Event completer daily - scaling

Event completer daily - scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: circuitnerd.5863


Can you please make it so that the events scale? On days when we have event completer the enemies die so incredibly fast it’s often hard to get a hit in. It’s very annoying and it causes the events to complete too quickly. It’s frustrating when you’re running from a waypoint to an event to have it finish just as you’re about to get there. Thanks.

Certified Gameaholic

Event completer daily - scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I second this motion.

This, and the change of daily events from region wide daily events to single map daily events is the reason why I stopped doing this daily unless it’s on a high level map. Packing everyone and their dog on a single map causes friction and arguments as events end almost as soon as they begin and while people are still running to reach them.

My vote

1) change daily events back to region wide to spread out people so everyone isn’t on the same map and events aren’t being swamped by hordes of people trying to do them.
2) better scaling so that event mobs aren’t being instantly killed at spawn by people standing at spawn points and spamming aoe.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Event completer daily - scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


They do scale, it’s just that low level events are scaled for low level players. A zerg of 80s in a level 80 zone is already doing over 4x their individual damage, hence the broken scaling in general, and it only gets worse at lower levels. The problem is, who do they balance for? Zerkers doing 2x the damage with another 4x on top of that from group buffs? That’s why scaling will always be broken, since there’s a huge gap in power.

If they were to buff the lower levels, they’re going to nerf you by further reducing your stats while downscaled.

Event completer daily - scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Yeah this is an issue with downscaling players, not upscaling events. I am doing world completion on my necro at the moment and low level zones are just mindnumbingly dull. I could pull 20 mobs on me and still kill them without effort – and thats on a tank/healer wvw support build thats in no way designed for pve.

This has always been an issue and the insane HoT power creep didnt exactly help matters.

Event completer daily - scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


I see this as a multi-faceted issue. First I believe ANet should change it to being a regional reward rather than map specific. If they can find a way to scale the rewards for completing on higher level maps that’d be even better.

On the player side, if people are going to call events they need to learn how to do it properly. But at the same time, I realize players have real life commitments and other things to do but rather than get frustrated over chasing events, learn the maps and camp out areas for your own events. Half the time I can get my four events before those who go chasing ghosts.

(edited by TempestMoon.5403)