Event Chest Reward

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

Ok so 10 – 12 of us have just defeated the high risen wizard and the best loot from the LARGE Chest , in the whole group, was a RARE lvl 80 serker ring and a RARE med leg armour. The group wiped 3 times before that due to not having many people (and confusion/spat surge)
I feel the rewards do not justify the effort i have sent a ticket to support over this matter 10 days ago but no answer – and yet when i’ve sent support tickets in the past they’ve been answered within 48hrs. So is that a case of ‘selective listening’?
The meta event bosses are supposed to be big and nasty thats why they drop a large (special) chest – but its no good if there’s no useful shinies.
If the dynamic events are ‘aware’ of how many players are nearby then surely that same code can be used to determine rewards (Dungeon chests are even easier to fix).


SERIOUSLY? 30yrs gaming (a lot of it DMing P&P) and these loot tables are some of the worst i have ever seen. .
. . .*hey folks- lets not bother killing the lich lord, i just got a +5 holy avenger from killing that skeleton, BUT they decide, if that was the treasure from a lowlie skeleton, the lich lord must have treasures beyond belief. The battle is fierce and intense, consumables used, people injured, equipment damaged but the fight was won. Time to open the treasure Chest . . . only to find a +1dagger and 1 healing potion)
So if the rewards are not CONSISTENTLY good enough why have a large chest?
I’m curious as to how many devs are lvling/playing pve right now (not just checking certain parts – but playing the whole pve world)

SO the discussion is Are YOU (consistently) happy with the Chest Rewards?

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Players are aware of the issue. Anet remains willfully oblivious to it, claiming there is nothing wrong.

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aoshi.4785


Yeah, I’ve been in groups that have defeated him about 10 times this month alone, and ALWAYS, every chest, is pure greens. Someone might get a rare, but it’s only ever been one. But me, it’s always been greens.

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flamenco.3894


I think because the loot is NOT shared that the overall rate loot drop for a higher tier item is lower.

Prince Rurik and Lady Althea. Anyone else see the incompatibilty here?

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: critickitten.1498


You guys got two rares amongst the lot of you?

Man, you’re lucky. I’ve seen groups go without a single rare.

Remember when our developers talked about “strengthening the core game”?
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emikochan.8504


I’m happy with them, most events aren’t really hard enough to be worth more than already drops.

Though I’ve never worn magicfind, so whatevs :P

Welcome to my world – http://emikochan13.wordpress.com

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Think about this for a minute.

If you were locked out of doing the event for a week at a time, I could see them upping the drop rates on rares and exotics, but with the event resetting every couple hours it really doesn’t make sense.

There are lots of meta events with big chests – there are ~170 dragon events alone each week. If they all dropped rares and exotics for everyone we’d be vendoring them the way we do blues and greens now.

Maybe what we should be asking for is an event with a reaaaally long reset timer that drops better loot

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aoshi.4785


Reset times shouldn’t matter, the OP’s point is that the loot chest, regardless of the event spawn time, should be consistent with the event itself, in this case, difficulty. Two weeks of greens doesn’t play, lol.

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soulstar.7812


Players are aware of the issue. Anet remains willfully oblivious to it, claiming there is nothing wrong.

He’s preaching to the choir…

we been saying the loot drops are terrible for a good long while, they seem to brush it off.

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Villious.8530


In most MMO’s risk = reward. Here, risk > reward…….a lot > reward. I was grinding in Queensdale today on my level 80 doing my daily, and I had 2 rares drop from trash mobs within 20 mins. What’s the incentive to blow consumables and repair money when I get better loot killing level 5 mobs? Something is WAY off balance.

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

And i CAN understand why they did that – because if there’s too high a chance then Everyone could get an exotic/rare – and thats the problem,
I personally believe that instead of each individual having xx chance of exotic/rares it should be:
The Boss ‘Knows’ how many players are nearby. The amount of Players determines the amount of Bands. A certain amount of rares/exotics are available from each band – no more/ no less.
The amount of players needed for each band could be linear or scaled.
For example Every 10 players creates a band.
OR 1-10players =Band; 11-30 = Band; 31-60players=Band
Every band has 1 exotic and 2 rares available – Once these have been received from the chest, they are no longer available BUT if they have not been received By the time the last player from that band loots then that player will receive the items.
Of course the numbers used for players per band and the amount/quality of drops are only used for example.
At least this way you have a GUARANTEED chance of a ‘good’ loot. Especially for the smaller groups. At the moment (because of the way the rng is worked out) there is more chance of an exotic to drop for a large group (that defeated the Boss) than a small group. If you have an individual xx chance of getting good loot, then it will take xx people for that good loot to be probable within the whole group.

Heres a very simple fix . . . . Multiply the coin recieved by 10 That would be a start – Heck even an increase of x5 would be good.

And Obviously uniques/precursors still have a 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of being a reward

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

In most MMO’s risk = reward. Here, risk > reward…….a lot > reward. I was grinding in Queensdale today on my level 80 doing my daily, and I had 2 rares drop from trash mobs within 20 mins. What’s the incentive to blow consumables and repair money when I get better loot killing level 5 mobs? Something is WAY off balance.

Today: Had skritt (trash) drop 2 rares within half hour with only 20mf – after 2 deaths by the high wizard repair>reward thats why i’ve had to post- been on my mind for a looong time but that spatial surge was the one that broke the asurans back

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

Think about this for a minute.

If you were locked out of doing the event for a week at a time, I could see them upping the drop rates on rares and exotics, but with the event resetting every couple hours it really doesn’t make sense.

There are lots of meta events with big chests – there are ~170 dragon events alone each week. If they all dropped rares and exotics for everyone we’d be vendoring them the way we do blues and greens now.

Maybe what we should be asking for is an event with a reaaaally long reset timer that drops better loot

SEE my post 2 above – you’d see that just wouldnt be the case
WHEN you want rares/exotics where do you go? – Trash mobs

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


You sent a support ticket because you didn’t like the drops? Way to waste supports time. Unless you think this is a game bug, but since there are threads here analyzing the drop rate, all you’re doing is wasting supports time. Maybe a bug report, but a support ticket?

What do you think support can do for you? Give you a rare?

That’s just misuse of customer support.

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Personally i think the big chests for those chain events should be upped by at least a factor of 20 if not 50 for the loot drops.

And then limit them to a once a 24 hour period, you can keep doing the events if you wish but limit the chest to redrop loot only every 24 hours per account.

This was if you fight your way thourgh a high level champion the loot drop will be worth it, and with a 24 hour chest reset people will be unable to farm them.

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


Abuse the system. Don’t participate until the last 1% and enjoy the same rewards as those who just spent all that time and effort completing the event.

Currently, time and effort isn’t rewarded at all and zerging actually increases the rewards you receive. Additionally, the more people in the zerg, the less effort each individual has to put in. You’re actually rewarded for not trying. It’s the flaw with the shared, everyone is equal, loot system.

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zolihan.8674


I’d be happy with my endless run of green loot if I scored some high quality mats from the large chest as well. At least then I will get something useful for my time and effort.

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ohliufff.8160


The big issue for me is i catch myself grinding trolls for dropping better loot, then going in with the group to kill champions or bosses.
Last time i bothered was this Champion Karka which took my party 20-30 min to kill and we all got 1 rare item out of it. Everyone was like “well this is bs”.
Please make some changes to the reward system, because people are starting to give up on challenging things and go for the easy tasks….

[BOO]KhanKubrat – Small Onel for life
Seafarer’s Rest

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ouroboros.5076


I think the OVERALL drop rate is ok, it IS possible to make money and to drop exotics, it’s just the distribution of them that is absurd. It’s the fact that the effort of participating to big events or to kill bosses does not seem worth the investment as the average mob have seemingly almost the same loot tables.

Two days ago, I spent two hours in Orr. I do many different events including two temples and defend the gates of Arah. I get nothing from the bosses or chests, but I drop two or three yellows on trash during the events. But before logging out I just walk a bit here and there, in some lost corners of the map, and kill an undead eagle … and it drops me “Shield of the Wing”.

That is the problem. It’s almost like having a developer next to you telling you to let those kitten temples down and go hunt some undead eagles.

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


Think about this for a minute.

If you were locked out of doing the event for a week at a time, I could see them upping the drop rates on rares and exotics, but with the event resetting every couple hours it really doesn’t make sense.

There are lots of meta events with big chests – there are ~170 dragon events alone each week. If they all dropped rares and exotics for everyone we’d be vendoring them the way we do blues and greens now.

Maybe what we should be asking for is an event with a reaaaally long reset timer that drops better loot


They can’t just make every chest spat out Rares and Exotics. There’s too much of them going on with a short and FIXED reset timer. Either they up the rewards BUT do something about how big world event chains reset or apply some sort of DR for every chest opened per day or per a certain time period OR they can even make these events more CHALLENGING and not predictable. And when I say challenging, I don’t mean a zerg which can totally ignore and make the mechanics of the boss fights obsolete and just spam auto attack on the target while watching the Grammy Awards.

I want an actual dragon fight. I don’t want just an eyecandy dragon that stands there waiting for me to shine up his shoes. Some sort of time limit in the event itself wherein if you fail to slay the dragon or prevent a dragon’s objectives, the Event actually FAILS. A much more engaging combat for a massive ZERG and not an event which only dynamically scale for 10 or 15 players.

Do you really think those dragon event’s wherein you pedicure the dragon’s foot for 5 to 10 minutes every 2 hours or so is worth an exotic gear? Seriously.. -_-

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

(edited by Gallrvaghn.4921)

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I have never gotten a rare from a chest, any rare, any chest.
The best I get is the occasional green.
Last time I killed the Shadow Behemoth I got 4 greens and I was so shocked I did a little dance.
The only rares I’ve gotten have been off random trash mobs, once I even got an exotic off a mosquito- man i was hunting mosquito’s there for a while!

I understand that if chests dropped rares and exotics they would be farmed to oblivion but really hard/long events chains like meta’s and Temple events should at least have a higher drop rate to be on par with the time invested and difficulty of the fight.

Gunnar’s Hold

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raire.7983


Open world PvE rewards are garbage across the board. I haven’t had 1 exotic drop in over 700 hours of play. It’s a joke – I don’t use anything I’m given, it’s all vendor/salvage trash. The rares I’ve had (very rarely) only ever come with common skins. Even map reward exotics have been under-leveled bland junk.

They might as well reduce everything down to gambling chips, to throw in the mystic toilet – it would be more honest.

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


The loot drops in general are among the lowest in the industry for time vs risk x reward. Look at the argument about champions, they claim to have ‘upped’ the loot, I killed two in the past hour and both dropped blues.

protest this travesty of a patch -
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


Think about this for a minute.

If you were locked out of doing the event for a week at a time, I could see them upping the drop rates on rares and exotics, but with the event resetting every couple hours it really doesn’t make sense.

There are lots of meta events with big chests – there are ~170 dragon events alone each week. If they all dropped rares and exotics for everyone we’d be vendoring them the way we do blues and greens now.

Maybe what we should be asking for is an event with a reaaaally long reset timer that drops better loot


They can’t just make every chest spat out Rares and Exotics. There’s too much of them going on with a short and FIXED reset timer. Either they up the rewards BUT do something about how big world event chains reset or apply some sort of DR for every chest opened per day or per a certain time period OR they can even make these events more CHALLENGING and not predictable. And when I say challenging, I don’t mean a zerg which can totally ignore and make the mechanics of the boss fights obsolete and just spam auto attack on the target while watching the Grammy Awards.

I want an actual dragon fight. I don’t want just an eyecandy dragon that stands there waiting for me to shine up his shoes. Some sort of time limit in the event itself wherein if you fail to slay the dragon or prevent a dragon’s objectives, the Event actually FAILS. A much more engaging combat for a massive ZERG and not an event which only dynamically scale for 10 or 15 players.

Do you really think those dragon event’s wherein you pedicure the dragon’s foot for 5 to 10 minutes every 2 hours or so is worth an exotic gear? Seriously.. -_-

Gah, I hate this “You should have to WORK in a game” opinion.
It poisoned MMOs long ago.
If I want to be effective at trying different builds, it shouldn’t take me a week or more of grinding to get a full set of the relevant equipment. It should be darn well near instant.
The grind should be purely cosmetic.
This is how it was in the first Guild Wars where the wider MMO crowd had no influence, and it’s the way it should be here, but ArenaNet keep bowing to pressure from morons who think time played > skill.

Please note that due to restrictions placed on my account, I am only allowed 1 post per hour.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

Event Chest Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

You sent a support ticket because you didn’t like the drops? Way to waste supports time. Unless you think this is a game bug, but since there are threads here analyzing the drop rate, all you’re doing is wasting supports time. Maybe a bug report, but a support ticket?

What do you think support can do for you? Give you a rare?

That’s just misuse of customer support.

I’ve sent two tickets to support about drops
First was a ticket about DR that got a quick response
The second ticket was about the loot drop from champions and how they’ve (quote) “the drops from champions have increased” BUT after after soloing 5 (onlevel) champs the best item i had was a blue sword the other 2 drops were grey worthless and two champs dropped nothing. . . surprisingly i’ve had no response to this ticket.
Any other tickets i’ve sent in regarding bugs have had a speedy response

Customer Support has two words: Customer (Thats me) & Support (Thats what i need) .