, but Guild Wars 2 is much more ambitious.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


How is GW2 more ambitious than GW1? Just curious, that makes no sense because they dumbed GW1 down, made it shinier, and removed half the game and called it GW2. I’m just not sure how you can say it’s a bigger project when there is less to show for it, even at release.

It’s ambitious because it’s larger and they have a much faster update schedule. You’re not thinking in terms of the sheer size of the world. Prophecies was largish, but pathed. You didn’t get to much of the map. This map is far more open. The zones are bigger.

Prophecies had one single race with one single starting area, and nothing resembling an actual city.

A lobby based game is far easy to program and manage than an MMO too. There was nothing like dynamic events in prophecies. So while prophecies started with 500 some odd quests, and 25 missions, Guild Wars 2 started with 1500 plus dynamic events, plus all the hearts, plus all the personal story instances. Like them or not, it’s a whole lot more than 25 missions.

Guild quests didn’t exist in Guild Wars 1, either. Jumping puzzles didn’t exist or even jumping. Just adding a z axis made a lot of things popular, including underwater combat, which grows the world much larger and gives a whole different style of combat (which in itself is ambitious).

You may like Guild Wars 1 better than Guild Wars 2, but Guild Wars 2 is much more ambitious.

Agree to disagree, on the GW1 thing and I don’t agree with that last line of your earlier post. If you aren’t doing any of the work, it’s not your business whether you “own” it or not. It’s you taking credit for someone else’s work. But that’s semantics anyway and really not the point of this thread :P

GW2 is about as ambitious as GW1 turned WoW can get. They don’t have scheduled content updates, they ignore PvP/WvW most of the time.

Ambitious would be quit being thieves making RNG boxes and limited time items in said boxes, and fix the kitten bugs in the game and add some content.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

(edited by Aeonblade.8709)

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


How is GW2 more ambitious than GW1? Just curious, that makes no sense because they dumbed GW1 down, made it shinier, and removed half the game and called it GW2. I’m just not sure how you can say it’s a bigger project when there is less to show for it, even at release.

It’s ambitious because it’s larger and they have a much faster update schedule. You’re not thinking in terms of the sheer size of the world. Prophecies was largish, but pathed. You didn’t get to much of the map. This map is far more open. The zones are bigger.

Prophecies had one single race with one single starting area, and nothing resembling an actual city.

A lobby based game is far easy to program and manage than an MMO too. There was nothing like dynamic events in prophecies. So while prophecies started with 500 some odd quests, and 25 missions, Guild Wars 2 started with 1500 plus dynamic events, plus all the hearts, plus all the personal story instances. Like them or not, it’s a whole lot more than 25 missions.

Guild quests didn’t exist in Guild Wars 1, either. Jumping puzzles didn’t exist or even jumping. Just adding a z axis made a lot of things popular, including underwater combat, which grows the world much larger and gives a whole different style of combat (which in itself is ambitious).

You may like Guild Wars 1 better than Guild Wars 2, but Guild Wars 2 is much more ambitious.

Agree to disagree, on the GW1 thing and I don’t agree with that last line of your earlier post. If you aren’t doing any of the work, it’s not your business whether you “own” it or not. It’s you taking credit for someone else’s work. But that’s semantics anyway and really not the point of this thread :P

GW2 is about as ambitious as GW1 turned WoW can get.

Are you saying the playable area is not larger? That the staff isn’t larger. That there aren’t more dynamic events than there were quests? What part are you actually disagreeing with.

The amount of quests and starting areas isn’t a theory. You can’t possibly say that Five different starting zones with two areas each isn’t more ambitious than Pre.

So tell me, what was so ambitious about Prophecies at launch? Besides not charging a monthly fee, it was a lobby game that allowed you to party. If you really think that an MMO isn’t harder to program…shrugs…there’s nothing really to disagree with here. It’s a whole different animal.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


Is there any reason why you guys just removed most of the posts complaining about the RNG boxes?

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PetricaKerempuh.7958


here is the deal guys… armor skins are gonna be only rng boxes. this weapon skins nonsense was just a try out for the model they gonna put in.

im only doing things i can get for sure (achievement rewards), and will never farm for rng boxes. since i got my rewards on the 1st day, there is no reason to get back to southsun. i would actually play the event till the end, but im honestly disgusted with rng boxes dropping from rng mobs. this is much worse than any korean mmo i played in my life. there you would get a rng for drop and thats it. here u get rng box!!! disgusting.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ursan.7846


If you say so Vayne, I’m not doing this with you tonight, go troll someone else.

GW2 is literally a larger game than GW1. This is a fact, and you disagreeing with it does not change this. GW1, when first launched, had the Prophesies storyline and bare bones PvP. GW2 has a huge open world, much more substantial PvP than GW1 (remember, GvG only came 1.5 years in GW1’s life), and WvW. Vayne has provided you some hard, factual numbers showing you the difference in scale for GW1/2. (1 race vs 5. 6 classes vs 8. 500 quests vs 1500 dynamic events. No dungeon-like instance (SF came out 4 months into the game) vs 8 dungeons)

GW1 originally was created by 3 developers (Mike O’Brien, Patrick Wyatt, Jeff Strain). GW2 has a team of 300.

You have to really not like facts if you believe GW1 was somehow more “ambitious” than GW2, especially at launch. People tend to forget how the game barely had anything at launch. Take off those nostalgia goggles.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


If you say so Vayne, I’m not doing this with you tonight, go troll someone else.

GW2 is literally a larger game than GW1. This is a fact, and you disagreeing with it does not change this. GW1, when first launched, had the Prophesies storyline and bare bones PvP. GW2 has a huge open world, much more substantial PvP than GW1 (remember, GvG only came 1.5 years in GW1’s life), and WvW. Vayne has provided you some hard, factual numbers showing you the difference in scale for GW1/2. (1 race vs 5. 6 classes vs 8. 500 quests vs 1500 dynamic events. No dungeon-like instance (SF came out 4 months into the game) vs 8 dungeons)

GW1 originally was created by 3 developers (Mike O’Brien, Patrick Wyatt, Jeff Strain). GW2 has a team of 300.

You have to really not like facts if you believe GW1 was somehow more “ambitious” than GW2, especially at launch. People tend to forget how the game barely had anything at launch. Take off those nostalgia goggles.

When did I say it was bigger, we were talking about ambition. There was no need for a long paragraph to try to put words in my mouth, thanks though. I don’t have any goggles on either, I didn’t like GW1 that much, but it was still a more groundbreaking ambitious game than this one is in my eyes.

Sure GW2 is bigger, but every other game is bigger than GW2 for the most part. So what’s your point?

EDIT: Gonna slink out of here now, pretty sure this is the same person I refused to argue with anyway lol.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

(edited by Aeonblade.8709)

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ursan.7846


When did I say it was bigger, we were talking about ambition. There was no need for a long kitten paragraph to try to put words in my mouth, thanks though.

Ambitious: Intended to satisfy high aspirations and therefore difficult to achieve.

GW2 was way bigger than GW1 at launch. GW2 attempted to appeal to a much wider audience, and was much more difficult to code than GW1 (the whole instanced vs non-instance, the crapload of content compared to GW1). NCSoft also invested a TON more money into this project, compared to GW1. Then there’s the fact that GW2’s introducing a lot of concepts unique to it in the MMO industry (Love it or hate it, the “Living Story” concept is very unique.)

Does this not scream “ambition” to you?

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkylightMoon.1980


Vote with your wallet.

The worst part is that money spent on gems goes to NCsoft and not to Anet.

Why do people keep saying this? Anet is not an independent company it’s entirely owned by NCsoft and has been since the release of Guild Wars 1.

First, there’s zero evidence that the money goes DIRECTLY to NCsoft. But of course the money goes to NCsoft, since they own Anet. This is totally illogical.

Let’s say I own three businesses. All the money from all those businesses are mine. I pay my employees in all three businesses, I pay for rent, and all that stuff out of what the business makes, but at the end of the day the business profit’s are mine. This is reality.

The same was true for Guild Wars 1. Anet was owned by NCsoft, so Anet’s profit IS NCsoft’s profit and always has been.

I might get competent even good guys to run my businesses for me, and I’ll pay them higher wages accordingly, but at the end of the day the business is mine.

Its because Dontain had to make a video whining about it. The video got really really popular, and everyones like “Hes right!! All those greedy publisher corporations stealing anets money! So much corruption.” The truth is, Dontain probably doesnt even know what hes talking about. He based an entire rant on a few comments made by NCSoft.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doofus Overload.4061

Doofus Overload.4061

Does it really need to be said AGAIN that GW2 has been out less than a year and GW1 has been out for a lot lot longer? The reason GW2 has less content is because it’s fairly new, and saying it should have the same amount as a game that’s been around for years is just stupid. Doesn’t stop people complaining though but I guess nothing ever will, there will always be those who find something to complain about just for the sake of complaining.

I personally don’t really like RNG but I can deal with not getting every single thing in this game because it doesn’t really effect me either way. It’s simply a game I play when I don’t have anything better to do and there is plenty I can do without spending real money. I’ve already got a lot off the gem store using in game gold so i don’t see the big deal unless you literally HAVE to have everything, but that’s an extremely unhealthy attitude.

^ This, excactly, you just saved me the effort of typing, thank you

I’m rather partial to some cheese on toast

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


Does it really need to be said AGAIN that GW2 has been out less than a year and GW1 has been out for a lot lot longer? The reason GW2 has less content is because it’s fairly new, and saying it should have the same amount as a game that’s been around for years is just stupid. Doesn’t stop people complaining though but I guess nothing ever will, there will always be those who find something to complain about just for the sake of complaining.

I personally don’t really like RNG but I can deal with not getting every single thing in this game because it doesn’t really effect me either way. It’s simply a game I play when I don’t have anything better to do and there is plenty I can do without spending real money. I’ve already got a lot off the gem store using in game gold so i don’t see the big deal unless you literally HAVE to have everything, but that’s an extremely unhealthy attitude.

^ This, excactly, you just saved me the effort of typing, thank you

9 months fairly new? so when are we about to get polished game, 10+ years?

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Funset.7893


Datamining GW2.dat shows there will be Festive Dragon Coffers with a rare chance at Dragon’s Jade Weapon Skin Tickets! Yay!


As long as they don’t bring any pay to win items in the store, I am KINDA fine with it.
Not that I approve putting the cool skins in the cash shop, but it is the less evil.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


Datamining GW2.dat shows there will be Festive Dragon Coffers with a rare chance at Dragon’s Jade Weapon Skin Tickets! Yay!


As long as they don’t bring any pay to win items in the store, I am KINDA fine with it.
Not that I approve putting the cool skins in the cash shop, but it is the less evil.

And what is there to do in PvE then? It’s game about cosmetic but (almost) all cosmetics are in game shop.

Edit: New ones.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaall.3420


Does it really need to be said AGAIN that GW2 has been out less than a year and GW1 has been out for a lot lot longer? The reason GW2 has less content is because it’s fairly new, and saying it should have the same amount as a game that’s been around for years is just stupid. Doesn’t stop people complaining though but I guess nothing ever will, there will always be those who find something to complain about just for the sake of complaining.

I personally don’t really like RNG but I can deal with not getting every single thing in this game because it doesn’t really effect me either way. It’s simply a game I play when I don’t have anything better to do and there is plenty I can do without spending real money. I’ve already got a lot off the gem store using in game gold so i don’t see the big deal unless you literally HAVE to have everything, but that’s an extremely unhealthy attitude.

^ This, excactly, you just saved me the effort of typing, thank you

9 months fairly new? so when are we about to get polished game, 10+ years?

New in an mmo sense. Ever played any other mmo at launch? It’s exactly the same if not worse than this.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


Does it really need to be said AGAIN that GW2 has been out less than a year and GW1 has been out for a lot lot longer? The reason GW2 has less content is because it’s fairly new, and saying it should have the same amount as a game that’s been around for years is just stupid. Doesn’t stop people complaining though but I guess nothing ever will, there will always be those who find something to complain about just for the sake of complaining.

I personally don’t really like RNG but I can deal with not getting every single thing in this game because it doesn’t really effect me either way. It’s simply a game I play when I don’t have anything better to do and there is plenty I can do without spending real money. I’ve already got a lot off the gem store using in game gold so i don’t see the big deal unless you literally HAVE to have everything, but that’s an extremely unhealthy attitude.

^ This, excactly, you just saved me the effort of typing, thank you

9 months fairly new? so when are we about to get polished game, 10+ years?

New in an mmo sense. Ever played any other mmo at launch? It’s exactly the same if not worse than this.

Ok if it makes you feel better.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Does it really need to be said AGAIN that GW2 has been out less than a year and GW1 has been out for a lot lot longer? The reason GW2 has less content is because it’s fairly new, and saying it should have the same amount as a game that’s been around for years is just stupid. Doesn’t stop people complaining though but I guess nothing ever will, there will always be those who find something to complain about just for the sake of complaining.

I personally don’t really like RNG but I can deal with not getting every single thing in this game because it doesn’t really effect me either way. It’s simply a game I play when I don’t have anything better to do and there is plenty I can do without spending real money. I’ve already got a lot off the gem store using in game gold so i don’t see the big deal unless you literally HAVE to have everything, but that’s an extremely unhealthy attitude.

^ This, excactly, you just saved me the effort of typing, thank you

9 months fairly new? so when are we about to get polished game, 10+ years?

9 months for an MMO is very new. Most MMOkitten their stride after they’ve been out a couple of years. If they do badly up front, (Warhammer for example) they get fixed after almost everyone has left. I’m pretty sure Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have that problem.

Denying that a 9 month MMO is still in it’s infancy is pretty strange to me. Do you not see the difference between WoW at 9 months and WoW at 2 years. Or any other MMO? They can be almost completely different games after they mature.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


If you say so Vayne, I’m not doing this with you tonight, go troll someone else.

GW2 is literally a larger game than GW1. This is a fact, and you disagreeing with it does not change this. GW1, when first launched, had the Prophesies storyline and bare bones PvP. GW2 has a huge open world, much more substantial PvP than GW1 (remember, GvG only came 1.5 years in GW1’s life), and WvW. Vayne has provided you some hard, factual numbers showing you the difference in scale for GW1/2. (1 race vs 5. 6 classes vs 8. 500 quests vs 1500 dynamic events. No dungeon-like instance (SF came out 4 months into the game) vs 8 dungeons)

GW1 originally was created by 3 developers (Mike O’Brien, Patrick Wyatt, Jeff Strain). GW2 has a team of 300.

You have to really not like facts if you believe GW1 was somehow more “ambitious” than GW2, especially at launch. People tend to forget how the game barely had anything at launch. Take off those nostalgia goggles.

When did I say it was bigger, we were talking about ambition. There was no need for a long paragraph to try to put words in my mouth, thanks though. I don’t have any goggles on either, I didn’t like GW1 that much, but it was still a more groundbreaking ambitious game than this one is in my eyes.

Sure GW2 is bigger, but every other game is bigger than GW2 for the most part. So what’s your point?

EDIT: Gonna slink out of here now, pretty sure this is the same person I refused to argue with anyway lol.

Nope, sorry I’m the person you refused to argue with…and since you have no real argument…it’s more ambitious because you say so or you like it, well, shrugs. I wouldn’t argue either. It’s not like you can win this one.

Guild Wars 2 is FACTUALLY a bigger game with a broader scope that required more of an investment and more time before release. I’m not sure how any can argue it’s not more ambitious. I mean Prophecies was great for a first game from a new company…but that doesn’t make it ambitious…even if it was ingenious.

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


Does it really need to be said AGAIN that GW2 has been out less than a year and GW1 has been out for a lot lot longer? The reason GW2 has less content is because it’s fairly new, and saying it should have the same amount as a game that’s been around for years is just stupid. Doesn’t stop people complaining though but I guess nothing ever will, there will always be those who find something to complain about just for the sake of complaining.

I personally don’t really like RNG but I can deal with not getting every single thing in this game because it doesn’t really effect me either way. It’s simply a game I play when I don’t have anything better to do and there is plenty I can do without spending real money. I’ve already got a lot off the gem store using in game gold so i don’t see the big deal unless you literally HAVE to have everything, but that’s an extremely unhealthy attitude.

^ This, excactly, you just saved me the effort of typing, thank you

9 months fairly new? so when are we about to get polished game, 10+ years?

9 months for an MMO is very new. Most MMOkitten their stride after they’ve been out a couple of years. If they do badly up front, (Warhammer for example) they get fixed after almost everyone has left. I’m pretty sure Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have that problem.

Denying that a 9 month MMO is still in it’s infancy is pretty strange to me. Do you not see the difference between WoW at 9 months and WoW at 2 years. Or any other MMO? They can be almost completely different games after they mature.

WoW at 9 months was probably much better (didn’t play it, but people that did already said there was less bugs, excpeseally dungeons, and pvp much better) and it only got better, where is GW2 going with this "buy rng for some mini cat, talk to npc achievement, new “dungeon” room’" things?

Even more gambling skins in next update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.6837



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